\n \n \n Podmioty powiązane\n Podgląd lisy podmiotów powiązanych z systemem\n \n \n \n Filtruj podmioty\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
Nazwa podmiotu {{element.name}} Aktywny \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n \n \n\n \n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface KEOCardDto { \n /**\n * Id karty ewidencji odpadów\n */\n keoId?: string;\n /**\n * Numer karty\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod odpadu\n */\n wasteCode?: string;\n /**\n * Utworzone przez użytkownika\n */\n createdByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Czy może być usunięta\n */\n canBeDeleted?: boolean;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { FormControl } from \"@angular/forms\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { debounceTime, startWith, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, CorrectRequest, ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { ConfirmReciveDialogComponent } from \"../confirm-recive-dialog/confirm-recive-dialog.component\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-revise-card-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./revise-card-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./revise-card-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ReviseCardDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n remarks = \"\";\n working = false;\n wasteCodeDescription = \"\";\n wasteCodeModel: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto;\n loading = true;\n wasteMassValue = \"\";\n wasteCode = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteCodes: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto[];\n filteredWasteCodes: Observable;\n\n details?: CorrectRequest;\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private alertService: AlertService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.extendedKpoService.getKpoDetails(this.data.model.kpoId, \"REJECTED\", BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1).subscribe((card) => {\n this.details = {\n hazardousWasteReclassification: card.hazardousWasteReclassification,\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription: card.hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription,\n wasteCodeExtended: card.wasteCodeExtended,\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription: card.wasteCodeExtendedDescription,\n wasteMass: card.wasteMass,\n wasteCodeId: card.wasteCodeId,\n };\n console.log(card);\n this.remarks = card.remarks;\n this.wasteMassValue = card.wasteMass.toString();\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodes().subscribe((allWasteCodes) => {\n this.wasteCodeModel = allWasteCodes.find((x) => x.wasteCodeId === card.wasteCodeId);\n if (this.wasteCodeModel != undefined) this.wasteCode.setValue(this.wasteCodeModel.code);\n this.loading = false;\n });\n });\n\n this.filteredWasteCodes = this.wasteCode.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodes(value)),\n tap((w) => (this.copyOfWasteCodes = w))\n );\n }\n\n wasteCodeActivated($event) {\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === $event.option.value);\n this.details.wasteCodeId = this.wasteCodeModel.wasteCodeId;\n }\n\n wasteCodeFocusout($event) {\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === $event.option.value);\n\n if (this.wasteCodeModel === undefined) {\n this.wasteCode.setErrors({ notUnique: true });\n }\n }\n\n parseWasteMass($event) {\n if (this.wasteMassValue.indexOf(\",\") !== -1) {\n this.wasteMassValue = this.wasteMassValue.replace(\",\", \".\");\n }\n const parsedMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n if (Number.isNaN(parsedMass)) {\n this.wasteMassValue = \"\";\n this.details.wasteMass = undefined;\n return;\n }\n this.details.wasteMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n this.wasteMassValue = parsedMass.toFixed(4).replace(\".\", \",\");\n }\n\n clearWasteCodeExtendedDescription(value) {\n if (value) this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = undefined;\n }\n\n clearHazardousWasteReclassificationDescription(value) {\n if (value) this.details.hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription = undefined;\n }\n\n confirm(form) {\n if (!form.valid) return;\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.revise(this.data.model.kpoId, this.details).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie skorygowano kartę.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas korygowania karty\", MessageType.Info);\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","

Korygowanie karty

\n \n Uwagi\n \n \n\n \n Kod odpadów\n \n Niewłaściwy kod odpadu\n \n {{ option.code }} - {{ option.description }} \n \n \n\n \n Masa odpadów [Tony]\n \n \n\n
\n Kod EX\n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n \n \n\n
\n Inne niż niebezp. \n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { switchMap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../services/role.service\";\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-confirm-recive-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./confirm-recive-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./confirm-recive-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ConfirmReciveDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n working = false;\n receiver = \"\";\n wasteMass = 1;\n remarks = \"\";\n\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private alertService: AlertService, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.roleService.role$\n .pipe(\n untilDestroyed(this),\n switchMap((role) => this.extendedKpoService.getKpoDetails(this.data.model.kpoId, \"CONFIRMATION_GENERATED\", role == \"CARRIER\" ? BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_2 : BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1))\n )\n .subscribe((res) => (this.wasteMass = res.wasteMass));\n }\n\n confirm() {\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.assignReceiveConfirmation(this.data.model.kpoId, this.receiver, this.wasteMass, this.remarks).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie przejęto odpad.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas przejmowania odpadu\", MessageType.Info);\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","

Potwierdź przejęcie odpadu

\n \n Masa [Tony]\n \n \n \n Uwagi\n \n \n
\n \n \n
","\n \n Wykaz użytkowników\n Zarządzanie kontami użytkowników\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.username }}\n \n \n {{ item.group.name }}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { AlertService } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { UsersService, UserDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialog, MatDialogRef } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { DriverWizardComponent } from \"./driver-wizard/driver-wizard.component\";\nimport { DispatcherWizardComponent } from \"./dispatcher-wizard/dispatcher-wizard.component\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-drivers\",\n templateUrl: \"./drivers.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./drivers.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class DriversComponent implements OnInit {\n isLoading = false;\n results: UserDto[];\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n constructor(private alertService: AlertService, private userService: UsersService, private dialog: MatDialog, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n\n role: string;\n\n filteredResults$ = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.load(observer);\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n load(observer) {\n const startIndex = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;\n const filteredResults = this.results.slice(startIndex, Math.min(startIndex + this.paginator.pageSize, this.paginator.length));\n observer.next(filteredResults);\n }\n\n reloadData() {\n this.isLoading = true;\n this.userService.getAllAssigned().subscribe((result: UserDto[]) => {\n this.results = result.filter((f) => f.group.name === \"Kierowca\" || f.group.name === \"Dyspozytor\" || f.group.name === \"Transportujący\");\n this.paginator.length = result.length;\n this.isLoading = false;\n });\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n\n openWizard(type: \"dispatcher\" | \"driver\", mode: string, element = {}) {\n let dialogRef: MatDialogRef;\n switch (type) {\n case \"dispatcher\":\n dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DispatcherWizardComponent, {\n data: { mode: mode, user: { ...element } },\n width: \"500px\",\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n break;\n case \"driver\":\n dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DriverWizardComponent, {\n data: { mode: mode, user: { ...element } },\n width: \"500px\",\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n break;\n }\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\n if (result) {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n });\n }\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { ActivatedRoute, Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { delay, take } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { UserService } from \"../../../../../api\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-landing-page\",\n templateUrl: \"./landing-page.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./landing-page.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class LandingPageComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private userService: UserService) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.route.queryParams.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((params) => this.router.navigateByUrl(params.redirect));\n },\n (error) => this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\")\n );\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n {{ childRoute.data.title }}\n \n \n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { Route } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { AuthGuard, CanDeactivateGuard } from \"../../guards/auth.guard\";\r\nimport { ArchiveComponent } from \"../pages/archive/archive.component\";\r\nimport { CarsComponent } from \"../pages/cars/cars.component\";\r\nimport { CompanyDetailsComponent } from \"../pages/company-details/company-details.component\";\r\nimport { DashboardComponent } from \"../pages/dashboard/dashboard.component\";\r\nimport { DriversComponent } from \"../pages/drivers/drivers.component\";\r\nimport { RealisingNowComponent } from \"../pages/realising-now/realising-now.component\";\r\nimport { StatsComponent } from \"../pages/stats/stats.component\";\r\nimport { FilingComponent } from \"../pages/filing/filing.component\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { WasteRecordCardsComponent } from \"../pages/waste-record-cards/waste-record-cards.component\";\r\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../services/role.service\";\r\nimport { ReportComponent } from \"../pages/report/report.component\";\r\n\r\n@UntilDestroy()\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-mobile-footer\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./mobile-footer.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./mobile-footer.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class MobileFooterComponent implements OnInit {\r\n public routing: Route[] = [\r\n {\r\n path: \"dashboard\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Moje BDO\",\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"carrier-kpo\",\r\n component: DashboardComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Tablica zadań\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"realising-now\",\r\n component: RealisingNowComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Aktualnie realizowane zlecenia\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_aktuane-zlecenia.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_aktuane-zlecenia_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"archive\",\r\n component: ArchiveComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Archiwum KPO\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n },\r\n\r\n {\r\n path: \"report\",\r\n component: ReportComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Raport\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"my-company\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Moja firma\",\r\n asExtended: true,\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n // {\r\n // path: \"details\",\r\n // component: CompanyDetailsComponent,\r\n // data: {\r\n // title: \"Dane firmy\",\r\n // icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy.png\",\r\n // activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy_aktywny.png\",\r\n // },\r\n // canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n // canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n // },\r\n\r\n {\r\n path: \"filing\",\r\n component: FilingComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Dodaj odpady do ewidencji\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"filed-cards\",\r\n component: WasteRecordCardsComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Ewidencja odpadów\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"drivers\",\r\n component: DriversComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Wykaz użytkowników\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"cars\",\r\n component: CarsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Wykaz pojazdów\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-pojazdow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-pojazdow_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"stats\",\r\n component: StatsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Statystyka\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n\r\n role: string;\r\n constructor(cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\r\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\r\n }\r\n\r\n ngOnInit(): void {}\r\n\r\n shouldRenderItem(route) {\r\n return route.data.showInRoles == undefined || route.data.showInRoles.indexOf(this.role) != -1;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","export * from './authentication.service';\nimport { AuthenticationService } from './authentication.service';\nexport * from './backup.service';\nimport { BackupService } from './backup.service';\nexport * from './cars.service';\nimport { CarsService } from './cars.service';\nexport * from './console.service';\nimport { ConsoleService } from './console.service';\nexport * from './draftCards.service';\nimport { DraftCardsService } from './draftCards.service';\nexport * from './driverApp.service';\nimport { DriverAppService } from './driverApp.service';\nexport * from './extendedKpo.service';\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from './extendedKpo.service';\nexport * from './groups.service';\nimport { GroupsService } from './groups.service';\nexport * from './mobileApp.service';\nimport { MobileAppService } from './mobileApp.service';\nexport * from './recordCard.service';\nimport { RecordCardService } from './recordCard.service';\nexport * from './serverManagement.service';\nimport { ServerManagementService } from './serverManagement.service';\nexport * from './subjectAuthentication.service';\nimport { SubjectAuthenticationService } from './subjectAuthentication.service';\nexport * from './user.service';\nimport { UserService } from './user.service';\nexport * from './users.service';\nimport { UsersService } from './users.service';\nexport * from './version.service';\nimport { VersionService } from './version.service';\nexport * from './wasteTransferCard.service';\nimport { WasteTransferCardService } from './wasteTransferCard.service';\nexport const APIS = [AuthenticationService, BackupService, CarsService, ConsoleService, DraftCardsService, DriverAppService, ExtendedKpoService, GroupsService, MobileAppService, RecordCardService, ServerManagementService, SubjectAuthenticationService, UserService, UsersService, VersionService, WasteTransferCardService];\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-choose-location-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./choose-location-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./choose-location-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ChooseLocationDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n displayedColumns: string[] = [\"name\", \"radio\"];\n dataSource = null;\n locations = [];\n\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\n ) {}\n\n set(val): void {\n this.dialogRef.close(val);\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyHeadquarters().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.dataSource = result;\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Niepoprawny klucz API\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","

Wybór siedziby firmy

\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n
MPD {{element.number}} Adres \r\n
\r\n \r\n
","export * from './approveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest';\nexport * from './bDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto';\nexport * from './backupEntry';\nexport * from './bdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto';\nexport * from './bdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType';\nexport * from './carDto';\nexport * from './cardDetailsResponse';\nexport * from './changesRegisterEntityDto';\nexport * from './companySearchResultDto';\nexport * from './correctRequest';\nexport * from './deviceTokenCreationDto';\nexport * from './diskUsageDto';\nexport * from './draftCardChangeEntityDto';\nexport * from './draftCardDto';\nexport * from './elevatedCarrierKpoCardDto';\nexport * from './elevatedDriverKpoDto';\nexport * from './elevatedSenderKpoCardDto';\nexport * from './filteredPaginatedRequest';\nexport * from './groupDto';\nexport * from './kEOCardDetailsDto';\nexport * from './kEOCardDto';\nexport * from './kEOCardDtoPaginatedResult';\nexport * from './kEOCollecteddDto';\nexport * from './kEOForwardedDto';\nexport * from './kEOGeneratedDto';\nexport * from './keoGeneratedListItemDto';\nexport * from './logEntryDto';\nexport * from './markForFillingRequest';\nexport * from './passwordChangeRequestDto';\nexport * from './passwordRecoveryRequestDto';\nexport * from './permissionDto';\nexport * from './searchRequestDto';\nexport * from './searchResultDto';\nexport * from './searchResultItemDto';\nexport * from './subjectCreationDto';\nexport * from './subjectDto';\nexport * from './subjectWhitelistCreationDto';\nexport * from './tasksResponseDto';\nexport * from './userCredentials';\nexport * from './userDto';\nexport * from './wasteCodeDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsOrder';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsPage';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsPaginationParameters';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoCollectedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoForwardedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoGeneratedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1PaginatedPageKeoCollectedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1PaginatedPageKeoForwardedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1PaginatedPageKeoGeneratedListItem';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ConfirmationGeneratedKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1GetWithdrawnKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsSenderSearchResultDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto';\nexport * from './wasteTransferCardDetailsDto';\nexport * from './wasteTransferCardDto';\nexport * from './wasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDto';\nexport * from './wasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDtoPaginatedResult';\nexport * from './withdrawRequest';\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest { \n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Data i godzina rozpoczęcia transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id rodzaju procesu przetwarzania\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n}","


\n \n Imię\n \n \n \n Nazwisko\n \n \n
\n \n E-Mail\n \n \n\n \n Numer telefonu\n +48  \n \n \n\n \n Rola\n \n \n\n \n Nowe hasło\n \n \n {{hidePassword ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'}}\n \n \n\n
\n \n \n\n\n\n
","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { ErrorStateMatcher } from \"@angular/material/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { FormControl, Validators } from \"@angular/forms\";\nimport { GroupDto, UserDto, UsersService, GroupsService, UserService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from \"../../pages/users/user-wizard/user-wizard.component\";\nimport { VirtualTimeScheduler } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { Group } from \"../../../../../api/model/group\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-user-wizard-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./user-wizard-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./user-wizard-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class UserWizardDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n password: string;\n hidePassword = true;\n sendMail = false;\n\n userGroups: GroupDto[];\n user: UserDto = { firstName: \"\", lastName: \"\", username: \"\" };\n\n constructor(private groupService: GroupsService, private userService: UserService, private alertService: AlertService, public dialog: MatDialogRef, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) {}\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.userService\n .getCurrentUser()\n .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))\n .subscribe((user) => {\n this.user = user;\n });\n\n this.groupService.getAll().subscribe((value) => {\n this.userGroups = value;\n });\n }\n\n getUserGroup(): GroupDto {\n return this.userGroups?.find((g) => g.id === this.user.groupId);\n }\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n this.userService.passwordChange({ password: this.password }).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie zaktualizowano hasło\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialog.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas próby zmiany hasła\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto {\n eup: string;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod odpadu\n */\n wasteCode?: string;\n /**\n * Opis kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Status Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przekazującego\n */\n senderName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przejmującego\n */\n receiverName?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets KpoLastModifiedAt\n */\n kpoLastModifiedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przekazującego\n */\n senderFirstNameAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przejmującego\n */\n receiverFirstAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Numer korekty\n */\n revisionNumber?: number;\n /**\n * Data odrzucenia\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","\n \n \n \n Tablica zadań \n Zarządzanie zadaniami wymagającymi interakcji \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.cardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteCode }}\n \n {{ item.user.firstName }} {{ item.user.lastName }} \n \n {{ item.vehicleRegNumber }}\n \n \n \n {{ item.cardStatus }}\n {{ item.user ? \" - oczekiwanie na podjęcie odpadu\" : \"\" }}\n \n \n {{ item.plannedTransportTime | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n \n \n {{ item.eup }}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\r\nimport { AfterViewInit, Component, HostListener, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\r\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { combineLatest, Observable, of, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { catchError, debounceTime, map, startWith, switchMap, take, tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\r\nimport { BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, DraftCardDto, ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\r\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\r\nimport { BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\r\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { RejectCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/reject-card-dialog/reject-card-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent } from \"../realising-now/confirm-withdrawal-dialog/confirm-withdrawal-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"../realising-now/generate-confirmation-dialog/generate-confirmation-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { SelectDriverDialogComponent } from \"../realising-now/select-driver-dialog/select-driver-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { PlannedCardEditDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/planned-card-edit-dialog/planned-card-edit-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { PlannedCardApprovalDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/planned-card-approval-dialog/planned-card-approval-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { PlannedCardRemovalDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/planned-card-removal-dialog/planned-card-removal-dialog.component\";\r\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\r\n\r\n@UntilDestroy()\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-dashboard\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./dashboard.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./dashboard.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class DashboardComponent implements AfterViewInit {\r\n loading = true;\r\n error = false;\r\n role: string;\r\n\r\n reloadRequest$: Subject = new Subject();\r\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\r\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\r\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\r\n\r\n filteredResult$: Observable<(DraftCard | KpoCard)[]>;\r\n\r\n filterCardStatuses = [\r\n { label: \"Planowane\", value: \"PLANNED\" },\r\n { label: \"Zatwierdzone\", value: \"APPROVED\" },\r\n ];\r\n\r\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\r\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\r\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\r\n hasRejected = false;\r\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private router: Router, private messagingService: MessagingService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\r\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => {\r\n this.role = r;\r\n this.filterCardStatuses =\r\n this.role == \"CARRIER\"\r\n ? undefined\r\n : [\r\n { label: \"Planowane\", value: \"PLANNED\" },\r\n { label: \"Zatwierdzone\", value: \"APPROVED\" },\r\n ];\r\n if (this.bdoFilter) {\r\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName = \"APPROVED\";\r\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\r\n }\r\n\r\n console.log(\"changing bdo filters\", this.bdoFilter?.advancedQuery?.cardStatusCodeName);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\r\n this.filteredResult$ = combineLatest([this.reloadRequest$.pipe(startWith(0)), this.paginator.page.pipe(startWith(0)), this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(startWith(0)), this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.pipe(startWith(0)), this.roleService.role$.pipe(startWith(0)), this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(startWith(0))]).pipe(\r\n debounceTime(600),\r\n untilDestroyed(this),\r\n tap(() => {\r\n this.error = false;\r\n this.loading = true;\r\n }),\r\n switchMap((s) => {\r\n return this.cardService.getDashboardCards(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery, this.paginator.pageIndex, this.paginator.pageSize).pipe(\r\n tap((cards) => {\r\n this.paginator.length = cards.totalItemsCount;\r\n this.cardService\r\n .getRealisingNowCards({ ...this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery, cardStatusCodeName: \"REJECTED\" }, 0, 2)\r\n .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))\r\n .subscribe((rejected) => {\r\n this.hasRejected = rejected.totalItemsCount > 0;\r\n });\r\n }),\r\n catchError((error) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\r\n console.error(error);\r\n return of(error);\r\n }),\r\n map((cards) =>\r\n cards.items.map((m) => {\r\n const kpoCard = m as KpoCard;\r\n return {\r\n ...m,\r\n user: kpoCard ? cards.userAttributions[kpoCard.kpoId] : undefined,\r\n };\r\n })\r\n ),\r\n tap((cards) => {\r\n this.loading = false;\r\n this.error = false;\r\n })\r\n );\r\n })\r\n );\r\n this.handleRefresh();\r\n }\r\n\r\n loadEupInfo(item: KpoCard) {\r\n this.roleService.role$\r\n .pipe(\r\n untilDestroyed(this),\r\n switchMap((role) => this.extendedKpoService.getKpoDetails(item.kpoId, item.cardStatusCodeName, role == \"CARRIER\" ? BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_2 : BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1).pipe(switchMap((details) => this.extendedKpoService.getEupDetails(details.senderEupId))))\r\n )\r\n .subscribe((r) => (item.eup = r.registrationNumber + \" \" + r.name));\r\n }\r\n\r\n handleRefresh() {\r\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\r\n onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\r\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\r\n }\r\n\r\n getLastModificationDate(kpo: any) {\r\n if (kpo.creationDateTime === undefined) {\r\n kpo.creationDateTime = kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt;\r\n }\r\n return kpo.creationDateTime === undefined ? kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt : kpo.creationDateTime;\r\n }\r\n\r\n openCardCreationDialog() {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(NewKpoDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"1100px\",\r\n data: {},\r\n panelClass: \"full-screen-dialog\",\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\r\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName == result;\r\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\r\n if (card.cardStatusCodeName === \"APPROVED\" || card.cardStatusCodeName === \"PLANNED\") {\r\n this.dialog.open(KpoDetailsDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"950px\",\r\n data: { model: card },\r\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n this.dialog.open(ViewDraftCardDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"950px\",\r\n data: { model: card },\r\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n openDriverSelectionDialog(card): void {\r\n const model = { ...card };\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SelectDriverDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"550px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...model } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openReceiverSelectionDialog(card: DraftCardDto): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SelectReceiverDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"950px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...card } },\r\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openCardRejectionDialog(card): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(RejectCardDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"750px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...card } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openConfirmationGenerationDialog(element): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"550px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...element } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openPlannedCardEditDialog(element): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(PlannedCardEditDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"1100px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...element } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openPlannedCardApprovalDialog(element, mode = \"approve\"): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(PlannedCardApprovalDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"550px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...element }, mode: mode },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openPlannedRemovalDialog(element): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(PlannedCardRemovalDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"550px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...element } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n openCardWithdrawalDialog(element): void {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"550px\",\r\n data: { model: { ...element } },\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\r\n }\r\n\r\n redirectToRejected() {\r\n this.router.navigate([\"/dashboard/realising-now\"], { queryParams: { status: \"REJECTED\" } });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-dynamic-file-reader',\n templateUrl: './dynamic-file-reader.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./dynamic-file-reader.component.scss']\n})\nexport class DynamicFileReaderComponent implements OnInit {\n\n files: File[] = [];\n fileUploaded = false;\n progress: number;\n constructor( public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n }\n\n dragFile() {\n const fileReader = new FileReader();\n fileReader.onload = (e) => {\n this.dialog.close(fileReader.result);\n };\n fileReader.readAsText(this.files[0]);\n }\n}\n","
\n get_app\n
Wybierz lub przeciągnij archiwum zawierające aplikację
","import { AfterViewInit, Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-planned-card-approval-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./planned-card-approval-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./planned-card-approval-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class PlannedCardApprovalDialogComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {\n generateRequest: ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest = {};\n\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private alertService: AlertService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {}\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n if (this.data.mode == \"generate\") {\n this.generateRequest.realTransportDate = new Date();\n this.generateRequest.realTransportTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString([], {\n hour: \"2-digit\",\n minute: \"2-digit\",\n });\n this.generateRequest.vehicleRegNumber = this.data.model.vehicleRegNumber;\n }\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n approve() {\n this.extendedKpoService.approvePlanned(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie zatwierdzono kartę\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas zatwierdzania karty\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n\n approveAndGenerateConfirmation() {\n this.extendedKpoService.approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation(this.data.model.kpoId, this.generateRequest, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie zatwierdzono kartę i wygenerowano potwierdzenie\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas zatwierdzania karty\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n}\n","\n

Zmiana statusu karty planowanej

Czy na pewno chcesz zatwierdzić wybraną kartę?
\n \n \n

Zmiana statusu karty planowanej

\n \n Godzina rozpoczęcia transportu\n \n \n\n \n Data rozpoczęcia transportu\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { MatSnackBar } from \"@angular/material/snack-bar\";\r\n\r\nexport enum MessageType {\r\n Error,\r\n Info,\r\n Warning,\r\n Notification,\r\n}\r\n\r\n@Injectable({\r\n providedIn: \"root\",\r\n})\r\nexport class AlertService {\r\n constructor(private snackBar: MatSnackBar) {}\r\n\r\n public showMessage(message: string, label: MessageType) {\r\n let messageLabel;\r\n switch (label) {\r\n case MessageType.Error:\r\n messageLabel = \"Błąd\";\r\n break;\r\n case MessageType.Info:\r\n messageLabel = \"Informacja\";\r\n break;\r\n case MessageType.Warning:\r\n messageLabel = \"Ostrzeżenie\";\r\n break;\r\n case MessageType.Notification:\r\n messageLabel = \"Powiadomienie\";\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n this.snackBar.open(message, messageLabel, {\r\n duration: 5000,\r\n horizontalPosition: \"right\",\r\n verticalPosition: \"top\",\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { BehaviorSubject, ReplaySubject, Subject } from \"rxjs\";\r\n\r\n@Injectable()\r\nexport class RoleService {\r\n public role$: BehaviorSubject<\"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined>;\r\n private currentRole: \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined;\r\n\r\n constructor(private cookieService: CookieService) {\r\n this.role$ = new BehaviorSubject<\"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined>((cookieService.get(\"role\") as \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined) ?? \"CARRIER\");\r\n this.currentRole = (cookieService.get(\"role\") as \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined) ?? \"CARRIER\";\r\n this.role$.subscribe((r) => (this.currentRole = r));\r\n }\r\n\r\n public setRole(role: \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" | undefined) {\r\n this.role$.next(role);\r\n if (role) {\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"role\", role, 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"role\", role, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n public getRole() {\r\n return this.currentRole;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface DeviceTokenCreationDto { \n deviceToken?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs { \n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności\n */\n eupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu\n */\n companyId?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestrowy podmiotu\n */\n registrationNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa miejsca prowadzenia działalności\n */\n name?: string;\n /**\n * Adres\n */\n address?: string;\n /**\n * Numer budynku\n */\n buildingNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Numer lokalu\n */\n localNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod pocztowy\n */\n postalCode?: string;\n /**\n * Teryt\n */\n teryt?: string;\n}","import { Component, Input, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-card-block-field\",\n templateUrl: \"./card-block-field.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./card-block-field.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class CardBlockFieldComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor() {}\n\n @Input() public header: string;\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n}\n","

\n {{header}}: \n \n

","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * BDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto\n */\nexport interface BDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets EupId\n */\n eupId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets CompanyId\n */\n companyId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Name\n */\n name?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets IdentificationNumber\n */\n identificationNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Province\n */\n province?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets District\n */\n district?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Commune\n */\n commune?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Locality\n */\n locality?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Street\n */\n street?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets BuildingNumber\n */\n buildingNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets LocalNumber\n */\n localNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets AddressHtml\n */\n addressHtml?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsActive\n */\n isActive?: boolean;\n}","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from '../../../../helpers/extended-management';\nimport { AlertService } from '../../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from '../user-wizard/user-wizard.component';\nimport { UsersService, UserDto } from '../../../../../../api';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-users-view',\n templateUrl: './users-view.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./users-view.component.scss']\n})\nexport class UsersViewComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\nloading = true;\n displayedColumns = ['select', 'name', 'details'];\n constructor( private alertService: AlertService,\n private userService: UsersService,\n private dialog: MatDialog\n ) { super();}\n openDialog(mode: string, user: UserDto) {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UserWizardComponent,\n {\n data: { mode: mode, user: user },\n width: '500px'\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\n if (result) {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n });\n }\n reloadData() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.userService.getAll().subscribe((result: UserDto[]) => { this.updateTableData(result); });\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n\n\n}\n","\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n  \n \n \n \n \n Nazwa {{element.firstName}} {{element.lastName}} \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n GroupDto,\n UserDto,\n UsersService,\n GroupsService,\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { group } from \"@angular/animations\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-dispatcher-wizard\",\n templateUrl: \"./dispatcher-wizard.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./dispatcher-wizard.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class DispatcherWizardComponent implements OnInit {\n password: string;\n hidePassword = true;\n sendMail = false;\n\n userGroups: GroupDto[];\n user: UserDto = {firstName: '', lastName: '', username: ''};\n\n constructor(private userService: UsersService,\n private groupService: GroupsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) {\n\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.groupService.getAll().subscribe(value => { this.userGroups = value; });\n this.user = this.data.user === undefined ? null : this.data.user;\n }\n\n valueChange($event) {\n this.sendMail = $event.checked;\n }\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n switch (this.data.mode) {\n case 'create':\n this.user.group = this.userGroups.find(g => g.name === 'Dyspozytor');\n this.userService\n .add(this.user, this.password === '' ? null : this.password, this.sendMail)\n .subscribe((result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie dodano dyspozytora', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialog.close(true);\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error));\n break;\n case 'edit':\n this.userService\n .update(this.user.id, this.user, this.password === '' ? null : this.password, this.sendMail)\n .subscribe((result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie zaktualizowano dane dyspozytora', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialog.close(true);\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error));\n break;\n }\n\n }\n\n}\n","

Tworzenie konta





\n\n \n Imię\n \n \n\n \n Nazwisko\n \n \n\n \n E-Mail\n \n \n\n \n Hasło\n Hasło\n \n \n {{hidePassword ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'}}\n \n \n\n \n Numer telefonu\n +48  \n \n \n\n\n\n


\n \n \n \n\n\n\n
","\n \n \n Przekazujący\n


\n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n
\n Wytwarzanie odpadów - w wyniku świadczenia usług (w rozumieniu art. 3 ust. 1 pkt 32 ustawy o odpadach) i/lub działalności w zakresie obiektów liniowych (w rozumieniu art. 3 pkt 3a ustawy - Prawo budowlane) \n
\n \n Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów (gmina)\n \n\n \n\n Niewłaściwe miejsce wytwarzania odpadu\n \n \n {{ option.fulltext }}\n \n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje o miejscu wytwarzania odpadów\n \n \n
\n \n\n Zmień siedzibę\n
\n\n \n Transportujący\n


\n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n \n \n {{ company.name }}\n \n \n \n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n Transportujący\n


\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Przejmujący\n


\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Siedziba przejmującego\n

Siedziba przejmującego

\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Dane szczegółowe\n

Dane szczegółowe

\n \n Kod odpadów\n \n Niewłaściwy kod odpadu\n \n {{ option.code }} - {{ option.description }} \n \n \n\n \n Rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n Niewłaściwy rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n {{ option.codeName + \" - \" + option.name }}\n \n \n \n\n \n Opis procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n\n \n Masa odpadów [Tony]\n \n \n\n \n Planowana data transportu\n \n \n \n \n \n Planowana godzina transportu\n\n \n\n access_time\n\n niepoprawna godzina\n \n\n \n Kierowca\n \n {{ driver.lastName }} {{ driver.firstName }} \n \n \n\n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n\n \n Numer certyfikatu oraz numer pojemników\n \n \n\n
\n Kod EX\n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n \n \n\n
\n Inne niż niebezp. \n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu\n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n","import { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\nimport { Component, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { FormControl } from \"@angular/forms\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { fromEvent, Observable, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { switchMap, tap, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, finalize, startWith } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport {\n ExtendedKpoService,\n UsersService,\n GroupsService,\n DraftCardDto,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs,\n BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto,\n UserDto,\n} from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { CanDeactivateGuard } from \"../../../guards/auth.guard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-planned-card-edit-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./planned-card-edit-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./planned-card-edit-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class PlannedCardEditDialogComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\n private driversService: UsersService,\n private groupsService: GroupsService,\n private roleService: RoleService,\n private router: Router,\n private guard: CanDeactivateGuard,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getKpoDetails(data.model.kpoId, \"PLANNED\").subscribe((details) => {\n this.details = details;\n this.wasteMassValue = this.details.wasteMass.toFixed(4);\n this.plannedTime = new Date(this.details.plannedTransportTime);\n this.plannedDate = new Date(this.details.plannedTransportTime);\n\n this.wasteGeneratedTerytPk.setValue(this.details.wasteGeneratedTeryt.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, \"\"));\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodes(this.details.wasteCode).subscribe((w) => {\n this.copyOfWasteCodes = w;\n\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.wasteCodeId === this.details.wasteCodeId);\n this.wasteCode.setValue(this.wasteCodeModel.code);\n });\n if (this.details.wasteProcessId) {\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteProcessById(this.details.wasteProcessId).subscribe((wasteProcess) => {\n this.wasteProcess.setValue(wasteProcess.codeName);\n this.wasteProcessDescription = wasteProcess.name;\n\n this.wasteProcessModel = wasteProcess;\n this.wasteProcessDescription = this.wasteProcessModel?.name;\n });\n }\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.senderCompanyId).subscribe((c1) => {\n this.senderCompany = c1;\n });\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.carrierCompanyId).subscribe((c1) => {\n this.carrierCompany = c1;\n });\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.receiverCompanyId).subscribe((c1) => {\n this.receiverCompany = c1;\n });\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.details.receiverEupId).subscribe((result) => {\n this.receiverCompanyEup = result;\n });\n });\n }\n\n role: string;\n\n details: DraftCardDto;\n\n senderCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n senderCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n carrierCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n carrierAdditionalCompanies: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs[] = [];\n preselectedCarrierCompanyEx: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n\n carrierCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n receiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\n receiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs;\n preselectedReceiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\n preselectedReceiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs;\n wasteCodeDescription = \"\";\n wasteProcessDescription = \"\";\n wasteCodeModel: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto;\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs;\n wasteProcessModel: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto;\n query = \"\";\n kpoQueryText = \"\";\n regNumber = \"\";\n loading = false;\n addingCard = false;\n plannedTime;\n wasteMassValue = \"\";\n plannedDate;\n subscription = new Subscription();\n drivers: UserDto[];\n driver: UserDto;\n wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions: { [key: string]: string };\n\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs[];\n filteredWasteGeneratedTerytPks: Observable;\n\n wasteCode = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteCodes: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto[] = [];\n filteredWasteCodes: Observable;\n\n wasteProcess = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteProcesses: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto[] = [];\n filteredWasteProcesses: Observable;\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n carrierCompanyChanged() {\n this.carrierCompany = this.carrierCompany;\n console.log(\"changing\");\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions().subscribe((result) => {\n this.wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions = result;\n });\n\n this.groupsService.getAll().subscribe((result) => {\n const groupId = result.find((g) => g.name === \"Kierowca\").id;\n\n this.driversService.getAllAssigned(groupId).subscribe((drivers) => (this.drivers = drivers));\n });\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteProcess(this.data.model.wasteProcess).subscribe((w) => {\n this.copyOfWasteProcesses = w;\n });\n\n this.filteredWasteGeneratedTerytPks = this.wasteGeneratedTerytPk.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getTeryts(value)),\n tap((w) => console.log((this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks = w)))\n );\n\n this.filteredWasteCodes = this.wasteCode.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(this.data.model.wasteCode),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodes(value)),\n tap((w) => (this.copyOfWasteCodes = w))\n );\n\n this.filteredWasteProcesses = this.wasteProcess.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getWasteProcess(value)),\n tap((w) => (this.copyOfWasteProcesses = w))\n );\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getSelfCompany().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.senderCompany = result;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas pobierania danych podmiotu\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.storage.get(\"eupId\")).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.senderCompanyEup = result;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas pobierania danych podmiotu\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n\n parseAddress(address: string) {\n if (address === undefined) {\n return \"\";\n }\n const elements = address.split(\", \");\n const town = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Miejscowość\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n const street = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Ulica\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n return town + (street === undefined ? \"\" : \" ul. \" + street);\n }\n\n setCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.receiverCompany = company;\n console.log(this.receiverCompany);\n }\n\n setCarrierCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.carrierCompany = company;\n console.log(this.carrierCompany);\n }\n\n setEup(eup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs) {\n this.receiverCompanyEup = eup;\n }\n\n formatTime($event) {}\n\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkFocusout($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (optionValue == undefined || optionValue == \"\") return;\n const value = this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks.find((x) => x.fulltext === optionValue);\n if (value) this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel = value;\n console.log(\"WASTEGT\", value);\n }\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkActivated($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (optionValue == undefined || optionValue == \"\") return;\n const value = this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks.find((x) => x.fulltext === optionValue);\n if (value) this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel = value;\n console.log(\"WASTEGT\", value);\n }\n wasteCodeActivated($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined || optionValue == undefined || optionValue == \"\") {\n return;\n }\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === optionValue);\n this.fillWasteCodeExtended(this.wasteCodeModel?.code);\n }\n\n wasteCodeFocusout($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined || optionValue == undefined || optionValue == \"\") {\n return;\n }\n\n console.log(optionValue);\n\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === optionValue);\n\n if (this.wasteCodeModel === undefined) {\n this.wasteCode.setErrors({ notUnique: true });\n }\n\n this.fillWasteCodeExtended(this.wasteCodeModel?.code);\n }\n\n fillWasteCodeExtended(wasteCode) {\n const desc = this.wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions[wasteCode];\n if (desc) {\n this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = desc;\n this.details.wasteCodeExtended = true;\n } else {\n this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = \"\";\n this.details.wasteCodeExtended = false;\n }\n }\n\n wasteProcessActivated($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined || optionValue == undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.wasteProcessModel = this.copyOfWasteProcesses.find((x) => x.codeName === optionValue);\n this.wasteProcessDescription = this.wasteProcessModel?.name;\n }\n\n wasteProcessFocusout($event) {\n const optionValue = $event?.option?.value == undefined || $event?.option?.value == \"\" ? $event?.target?.value : $event?.option?.value;\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined || optionValue == undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.wasteProcessModel = this.copyOfWasteProcesses.find((x) => x.codeName === optionValue);\n this.wasteProcessDescription = this.wasteProcessModel?.name;\n }\n\n parseWasteMass($event) {\n if (this.wasteMassValue.indexOf(\",\") !== -1) {\n this.wasteMassValue = this.wasteMassValue.replace(\",\", \".\");\n }\n const parsedMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n if (Number.isNaN(parsedMass)) {\n this.wasteMassValue = \"\";\n this.details.wasteMass = undefined;\n return;\n }\n this.details.wasteMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n this.wasteMassValue = parsedMass.toFixed(4).replace(\".\", \",\");\n }\n\n timeChangeHandler($event) {\n console.log($event);\n }\n\n extendedCodeChecked($event) {\n console.log($event);\n }\n\n showHeadquarterSelection() {\n this.guard.navigationAllowed = true;\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/headquarter-selection\");\n this.dialogRef.close(false);\n }\n\n updatePlanned(form) {\n if (!form.form.valid) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.addingCard = true;\n this.details.cardStatus = \"Planowana\";\n this.details.wasteCode = this.wasteCodeModel.code;\n this.details.wasteCodeDescription = this.wasteCodeModel.description;\n this.details.wasteCodeId = this.wasteCodeModel.wasteCodeId;\n this.details.wasteProcessId = this.wasteProcessModel?.wasteProcessId;\n this.details.senderCompanyId = this.senderCompany.companyId;\n this.details.senderCompanyName = this.senderCompany.name;\n this.details.senderEupId = this.senderCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyId = this.carrierCompany.companyId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyName = this.carrierCompany.name;\n this.details.receiverCompanyId = this.receiverCompany.companyId;\n this.details.receiverEupId = this.receiverCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.receiverCompanyAddress = this.receiverCompany.address;\n this.details.receiverCompanyName = this.receiverCompany.name;\n this.details.creationDateTime = new Date();\n\n if (this.details.wasteCodeExtended != true) this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = undefined;\n\n if (this.details.hazardousWasteReclassification != true) this.details.hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription = undefined;\n\n if (this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel != undefined) {\n this.details.wasteGeneratedTerytPk = this.details.isWasteGenerating ? this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel.pk : undefined;\n }\n if (!this.details.isWasteGenerating) {\n this.details.wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo = undefined;\n }\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime = this.plannedDate;\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime.setUTCHours(this.plannedTime.getHours(), this.plannedTime.getMinutes());\n\n const driverKey = this.driver ? `[nr. kier. ${this.driver.key}]` : this.details.vehicleRegNumber == \"\" ? undefined : this.details.vehicleRegNumber;\n\n this.extendedKpoService.updatePlanned((this.details as any).kpoId, this.details, driverKey).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie zaktualizowano kartę!\", MessageType.Info);\n this.addingCard = false;\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (e) => {\n // Error calling PlanKpo: {\\\"WasteMass\\\":[\\\"'Waste Mass' must not be empty.\\\"]}\n const error: string = e.error;\n console.log(error);\n const matches = /\\{.*?\\}/g.exec(error);\n let errorMessage = \"\";\n if (matches.length === 1) {\n const json = matches[0].replace(\"\\\\\", \"\");\n const parsed = JSON.parse(json);\n for (const element in parsed) {\n if (parsed[element]) {\n parsed[element].forEach((line) => {\n errorMessage += `\"${line}\", `;\n });\n }\n }\n errorMessage = errorMessage.substr(0, errorMessage.length - 2);\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji karty: \\n\" + errorMessage, MessageType.Error);\n } else {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił niespodziewany podczas dodawania karty\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n this.addingCard = false;\n console.error(error);\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","\n \n Wydruk KPO \n \n Pobieranie kpo o statusie Zrealizowane przejęcie jako plik PDF*

\n ( * ) KPO doładowywane są cyklicznie z urzędowej bazy. Karta, której szukasz może pojawić się w wykazie z kilkuminutowym opóźnieniem.\n
\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCard.wasteCode }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCard.receiverName }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCardDetails.wasteMass }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCardDetails.transportConfirmationTime | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n","import { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { AfterViewInit, Component, HostListener, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { debounceTime, map, take, tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { DraftCardDto, ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto, WasteTransferCardDto, WasteTransferCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { FilingConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filing/filing-confirmation-dialog/filing-confirmation-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { FiledCardDetailsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-card-details/filed-card-details.component\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\n\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-waste-transfer-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./waste-transfer-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./waste-transfer-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class WasteTransferCardsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {\n loading = true;\n error = false;\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n currentPageSize = 0;\n\n filteredResults = [];\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => {\n this.load(observer);\n });\n this.load(observer);\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n this.handleRefresh(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n isWorking: boolean;\n\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private wasteTransferCardService: WasteTransferCardService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService) {}\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n this.currentPageSize = this.paginator.pageSize;\n this.filteredResults$.subscribe((filteredResults) => (this.filteredResults = filteredResults));\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.additionalInfo = \"\";\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n let currentDate = new Date();\n let startDate = new Date(currentDate.valueOf() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14);\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from = startDate;\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to = currentDate;\n }\n\n load(observer) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n\n let skip = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;\n let take = this.paginator.pageSize;\n\n this.wasteTransferCardService\n .getFilteredWasteTransferCards(\n {\n cardNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardNumber,\n cardStatusCodeName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName,\n startTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from,\n endTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to,\n registrationNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber,\n senderName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.senderName,\n wasteCode: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.wasteCode,\n skip: skip,\n take: take,\n additionalInfo: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.additionalInfo,\n },\n undefined,\n undefined,\n this.storage.get(\"eupId\")\n )\n .subscribe(\n (result) => {\n observer.next(result.items);\n this.paginator.length = result.totalItemCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleRefresh(observer) {\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n this.load(observer);\n });\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(untilDestroyed(this), debounceTime(300)).subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n });\n\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n });\n }\n\n @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n this.reloadRequest.next();\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledCardDetailsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.id },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n public saveFile(result: any): void {\n const data = window.URL.createObjectURL(result);\n\n var link = document.createElement(\"a\");\n link.href = data;\n link.download = result.fileName;\n link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(\"click\", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window }));\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n window.URL.revokeObjectURL(data);\n link.remove();\n }, 100);\n\n this.isWorking = false;\n }\n\n anySelected() {\n return this.filteredResults.some((r) => r?.checked);\n }\n\n downloadArchive() {\n this.isWorking = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.getTransportConfirmedCardReport(this.filteredResults.filter((r) => r?.checked).map((r) => r.kpoId)).subscribe((file) => {\n this.saveFile(file);\n });\n }\n\n selectAll() {\n this.filteredResults.forEach((element) => {\n element.checked = true;\n });\n }\n}\n","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\r\nimport {CdkTableModule} from '@angular/cdk/table';\r\nimport {CdkTreeModule} from '@angular/cdk/tree';\r\n\r\nimport { MatAutocompleteModule } from '@angular/material/autocomplete';\r\nimport { MatBadgeModule } from '@angular/material/badge';\r\nimport { MatBottomSheetModule } from '@angular/material/bottom-sheet';\r\nimport { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';\r\nimport { MatButtonToggleModule } from '@angular/material/button-toggle';\r\nimport { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card';\r\nimport { MatCheckboxModule } from '@angular/material/checkbox';\r\nimport { MatChipsModule } from '@angular/material/chips';\r\nimport { MatNativeDateModule, MatRippleModule } from '@angular/material/core';\r\nimport { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/material/datepicker';\r\nimport { MatDialogModule } from '@angular/material/dialog';\r\nimport { MatDividerModule } from '@angular/material/divider';\r\nimport { MatExpansionModule } from '@angular/material/expansion';\r\nimport { MatGridListModule } from '@angular/material/grid-list';\r\nimport { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';\r\nimport { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input';\r\nimport { MatListModule } from '@angular/material/list';\r\nimport { MatMenuModule } from '@angular/material/menu';\r\nimport { MatPaginatorModule } from '@angular/material/paginator';\r\nimport { MatProgressBarModule } from '@angular/material/progress-bar';\r\nimport { MatProgressSpinnerModule } from '@angular/material/progress-spinner';\r\nimport { MatRadioModule } from '@angular/material/radio';\r\nimport { MatSelectModule } from '@angular/material/select';\r\nimport { MatSidenavModule } from '@angular/material/sidenav';\r\nimport { MatSlideToggleModule } from '@angular/material/slide-toggle';\r\nimport { MatSliderModule } from '@angular/material/slider';\r\nimport { MatSnackBarModule } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';\r\nimport { MatSortModule } from '@angular/material/sort';\r\nimport { MatStepperModule } from '@angular/material/stepper';\r\nimport { MatTableModule } from '@angular/material/table';\r\nimport { MatTabsModule } from '@angular/material/tabs';\r\nimport { MatToolbarModule } from '@angular/material/toolbar';\r\nimport { MatTooltipModule } from '@angular/material/tooltip';\r\nimport { MatTreeModule } from '@angular/material/tree';\r\n\r\n@NgModule({\r\n exports: [\r\n CdkTableModule,\r\n CdkTreeModule,\r\n MatAutocompleteModule,\r\n MatBadgeModule,\r\n MatBottomSheetModule,\r\n MatButtonModule,\r\n MatButtonToggleModule,\r\n MatCardModule,\r\n MatCheckboxModule,\r\n MatChipsModule,\r\n MatStepperModule,\r\n MatDatepickerModule,\r\n MatDialogModule,\r\n MatDividerModule,\r\n MatExpansionModule,\r\n MatGridListModule,\r\n MatIconModule,\r\n MatInputModule,\r\n MatListModule,\r\n MatMenuModule,\r\n MatNativeDateModule,\r\n MatPaginatorModule,\r\n MatProgressBarModule,\r\n MatProgressSpinnerModule,\r\n MatRadioModule,\r\n MatRippleModule,\r\n MatSelectModule,\r\n MatSidenavModule,\r\n MatSliderModule,\r\n MatSlideToggleModule,\r\n MatSnackBarModule,\r\n MatSortModule,\r\n MatTableModule,\r\n MatTabsModule,\r\n MatToolbarModule,\r\n MatTooltipModule,\r\n MatTreeModule,\r\n ],\r\n})\r\nexport class MaterialModule {}\r\n\r\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UserService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from \"../../pages/users/user-wizard/user-wizard.component\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-eula-acceptance-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./eula-acceptance-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./eula-acceptance-dialog.component.css\"],\n})\nexport class EulaAcceptanceDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n private userService: UserService,\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\n ) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n accept() {\n this.dialog.close(true);\n }\n\n reject() {\n this.dialog.close(false);\n }\n}\n","


\n Logując się do serwisu BDOsystem danymi wygenerowanymi na podstawie Twojego\n wniosku o rejestrację podmiotu, złożonego na stronie www.bdosystem.pl,\n akceptujesz zapisy\n Regulaminu serwisu\n oraz\n Polityki Prywatności.\n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"../confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-change-role-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./change-role-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./change-role-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ChangeRoleDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n role: \"CARRIER\" | \"SENDER\";\n\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any, private roleService: RoleService) {\n roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((role) => (this.role = role));\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n public setRole(): void {\n this.roleService.setRole(this.role);\n this.dialogRef.close();\n }\n}\n","

Zmień rolę

\n \n przekazujący\n transportujący / łączący role\n \n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { AuthenticationService } from \"../../../../../../api/api/authentication.service\";\r\nimport { Configuration } from \"../../../../../../api/configuration\";\r\nimport { UserService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { MatDialog, MatDialogRef } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { EulaAcceptanceDialogComponent } from \"../../../dialogs/eula-acceptance-dialog/eula-acceptance-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-internal-authentication\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./internal-authentication.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./internal-authentication.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class InternalAuthenticationComponent implements AfterViewInit {\r\n public hidePassword = true;\r\n\r\n @Output() authorized: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();\r\n @ViewChild(\"login\") loginInput: ElementRef;\r\n @ViewChild(\"password\") passwordInput: ElementRef;\r\n\r\n constructor(private alertService: AlertService, private configuration: Configuration, private userService: UserService, private authenticationService: AuthenticationService, private dialog: MatDialog, private router: Router, private cookieService: CookieService) {}\r\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\r\n this.loginInput.nativeElement.value = \"\";\r\n }\r\n\r\n validateForm($event) {}\r\n openEula() {\r\n let dialogRef: MatDialogRef;\r\n\r\n dialogRef = this.dialog.open(EulaAcceptanceDialogComponent, {\r\n data: {},\r\n width: \"500px\",\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.userService.acceptEula().subscribe((r) => {\r\n this.authorized.emit(null);\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"] = null;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n public authenticate(form) {\r\n this.authenticationService.authenticateInternalUser(form.value).subscribe(\r\n (next) => {\r\n this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"] = \"Bearer \" + next;\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"bearer\", next, 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"bearer\", next, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe((u) => {\r\n if (u.group.name === \"Użytkownik\") {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Brak uprawnień\", MessageType.Error);\r\n } else {\r\n if (u.eulaAccepted === false && u.group.name === \"Transportujący\") {\r\n this.openEula();\r\n } else {\r\n this.authorized.emit(null);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n },\r\n (error) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error);\r\n }\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","
\r\n\r\n \r\n e-mail\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n hasło\r\n \r\n \r\n {{hidePassword ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'}}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n
","import { Component, ViewChild, OnDestroy, HostListener, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, DraftCardDto, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto, RecordCardService, KEOCardDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { tap, map, debounceTime } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { AdvancedFilterQuery, BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { FiledCardDetailsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-card-details/filed-card-details.component\";\nimport { FiledCollectedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards/filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\nimport { FiledForwardedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards/filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\nimport { FiledGeneratedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards/filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\n\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-waste-record-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./waste-record-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./waste-record-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class WasteRecordCardsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n public loading = false;\n public error = false;\n carrierName: string;\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n filterCardStatuses: { label: string; value: string }[] = [\n { label: \"Przydzielone\", value: \"APPROVED\" },\n { label: \"Potwierdzenie wygenerowane\", value: \"CONFIRMATION_GENERATED\" },\n { label: \"Zrealizowane przejęcie\", value: \"RECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\" },\n { label: \"Odrzucone\", value: \"REJECTED\" },\n ];\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\n\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.load(observer);\n //this.paginator.page.subscribe((p) => this.load(observer));\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n //this.handleRefresh(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.subscribe(() => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, public recordCardService: RecordCardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.carrierName = this.storage.get(\"SubjectName\");\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.year = new Date().getFullYear().toString();\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber = null;\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.senderName = null;\n }\n\n load(observer) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n //observer.next([]);\n this.recordCardService.getFilteredKEOCards(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.wasteCode ?? null, this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardNumber ?? null, parseInt(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.year), this.paginator.pageIndex + 1, this.paginator.pageSize).subscribe(\n (cards) => {\n console.log(cards.items);\n observer.next(cards.items);\n this.paginator.length = cards.totalItemCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n console.log(\"cards\");\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleRefresh(observer) {\n this.refreshSubscription = this.messagingService.messageReceived$.subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n this.load(observer);\n });\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(debounceTime(800)).subscribe((result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.subscribe((result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this.requestSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n // @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n // onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n // this.reloadRequest.next();\n // }\n\n getLastModificationDate(kpo: any) {\n if (kpo.creationDateTime === undefined) {\n kpo.creationDateTime = kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt;\n }\n return kpo.creationDateTime === undefined ? kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt : kpo.creationDateTime;\n }\n\n openCardCreationDialog() {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(NewKpoDialogComponent, {\n width: \"1100px\",\n data: {},\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName == result;\n this.reloadRequest.next();\n });\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledCardDetailsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.keoId },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openFiledGeneratedWasteRecordCards(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledGeneratedWasteTransferCardsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.keoId },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openFiledCollectedWasteRecordCards(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledCollectedWasteTransferCardsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.keoId },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openFiledForwardedWasteRecordCards(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledForwardedWasteTransferCardsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.keoId },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n}\n","\n \n Ewidencja odpadów \n Wykaz zewidencjonowanych odpadów \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n {{item.cardNumber}}\n \n \n {{item.wasteCodeExtended === true ? \"Tak\" : \"Nie\"}}\n \n \n {{item.createdByUser}}\n \n \n {{item.hazardousWasteReclassification === true ? \"Tak\" : \"Nie\"}}\n \n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest } from '../model/approveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest';\nimport { BDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto } from '../model/bDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto';\nimport { BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto } from '../model/bdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto';\nimport { BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType } from '../model/bdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType';\nimport { CardDetailsResponse } from '../model/cardDetailsResponse';\nimport { ChangesRegisterEntityDto } from '../model/changesRegisterEntityDto';\nimport { CorrectRequest } from '../model/correctRequest';\nimport { DraftCardDto } from '../model/draftCardDto';\nimport { ElevatedCarrierKpoCardDto } from '../model/elevatedCarrierKpoCardDto';\nimport { ElevatedSenderKpoCardDto } from '../model/elevatedSenderKpoCardDto';\nimport { SearchRequestDto } from '../model/searchRequestDto';\nimport { SearchResultDto } from '../model/searchResultDto';\nimport { UserDto } from '../model/userDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto';\nimport { WithdrawRequest } from '../model/withdrawRequest';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class ExtendedKpoService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/ApprovedCard`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addAsPlanned(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addAsPlanned(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsPlanned(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsPlanned(body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/PlannedCard`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addKpoAsCarrier(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addKpoAsCarrier(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addKpoAsCarrier(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addKpoAsCarrier(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlanKpoRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public approvePlanned(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public approvePlanned(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public approvePlanned(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public approvePlanned(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling approvePlanned.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('patch',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/PlannedCard/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Approve`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param role \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling approvePlannedAndGenerateConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (role !== undefined && role !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('role', role);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('patch',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/ApproveAndGenerateConfirmation`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param statusCode \n * @param companyId \n * @param eupId \n * @param changeKpo \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public assignDriver(kpoId: string, body?: number, statusCode?: string, companyId?: string, eupId?: string, changeKpo?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public assignDriver(kpoId: string, body?: number, statusCode?: string, companyId?: string, eupId?: string, changeKpo?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public assignDriver(kpoId: string, body?: number, statusCode?: string, companyId?: string, eupId?: string, changeKpo?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public assignDriver(kpoId: string, body?: number, statusCode?: string, companyId?: string, eupId?: string, changeKpo?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling assignDriver.');\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n if (companyId !== undefined && companyId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('companyId', companyId);\n }\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n if (changeKpo !== undefined && changeKpo !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('changeKpo', changeKpo);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Driver`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param receiveConfirmationUser \n * @param correctedWasteMass \n * @param remarks \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public assignReceiveConfirmation(kpoId: string, receiveConfirmationUser?: string, correctedWasteMass?: number, remarks?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public assignReceiveConfirmation(kpoId: string, receiveConfirmationUser?: string, correctedWasteMass?: number, remarks?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public assignReceiveConfirmation(kpoId: string, receiveConfirmationUser?: string, correctedWasteMass?: number, remarks?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public assignReceiveConfirmation(kpoId: string, receiveConfirmationUser?: string, correctedWasteMass?: number, remarks?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling assignReceiveConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (receiveConfirmationUser !== undefined && receiveConfirmationUser !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('receiveConfirmationUser', receiveConfirmationUser);\n }\n if (correctedWasteMass !== undefined && correctedWasteMass !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('correctedWasteMass', correctedWasteMass);\n }\n if (remarks !== undefined && remarks !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('remarks', remarks);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/ReceiveConfirmation`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling confirmTransport.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/ConfirmTransport`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public confirmTransports(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public confirmTransports(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransports(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransports(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/ConfirmTransports`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling downloadConfirmation.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/DownloadConfirmation`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param role \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling generateConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (role !== undefined && role !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('role', role);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/GenerateConfirmation`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAssignedDriver(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getAssignedDriver(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAssignedDriver(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAssignedDriver(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getAssignedDriver.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Driver`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getChangesRegister(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getChangesRegister(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangesRegister(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangesRegister(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getChangesRegister.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/ChangesRegister`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompany(companyId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompany.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (eupId === null || eupId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter eupId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEup.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Company/Eup/${encodeURIComponent(String(eupId))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEups.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}/Eup`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Headquarters`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eup \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eup !== undefined && eup !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eup', eup);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Token`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getEupDetails(eupId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getEupDetails(eupId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getEupDetails(eupId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getEupDetails(eupId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (eupId === null || eupId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter eupId was null or undefined when calling getEupDetails.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/Eup/${encodeURIComponent(String(eupId))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param statusCode \n * @param token \n * @param index \n * @param wasteCode \n * @param cardNumber \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param itemsPerPage \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoAsCarrier(statusCode?: string, token?: string, index?: number, wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, registrationNumber?: string, itemsPerPage?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoAsCarrier(statusCode?: string, token?: string, index?: number, wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, registrationNumber?: string, itemsPerPage?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsCarrier(statusCode?: string, token?: string, index?: number, wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, registrationNumber?: string, itemsPerPage?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsCarrier(statusCode?: string, token?: string, index?: number, wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, registrationNumber?: string, itemsPerPage?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (index !== undefined && index !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('index', index);\n }\n if (wasteCode !== undefined && wasteCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('wasteCode', wasteCode);\n }\n if (cardNumber !== undefined && cardNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('cardNumber', cardNumber);\n }\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n if (itemsPerPage !== undefined && itemsPerPage !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('itemsPerPage', itemsPerPage);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param statusCode \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoAsSender(statusCode?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoAsSender(statusCode?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsSender(statusCode?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsSender(statusCode?: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Sender/Kpo`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param statusCode \n * @param role \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, role?: BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n if (role !== undefined && role !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('role', role);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSelfCompany(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getSelfCompany(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Company`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getTeryts(query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTeryts(query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Teryt`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoIds \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getTransportConfirmedCardReport(kpoIds?: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getTransportConfirmedCardReport(kpoIds?: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTransportConfirmedCardReport(kpoIds?: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTransportConfirmedCardReport(kpoIds?: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (kpoIds) {\n kpoIds.forEach((element) => {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.append('kpoIds', element);\n })\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'application/pdf'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.get(`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/TransportConfirmedReport`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress,\n responseType: 'blob'\n } as any\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<{ [key: string]: string; }>;\n public getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request<{ [key: string]: string; }>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/WasteCodeExtended`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteCodes(query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteCodes(query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/WasteCode`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/WasteProcess`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling getWasteProcessById.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/WasteProcess/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param reason \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public rejectTransport(kpoId: string, reason?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public rejectTransport(kpoId: string, reason?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public rejectTransport(kpoId: string, reason?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public rejectTransport(kpoId: string, reason?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling rejectTransport.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (reason !== undefined && reason !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('reason', reason);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/RejectTransport`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public removeCard(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public removeCard(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public removeCard(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public removeCard(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling removeCard.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Remove`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public revise(kpoId: string, body?: CorrectRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public revise(kpoId: string, body?: CorrectRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public revise(kpoId: string, body?: CorrectRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public revise(kpoId: string, body?: CorrectRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling revise.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Revise`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchCompany(query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Company/Search`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param role \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchKpo(body?: SearchRequestDto, role?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public searchKpo(body?: SearchRequestDto, role?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchKpo(body?: SearchRequestDto, role?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchKpo(body?: SearchRequestDto, role?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (role !== undefined && role !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('role', role);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/SearchKpo`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public updatePlanned(kpoId: string, body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public updatePlanned(kpoId: string, body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public updatePlanned(kpoId: string, body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public updatePlanned(kpoId: string, body?: DraftCardDto, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling updatePlanned.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Carrier/PlannedCard/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public withdraw(kpoId: string, body?: WithdrawRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public withdraw(kpoId: string, body?: WithdrawRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public withdraw(kpoId: string, body?: WithdrawRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public withdraw(kpoId: string, body?: WithdrawRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling withdraw.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/ExtendedKpo/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Withdraw`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","\n\n \n
\n \n Numer karty\n \n \n\n
\n \n Data\n \n \n \n Akcja\n \n \n \n Imię i nazwisko wysyłającego\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n \n

Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów

\n \n Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów\n\n \n \n \n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n\n \n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n
\n\n \n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n
\n\n \n \n
\n \n Kod odpadów\n \n \n\n \n Opis odpadów\n \n \n\n \n Masa odpadów [Tony]\n \n \n\n \n Planowany czas transportu\n \n \n\n
\n \n Rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n\n \n Numer certyfikatu oraz numer pojemników\n \n \n\n
\n Kod EX\n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n \n \n\n
\n Inne niż niebezpieczne \n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu\n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n\n \n\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs, UserDto, BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto, ChangesRegisterEntityDto, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../services/role.service\";\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-kpo-details-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./kpo-details-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./kpo-details-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class KpoDetailsDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private alertService: AlertService, public datepipe: DatePipe, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n\n details: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto;\n wasteProcess: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto;\n senderCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n senderCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n receiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n receiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n carrierCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n driver: UserDto = undefined;\n changes: ChangesRegisterEntityDto[];\n role: string;\n\n stripHtml(value) {\n return value.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, \"\");\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.extendedKpoService.getChangesRegister(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe((changes) => {\n this.data.changes = changes.sort((a, b) => {\n return a.dateTime < b.dateTime ? -1 : a.dateTime > b.dateTime ? 1 : 0;\n });\n });\n this.extendedKpoService.getKpoDetails(this.data.model.kpoId, this.data.model.cardStatusCodeName, this.roleService.getRole() == \"CARRIER\" ? BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_2 : BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1).subscribe((result) => {\n this.details = result;\n console.log(result);\n if (this.details.wasteProcessId != null) {\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteProcessById(this.details.wasteProcessId).subscribe((wasteProcess) => (this.wasteProcess = wasteProcess));\n }\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.senderCompanyId).subscribe(\n (senderCompany) => {\n this.senderCompany = senderCompany;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.details.senderEupId).subscribe(\n (senderEup) => {\n this.senderCompanyEup = senderEup;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych siedziby firmy przekazującego\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych firmy przekazującego\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.receiverCompanyId).subscribe(\n (receiverCompany) => {\n this.receiverCompany = receiverCompany;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.details.receiverEupId).subscribe(\n (receiverEup) => (this.receiverCompanyEup = receiverEup),\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych siedziby firmy przejmującego\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych firmy przejmującego\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n\n if (this.role == \"SENDER\") {\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.carrierCompanyId).subscribe(\n (carrierCompany) => {\n this.carrierCompany = carrierCompany;\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych firmy transportującego\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n });\n this.extendedKpoService.getAssignedDriver(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.driver = result;\n },\n (error) => console.error\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface BackupEntry { \n name?: string;\n}","// The file contents for the current environment will overwrite these during build.\r\n// The build system defaults to the dev environment which uses `environment.ts`, but if you do\r\n// `ng build --env=prod` then `environment.prod.ts` will be used instead.\r\n// The list of which env maps to which file can be found in `.angular-cli.json`.\r\n\r\nexport const environment = {\r\n production: false,\r\n apiPath: \"/api/\",\r\n firebase: {\r\n apiKey: \"AIzaSyCw2TiCba0ABPz09yq-cFwZKjUw0uVjUZI\",\r\n authDomain: \"bdo-system.firebaseapp.com\",\r\n databaseURL: \"https://bdo-system.firebaseio.com\",\r\n projectId: \"bdo-system\",\r\n storageBucket: \"bdo-system.appspot.com\",\r\n messagingSenderId: \"1051695728631\",\r\n appId: \"1:1051695728631:web:637b5ebab09c9d6a8210f2\"\r\n }\r\n};\r\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, DraftCardsService,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs, DraftCardDto, BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto } from '../../../../../../../api';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-view-draft-card-dialog',\n templateUrl: './view-draft-card-dialog.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./view-draft-card-dialog.component.css']\n})\nexport class ViewDraftCardDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private draftCardsService: DraftCardsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) { }\n\n\n\n details: DraftCardDto;\n wasteProcess: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto;\n senderCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n senderCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n receiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n receiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.details = this.data.model;\n if (this.details.wasteProcessId != null) {\n this.extendedKpoService\n .getWasteProcessById(this.details.wasteProcessId)\n .subscribe(result => this.wasteProcess = result);\n }\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.senderCompanyId).subscribe(senderCompany => {\n this.senderCompany = senderCompany;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.details.senderEupId).subscribe(senderEup => {\n this.senderCompanyEup = senderEup;\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych siedziby firmy przekazującego\", MessageType.Error));\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych firmy przekazującego\", MessageType.Error));\n\n if (this.details.receiverCompanyId != undefined) {\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(this.details.receiverCompanyId).subscribe(receiverCompany => {\n this.receiverCompany = receiverCompany;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.details.senderEupId).subscribe(\n receiverEup => this.receiverCompanyEup = receiverEup\n , error => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych siedziby firmy przejmującego\", MessageType.Error));\n }, error => { this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nie można załadować danych firmy przejmującego\", MessageType.Error); });\n }\n }\n}\n","\n \n
\n \n Data\n \n \n \n Akcja\n \n \n \n Imię i nazwisko wysyłającego\n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{item.split(': ')[0]}}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{item.split(': ')[0]}}\n \n \n\n\n \n

Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów

\n \n Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów\n\n \n \n \n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{item.split(': ')[0]}}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{item.split(': ')[0]}}\n \n \n
\n\n\n \n \n
\n\n \n Kod odpadów\n \n \n\n \n Opis odpadów\n \n \n\n \n Masa odpadów [Tony]\n \n \n\n \n Planowany czas transportu\n \n \n\n
\n \n Rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n\n \n Numer certyfikatu oraz numer pojemników\n \n \n\n
\n Kod EX\n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n \n \n\n
\n Inne niż niebezpieczne\n \n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu\n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n\n \n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from '../../../../../../api';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-confirmation-downloader',\n templateUrl: './confirmation-downloader.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./confirmation-downloader.component.css']\n})\nexport class ConfirmationDownloaderComponent implements OnInit {\n fileUrl;\n loading = true;\n constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType, sliceSize){\n sliceSize = 512;\n const byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);\n const byteArrays = [];\n\n for (let offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {\n const slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);\n\n const byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);\n for (let i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {\n byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n\n const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);\n byteArrays.push(byteArray);\n }\n const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});\n return blob;\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.extendedKpoService.downloadConfirmation(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe(result => {\n const blob = this.b64toBlob(result.slice(1,-1), 'application/pdf', 512);\n this.fileUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));\n this.loading = false;\n });\n }\n\n}\n","\n\n cloud_download
\n Pobierz PDF
","import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { MatDialogRef } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { Subscription, Observable, fromEvent, Subject } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { startWith } from \"rxjs/operators\";\r\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs, ExtendedKpoService, DraftCardsService } from \"../../../../api\";\r\nimport { AlertService } from \"../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { CardService } from \"../../services/card.service\";\r\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../pages/home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-headquarter-picker\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./headquarter-picker.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./headquarter-picker.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class HeadquarterPickerComponent implements OnInit {\r\n error = false;\r\n loading = false;\r\n @Input() set company(val: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\r\n this._company = val;\r\n this.companyChanged.next(val);\r\n }\r\n companyChanged = new Subject();\r\n\r\n @Input() preselectedEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\r\n\r\n private _company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\r\n\r\n @Output()\r\n public headquarterSelected = new EventEmitter();\r\n query = \"\";\r\n subscription: Subscription = new Subscription();\r\n @ViewChild(\"search\", { static: true }) searchInput: ElementRef;\r\n\r\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\r\n this.subscription.add(\r\n fromEvent(this.searchInput.nativeElement, \"keyup\")\r\n .debounceTime(1000)\r\n .subscribe((res) => {\r\n this.loading = true;\r\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEups(this._company.companyId, this.query).subscribe((result) => {\r\n this.loading = false;\r\n observer.next(result);\r\n });\r\n })\r\n );\r\n this.subscription.add(\r\n this.companyChanged.subscribe((res) => {\r\n this.loading = true;\r\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEups(this._company.companyId, this.query).subscribe((result) => {\r\n this.loading = false;\r\n observer.next(result);\r\n });\r\n })\r\n );\r\n });\r\n\r\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef) {}\r\n\r\n ngOnInit(): void {}\r\n\r\n parseAddress(address: string) {\r\n if (address === undefined) {\r\n return \"\";\r\n }\r\n const elements = address.split(\", \");\r\n const town = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Miejscowość\")?.split(\": \")[1];\r\n const street = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Ulica\")?.split(\": \")[1];\r\n return town + (street === undefined ? \"\" : \" ul. \" + street);\r\n }\r\n\r\n radioSelected(item) {\r\n this.headquarterSelected.emit(item);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","\r\n Wyszukaj\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {{ item.registrationNumber }}\r\n \r\n \r\n {{ parseAddress(item.address) }}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-planned-card-removal-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./planned-card-removal-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./planned-card-removal-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class PlannedCardRemovalDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private alertService: AlertService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {}\n\n approve() {\n this.extendedKpoService.removeCard(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie usunięto kartę\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania karty\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n}\n","

Usuwanie karty planowanej

Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybraną kartę?
\n \n \n
\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ConfirmationGeneratedKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ConfirmationGeneratedKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RejectedByUser\n */\n rejectedByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets CardRejectionTime\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Remarks\n */\n remarks?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Data zatwierdzenia karty\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający kartę\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n generatingConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wygenerowania potwierdzenia\n */\n generatingConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Czy korygowana\n */\n isRevised?: boolean;\n /**\n * Data wprowadzenia korekty\n */\n revisedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko osoby korygującej kartę\n */\n revisedBy?: string;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowany kod i rodzaj odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { SubjectCreationDto } from '../model/subjectCreationDto';\nimport { SubjectDto } from '../model/subjectDto';\nimport { SubjectWhitelistCreationDto } from '../model/subjectWhitelistCreationDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class SubjectAuthenticationService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param userId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addSubject(body?: SubjectCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addSubject(body?: SubjectCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addSubject(body?: SubjectCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addSubject(body?: SubjectCreationDto, userId?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (userId !== undefined && userId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('userId', userId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param userId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addWhitelistSubject(body?: SubjectWhitelistCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addWhitelistSubject(body?: SubjectWhitelistCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addWhitelistSubject(body?: SubjectWhitelistCreationDto, userId?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addWhitelistSubject(body?: SubjectWhitelistCreationDto, userId?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (userId !== undefined && userId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('userId', userId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication/AsWhitelistEntry`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param includeEup \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSubject(id: number, includeEup?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getSubject(id: number, includeEup?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSubject(id: number, includeEup?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSubject(id: number, includeEup?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling getSubject.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (includeEup !== undefined && includeEup !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('includeEup', includeEup);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param userId \n * @param allSubjects \n * @param onlyParentSubjects \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSubjects(userId?: number, allSubjects?: boolean, onlyParentSubjects?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSubjects(userId?: number, allSubjects?: boolean, onlyParentSubjects?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getSubjects(userId?: number, allSubjects?: boolean, onlyParentSubjects?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getSubjects(userId?: number, allSubjects?: boolean, onlyParentSubjects?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (userId !== undefined && userId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('userId', userId);\n }\n if (allSubjects !== undefined && allSubjects !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('allSubjects', allSubjects);\n }\n if (onlyParentSubjects !== undefined && onlyParentSubjects !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('onlyParentSubjects', onlyParentSubjects);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public removeSubject(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public removeSubject(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public removeSubject(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public removeSubject(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling removeSubject.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param active \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public toggleActive(id: number, active?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public toggleActive(id: number, active?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public toggleActive(id: number, active?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public toggleActive(id: number, active?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling toggleActive.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (active !== undefined && active !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('active', active);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/SubjectAuthentication/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}/Active`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { UserService, UserDto, ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../api\";\nimport { ChooseLocationDialogComponent } from \"../dialogs/choose-location-dialog/choose-location-dialog.component\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from \"../pages/users/user-wizard/user-wizard.component\";\nimport { UserWizardDialogComponent } from \"../dialogs/user-wizard-dialog/user-wizard-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../services/role.service\";\nimport { ChangeRoleDialogComponent } from \"../dialogs/change-role-dialog/change-role-dialog.component\";\nimport { delay, retryWhen, take } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-person-small-info\",\n templateUrl: \"./person-small-info.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./person-small-info.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class PersonSmallInfoComponent implements OnInit {\n user: UserDto;\n currentHeadquarter: any;\n role: string;\n\n @ViewChild(\"profileButton\") profileButtonRef: ElementRef;\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n constructor(private userService: UserService, private cookieService: CookieService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private router: Router, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private roleService: RoleService) {}\n\n openDialog(): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ChooseLocationDialogComponent, {\n width: \"650px\",\n data: {},\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n if (result === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.currentHeadquarter = result;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyToken(result.eupId).subscribe((token) => {\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", token, 1, \"/\");\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", token, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\n });\n });\n }\n\n openUserViewDialog(): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UserWizardDialogComponent, {\n width: \"650px\",\n data: {},\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.currentHeadquarter = this.storage.get(\"place\");\n this.roleService.role$.subscribe((role) => (this.role = role));\n\n this.userService\n .getCurrentUser()\n .pipe(retryWhen((errors) => errors.pipe(delay(1000), take(5))))\n .subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.user = result;\n },\n (error) => {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n }\n );\n }\n\n openRoleChangeDialog() {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ChangeRoleDialogComponent, {\n width: \"450px\",\n data: {},\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n}\n","
\n \n
\n \n\n \n
\n\n \n exit_to_app\n Zmień siedzibę\n \n\n \n exit_to_app\n Zmień podmiot\n \n\n \n exit_to_app\n Zmień rolę\n \n \n\n\n \n account_box\n Profil\n {{ user?.firstName }} {{ user?.lastName }}\n \n \n picture_as_pdf\n Instrukcja\n \n\n \n exit_to_app\n Wyloguj się\n \n\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { FilteredPaginatedRequest } from '../model/filteredPaginatedRequest';\nimport { MarkForFillingRequest } from '../model/markForFillingRequest';\nimport { WasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDtoPaginatedResult } from '../model/wasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDtoPaginatedResult';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class WasteTransferCardService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param markedForFiling \n * @param filingCompleted \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCards(body?: FilteredPaginatedRequest, markedForFiling?: boolean, filingCompleted?: boolean, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCards(body?: FilteredPaginatedRequest, markedForFiling?: boolean, filingCompleted?: boolean, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCards(body?: FilteredPaginatedRequest, markedForFiling?: boolean, filingCompleted?: boolean, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCards(body?: FilteredPaginatedRequest, markedForFiling?: boolean, filingCompleted?: boolean, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (markedForFiling !== undefined && markedForFiling !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('markedForFiling', markedForFiling);\n }\n if (filingCompleted !== undefined && filingCompleted !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('filingCompleted', filingCompleted);\n }\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/WasteTransferCard/filtered-waste-transfer-cards`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param senderName \n * @param rangeFrom \n * @param rangeTo \n * @param address \n * @param wasteGenerationLocation \n * @param wasteCode \n * @param additionalInfo \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCardsReport(senderName?: string, rangeFrom?: Date, rangeTo?: Date, address?: string, wasteGenerationLocation?: string, wasteCode?: string, additionalInfo?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCardsReport(senderName?: string, rangeFrom?: Date, rangeTo?: Date, address?: string, wasteGenerationLocation?: string, wasteCode?: string, additionalInfo?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCardsReport(senderName?: string, rangeFrom?: Date, rangeTo?: Date, address?: string, wasteGenerationLocation?: string, wasteCode?: string, additionalInfo?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredWasteTransferCardsReport(senderName?: string, rangeFrom?: Date, rangeTo?: Date, address?: string, wasteGenerationLocation?: string, wasteCode?: string, additionalInfo?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (senderName !== undefined && senderName !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('senderName', senderName);\n }\n if (rangeFrom !== undefined && rangeFrom !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('rangeFrom', rangeFrom.toISOString());\n }\n if (rangeTo !== undefined && rangeTo !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('rangeTo', rangeTo.toISOString());\n }\n if (address !== undefined && address !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('address', address);\n }\n if (wasteGenerationLocation !== undefined && wasteGenerationLocation !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('wasteGenerationLocation', wasteGenerationLocation);\n }\n if (wasteCode !== undefined && wasteCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('wasteCode', wasteCode);\n }\n if (additionalInfo !== undefined && additionalInfo !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('additionalInfo', additionalInfo);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/WasteTransferCard/report`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress,\n responseType: \"blob\",\n } as any\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public markForFiling(body?: MarkForFillingRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public markForFiling(body?: MarkForFillingRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public markForFiling(body?: MarkForFillingRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public markForFiling(body?: MarkForFillingRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/WasteTransferCard/mark-for-filing`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { CarDto } from '../model/carDto';\nimport { ChangesRegisterEntityDto } from '../model/changesRegisterEntityDto';\nimport { DeviceTokenCreationDto } from '../model/deviceTokenCreationDto';\nimport { PasswordChangeRequestDto } from '../model/passwordChangeRequestDto';\nimport { PasswordRecoveryRequestDto } from '../model/passwordRecoveryRequestDto';\nimport { UserDto } from '../model/userDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class UserService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Sets EulaAccepted to true\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public acceptEula(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public acceptEula(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public acceptEula(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public acceptEula(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/Eula`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public activate(token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public activate(token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public activate(token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public activate(token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/User/Activate`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addDeviceToken(body?: DeviceTokenCreationDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addDeviceToken(body?: DeviceTokenCreationDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addDeviceToken(body?: DeviceTokenCreationDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addDeviceToken(body?: DeviceTokenCreationDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/DeviceTokens`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets changes register\n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getChangesRegister(companyId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getChangesRegister(companyId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangesRegister(companyId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangesRegister(companyId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (companyId !== undefined && companyId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('companyId', companyId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/ChangesRegister`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param groupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getConnectedUsers(groupId?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getConnectedUsers(groupId?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getConnectedUsers(groupId?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getConnectedUsers(groupId?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (groupId !== undefined && groupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('groupId', groupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/User/CompanyUsers`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCurrentUser(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCurrentUser(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCurrentUser(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCurrentUser(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/User`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getDriverCars(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getDriverCars(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getDriverCars(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getDriverCars(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/Cars`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public passwordChange(body?: PasswordChangeRequestDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public passwordChange(body?: PasswordChangeRequestDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public passwordChange(body?: PasswordChangeRequestDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public passwordChange(body?: PasswordChangeRequestDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/Password`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public passwordRecovery(body?: PasswordRecoveryRequestDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public passwordRecovery(body?: PasswordRecoveryRequestDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public passwordRecovery(body?: PasswordRecoveryRequestDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public passwordRecovery(body?: PasswordRecoveryRequestDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/PasswordRecovery`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param password \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public register(body?: UserDto, password?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public register(body?: UserDto, password?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public register(body?: UserDto, password?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public register(body?: UserDto, password?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (password !== undefined && password !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('password', password);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param email \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public requestPasswordChange(email?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public requestPasswordChange(email?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public requestPasswordChange(email?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public requestPasswordChange(email?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (email !== undefined && email !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('email', email);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/User/PasswordChangeRequest`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public setSelectedSubject(body?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public setSelectedSubject(body?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public setSelectedSubject(body?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public setSelectedSubject(body?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/User/SelectedSubject`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit, Output, Input, ViewChild, EventEmitter, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatSelectionListChange, MatSelectionList } from '@angular/material/list';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-days-selector',\n templateUrl: './days-selector.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./days-selector.component.scss']\n})\nexport class DaysSelectorComponent implements AfterViewInit {\n\n\n _selectedDays = [];\n\n @Output() selectedDaysChange = new EventEmitter();\n @Input() get selectedDays() {\n return this._selectedDays;\n }\n set selectedDays(val) {\n this._selectedDays = val;\n this.selectedDaysChange.emit(val);\n }\n\n @ViewChild(MatSelectionList, { static: true}) matList: MatSelectionList;\n\n daysOfWeek =\n [\n { name: 'Poniedziałek', value: 'Monday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Wtorek', value: 'Tuesday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Środa', value: 'Wednesday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Czwartek', value: 'Thursday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Piątek', value: 'Friday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Sobota', value: 'Saturday', checked: false },\n { name: 'Niedziela', value: 'Sunday', checked: false },\n ];\n\n daysSelectionChange($event: MatSelectionListChange) {\n if ($event.option.value === 'All') {\n if ($event.source.selectedOptions.selected.length === $event.source.options.length - 1 &&\n $event.source.selectedOptions.selected.find(p => p.value === 'All') == null) {\n $event.source.deselectAll();\n } else {\n $event.source.selectAll();\n }\n } else {\n if ($event.source.selectedOptions.selected.length === $event.source.options.length - 1 &&\n $event.source.selectedOptions.selected.find(p => p.value === 'All') == null) {\n $event.source.selectAll();\n } else {\n $event.source.options.find(p => p.value === 'All').selected = false;\n }\n }\n this.selectedDays =\n $event.source.selectedOptions.selected\n .filter(d => d.value !== 'All')\n .map(day => day.value);\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n if (this.selectedDays === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.selectedDays.forEach(element => {\n this.matList.options.find(p => p.value === element).selected = true;\n });\n\n if(this.selectedDays.length==7)\n this.matList.options.find(p => p.value === 'All').selected = true;\n }\n \n}\n","\n\n \n Wszystkie dni tygodnia\n \n \n {{day.name}}\n \n\n","import { HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpEvent, HttpResponse, HttpErrorResponse } from \"@angular/common/http\";\r\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"./services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\r\n\r\n@Injectable()\r\nexport class Interceptor implements HttpInterceptor {\r\n constructor(public alertService: AlertService, private router: Router) {}\r\n intercept(request: HttpRequest, next: HttpHandler): Observable> {\r\n return next.handle(request).pipe(\r\n tap(\r\n (event) => {},\r\n (error) => {\r\n console.log(error);\r\n if (error.status === 403 || error.status === 401) {\r\n if (error.error == \"USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN\") {\r\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error.error == \"BDO_TOKEN_MISSING\") {\r\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/subject-selection\");\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Brak uprawnień do wykonania tej czynności\", MessageType.Error);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {\r\n //this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd połączenia\", MessageType.Error);\r\n } else {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Nieoczekiwany błąd\", MessageType.Error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n )\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest { \n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface LogEntryDto { \n id?: number;\n message?: string;\n stackTrace?: string;\n date?: Date;\n source?: string;\n type?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CarDto, CarsService } from '../../../../../../api';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-car-wizard',\n templateUrl: './car-wizard.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./car-wizard.component.css']\n})\nexport class CarWizardComponent implements OnInit {\n\n password: string;\n hidePassword = true;\n sendMail = false;\n\n car: CarDto = {};\n\n constructor(private carService: CarsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) {\n\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.car = this.data.car === undefined ? null : this.data.car;\n }\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n switch (this.data.mode) {\n case 'create':\n this.carService.add(this.car).subscribe((result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie dodano pojazd', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialog.close(true);\n });\n break;\n case 'edit':\n this.carService.update(this.data.car.id, this.car).subscribe((result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie zaktualizowano dane o pojeździe', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialog.close(true);\n });\n break;\n }\n\n }\n\n}\n","

Dodawanie pojazdu





\n\n \n Nazwa\n \n \n\n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n\n\n
\n \n \n \n\n\n\n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { BDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto } from '../model/bDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto';\nimport { BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto } from '../model/bdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto';\nimport { CompanySearchResultDto } from '../model/companySearchResultDto';\nimport { DraftCardDto } from '../model/draftCardDto';\nimport { ElevatedDriverKpoDto } from '../model/elevatedDriverKpoDto';\nimport { TasksResponseDto } from '../model/tasksResponseDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ConfirmationGeneratedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ConfirmationGeneratedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class DriverAppService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param eupId \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, eupId?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, eupId?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, eupId?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, eupId?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/ApprovedCard`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public confirmTransport(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling confirmTransport.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/ConfirmTransport`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling downloadConfirmation.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/DownloadConfirmation`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public downloadQrCode(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public downloadQrCode(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadQrCode(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadQrCode(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling downloadQrCode.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/DownloadQRCode`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling generateConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/GenerateConfirmation`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getApprovedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getApprovedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getApprovedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getApprovedKpo(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getApprovedKpo.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsApproved`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompany(companyId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, kpoId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompany.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (kpoId !== undefined && kpoId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('kpoId', kpoId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eupId \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, kpoId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, kpoId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (eupId === null || eupId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter eupId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEup.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (kpoId !== undefined && kpoId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('kpoId', kpoId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Company/Eup/${encodeURIComponent(String(eupId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param eupId \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, eupId?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, eupId?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, eupId?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, eupId?: string, query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEups.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getConfirmationGeneratedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getConfirmationGeneratedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getConfirmationGeneratedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getConfirmationGeneratedKpo(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getConfirmationGeneratedKpo.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsConfirmationGenerated`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param statusCode \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getDriverCards(statusCode?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getDriverCards(statusCode?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getDriverCards(statusCode?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getDriverCards(statusCode?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Tasks`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param statusCode \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, statusCode?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/TaskDetails/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getReceiveConfirmedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getReceiveConfirmedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getReceiveConfirmedKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getReceiveConfirmedKpo(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getReceiveConfirmedKpo.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsReceiveConfirmed`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getRejectedKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Driver/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsRejected`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSelfCompany(eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getSelfCompany(eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/Company`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSelfCompanyEups(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompanyEups(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getSelfCompanyEups(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getSelfCompanyEups(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/SelfCompany`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getTeryts(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (query === null || query === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter query was null or undefined when calling getTeryts.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/Teryt/${encodeURIComponent(String(query))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getTransportConfirmationKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getTransportConfirmationKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTransportConfirmationKpo(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTransportConfirmationKpo(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getTransportConfirmationKpo.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsTransportConfirmation`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (query === null || query === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter query was null or undefined when calling getWasteCodes.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/WasteCode/${encodeURIComponent(String(query))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/WasteProcess`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling getWasteProcessById.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Sender/WasteProcess/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param index \n * @param filterByRegistrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public requestDriverCards(registrationNumber?: string, index?: number, filterByRegistrationNumber?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public requestDriverCards(registrationNumber?: string, index?: number, filterByRegistrationNumber?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public requestDriverCards(registrationNumber?: string, index?: number, filterByRegistrationNumber?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public requestDriverCards(registrationNumber?: string, index?: number, filterByRegistrationNumber?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n if (index !== undefined && index !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('index', index);\n }\n if (filterByRegistrationNumber !== undefined && filterByRegistrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('filterByRegistrationNumber', filterByRegistrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/TasksRequest`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Driver/ReviseRejected`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param eupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchCompany(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchCompany(query?: string, eupId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n if (eupId !== undefined && eupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eupId', eupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Company`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsCarrierRequest, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('post',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Search`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param acceptance \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public setCardAcceptance(kpoId: string, acceptance?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public setCardAcceptance(kpoId: string, acceptance?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public setCardAcceptance(kpoId: string, acceptance?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public setCardAcceptance(kpoId: string, acceptance?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling setCardAcceptance.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (acceptance !== undefined && acceptance !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('acceptance', acceptance);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('put',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/Tasks/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/Accept`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param driverId \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public setDriverAddCardPermission(driverId: number, body?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public setDriverAddCardPermission(driverId: number, body?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public setDriverAddCardPermission(driverId: number, body?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public setDriverAddCardPermission(driverId: number, body?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (driverId === null || driverId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter driverId was null or undefined when calling setDriverAddCardPermission.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('patch',`${this.basePath}/api/DriverApp/${encodeURIComponent(String(driverId))}/AddCardsPermission`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","

Odpady przekazane

\n\n \n \n \n \n

\n Łączna masa przekazanych odpadów w tonach [Mg]:\n {{ details?.sumOfWasteMass }}\n


W tym w kraju w tonach [Mg]: {{ details?.countryWasteMass }}


W tym poza granice RP w tonach [Mg]: {{ details?.abroadWasteMass }}

\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.transportDate | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteMass }}\n \n \n {{ item.kpoCardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.kpokCardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.transferWay == \"BASED_ON_KPO_CARD\" ? \"na podstawie kpo\" : item.transferWay }}\n \n \n {{ item.createdByUser }}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { KEOForwardedDto, RecordCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FiledForwardedWasteTransferCardsComponent implements OnInit {\n public details: KEOForwardedDto;\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n loading = false;\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private service: RecordCardService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { cardId: string }, private alertService: AlertService) {}\n\n load() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.service.getKEOForwardedList(this.data.cardId, this.paginator.pageIndex + 1, this.paginator.pageSize).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.details = result;\n console.log(this.details);\n this.paginator.length = result.forwardedForwardedKeos.totalResultNumber;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(error, MessageType.Error),\n () => (this.loading = false)\n );\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.load();\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load());\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsOrder\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsOrder { \n /**\n * Flaga ustawiana na true, jeśli zbiór ma być posortowany rosnąco, false w przeciwnym razie\n */\n isAscending?: boolean;\n /**\n * Identyfikator kolumny, według której ma być zrelizowane sortowanie\n */\n orderColumn?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { ActivatedRoute } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { MatTableDataSource } from \"@angular/material/table\";\r\nimport { SelectionModel } from \"@angular/cdk/collections\";\r\n\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from \"../../../helpers/extended-management\";\r\n\r\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from \"./user-wizard/user-wizard.component\";\r\nimport {\r\n UsersService,\r\n UserDto,\r\n SubjectDto,\r\n SubjectAuthenticationService,\r\n} from \"../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { SubjectWizardComponent } from \"./subject-wizard/subject-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-users\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./users.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./users.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class UsersComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\r\n displayedColumns = [\r\n \"select\",\r\n \"name\",\r\n \"username\",\r\n \"group\",\r\n \"phoneNumber\",\r\n \"details\",\r\n ];\r\n\r\n role: \"user\" | \"carrier\" | \"administrator\" | \"driver\" = \"user\";\r\n\r\n users: UserDto[];\r\n\r\n constructor(\r\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\r\n private alertService: AlertService,\r\n private userService: UsersService,\r\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\r\n private dialog: MatDialog\r\n ) {\r\n super();\r\n }\r\n\r\n openDialog(mode: string, element = {}) {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UserWizardComponent, {\r\n data: { mode: mode, user: element },\r\n width: \"500px\",\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n openSubjectWizardDialog(mode: string, element = {}) {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SubjectWizardComponent, {\r\n data: { mode: mode, user: element },\r\n width: \"500px\",\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n deleteSelected() {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"350px\",\r\n data: { message: \"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten podmiot?\" },\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.selection.selected.forEach((val, index, array) => {\r\n this.userService._delete(val.id).subscribe(\r\n (next) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Pomyślnie usunięto użytkownika\",\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n this.selection.clear();\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n },\r\n (error) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania użytkownika: \" + error.error,\r\n MessageType.Error\r\n );\r\n }\r\n );\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n reloadData() {\r\n this.loading = true;\r\n\r\n this.userService.getAll().subscribe((result: UserDto[]) => {\r\n switch (this.role) {\r\n case \"user\":\r\n this.updateTableData(\r\n result.filter((u) => u.group?.name === \"Użytkownik\")\r\n );\r\n break;\r\n case \"carrier\":\r\n this.updateTableData(\r\n result.filter(\r\n (u) =>\r\n u.group?.name === \"Transportujący\" ||\r\n u.group?.name === \"Dyspozytor\"\r\n )\r\n );\r\n\r\n break;\r\n case \"driver\":\r\n this.updateTableData(\r\n result.filter((u) => u.group?.name === \"Kierowca\")\r\n );\r\n\r\n break;\r\n case \"administrator\":\r\n this.updateTableData(\r\n result.filter((u) => u.group?.name === \"Administrator\")\r\n );\r\n\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n applySelect() {\r\n switch (this.role) {\r\n case \"user\":\r\n this.displayedColumns = [\r\n \"select\",\r\n \"name\",\r\n \"username\",\r\n \"creationDate\",\r\n \"activationDate\",\r\n \"integrationDate\",\r\n \"details\",\r\n ];\r\n break;\r\n case \"carrier\":\r\n this.displayedColumns = [\r\n \"select\",\r\n \"name\",\r\n \"username\",\r\n \"creationDate\",\r\n \"group\",\r\n \"integrationDate\",\r\n \"phoneNumber\",\r\n \"details\",\r\n ];\r\n break;\r\n case \"driver\":\r\n this.displayedColumns = [\r\n \"select\",\r\n \"subject\",\r\n \"name\",\r\n \"username\",\r\n \"creationDate\",\r\n \"details\",\r\n ];\r\n break;\r\n case \"administrator\":\r\n this.displayedColumns = [\r\n \"select\",\r\n \"name\",\r\n \"username\",\r\n \"creationDate\",\r\n \"details\",\r\n ];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n }\r\n\r\n exportData() {\r\n const data = JSON.stringify(this.dataSource.data, null, 2);\r\n const blob: Blob = new Blob([data], { type: \"text/json\" });\r\n const fileName = \"export.json\";\r\n const objectUrl: string = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n const a: HTMLAnchorElement = document.createElement(\r\n \"a\"\r\n ) as HTMLAnchorElement;\r\n a.href = objectUrl;\r\n a.download = fileName;\r\n document.body.appendChild(a);\r\n a.click();\r\n document.body.removeChild(a);\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl);\r\n }\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n this.applySelect();\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n Wykaz użytkowników\r\n Zarządzanie kontami użytkowników\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Rola\r\n \r\n Transportujący/Dyspozytor\r\n Kierowca\r\n Użytkownik\r\n Administrator\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n  \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Nazwa {{element.firstName}} {{element.lastName}} Adres e-mail {{element.username}} Rola {{element.group?.name}} Numer telefonu \r\n {{element.phoneNumber == null ? '(brak)' : element.phoneNumber}} Podmiot {{element.selectedSubject?.name}} Data utworzenia \r\n {{element.creationDate != undefined ? this.datepipe.transform(element.creationDate, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm') : \"(brak danych)\"}}\r\n Data aktywowania \r\n {{element.isActive ? (element.activationDate != undefined ? this.datepipe.transform(element.activationDate, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm') : \"(brak danych)\") : \"-\"}}\r\n Data powiązania \r\n {{element.selectedSubject != undefined ? (element.selectedSubject.creationDate != undefined ? this.datepipe.transform(element.selectedSubject.creationDate, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm') : \"(brak-danych)\") : \"-\"}}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n
","\r\n Wyszukaj\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {{ preselectedCompany.registrationNumber }}\r\n \r\n \r\n {{ parseAddress(preselectedCompany.address) }}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {{ item.registrationNumber }}\r\n \r\n \r\n {{ parseAddress(item.address) }}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n","import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { Subscription, Observable, fromEvent } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs } from \"../../../../api\";\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../pages/home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-company-picker\",\n templateUrl: \"./company-picker.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./company-picker.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class CompanyPickerComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {\n error = false;\n loading = false;\n @Output()\n public companySelected = new EventEmitter();\n query = \"\";\n subscription: Subscription = new Subscription();\n @ViewChild(\"search\", { static: true }) searchInput: ElementRef;\n @Input() preselectedCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\n fromEvent(this.searchInput.nativeElement, \"keyup\")\n .debounceTime(1000)\n .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))\n .subscribe((res) => {\n this.loading = true;\n this.extendedKpoService\n .searchCompany(this.query)\n .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))\n .subscribe((result) => {\n this.loading = false;\n observer.next(result as WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs[]);\n });\n });\n });\n\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef) {}\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n parseAddress(address: string) {\n if (address === undefined) {\n return \"\";\n }\n const elements = address.split(\", \");\n const town = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Miejscowość\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n const street = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Ulica\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n return town + (street === undefined ? \"\" : \" ul. \" + street);\n }\n\n radioSelected(item) {\n this.companySelected.emit(item);\n }\n}\n","import { Directive } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Directive({\n selector: '[appWasteCode]'\n})\nexport class WasteCodeDirective {\n\n constructor() { }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { LogEntryDto } from '../model/logEntryDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class ConsoleService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Removes log from the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling _delete.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/Console/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes logs from the database\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public deleteAll(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public deleteAll(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public deleteAll(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public deleteAll(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/Console`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets log from the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling get.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Console/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets log from the database\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAll(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Console`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds log to the database\n * \n * @param body \n * @param logEntryType \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public report(body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public report(body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public report(body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public report(body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (logEntryType !== undefined && logEntryType !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('logEntryType', logEntryType);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Console`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates log in the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param body Message\n * @param logEntryType Log Entry Type\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public update(id: number, body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public update(id: number, body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: string, logEntryType?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling update.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (logEntryType !== undefined && logEntryType !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('logEntryType', logEntryType);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/Console/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, OnDestroy } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { Subject, Subscription, Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { map, debounceTime } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport {\n AdvancedFilterQuery,\n BdoFilterComponent,\n} from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { ExportToCsv } from \"export-to-csv\";\nimport { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-stats\",\n templateUrl: \"./stats.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./stats.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class StatsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n loading = true;\n error = false;\n isDocumentGenerating = false;\n documentGeneratingStatus = 0;\n documentGeneratingMaxStatus = 0;\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n filterCardStatuses: { label: string; value: string }[] = [\n { label: \"Potwierdzenie transportu \", value: \"TRANSPORT_CONFIRMATION\" },\n ];\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\n\n filteredResults$: Observable<(DraftCard | KpoCard)[]> = new Observable(\n (observer) => {\n this.load(observer);\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.subscribe(() => this.load(observer));\n }\n ).pipe(map((r: (DraftCard | KpoCard)[]) => (r ? r : [])));\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n\n constructor(\n public cardService: CardService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public dialog: MatDialog,\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\n private overlay: Overlay\n ) {}\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName = \"TRANSPORT_CONFIRMATION\";\n }\n\n load(observer) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n observer.next([]);\n this.cardService\n .getRealisingNowCards(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery,\n this.paginator.pageIndex,\n this.paginator.pageSize\n )\n .subscribe(\n (cards) => {\n observer.next(\n cards.items.map((m) => {\n const kpoCard = m as KpoCard;\n return {\n ...m,\n user: kpoCard\n ? cards.userAttributions[kpoCard.kpoId]\n : undefined,\n };\n })\n );\n this.paginator.length = cards.totalItemsCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n }\n );\n }\n\n parseResults(result) {\n return result.map((r) => {\n const val: { [key: string]: string } = {\n \"Nazwa przekazującego\": r.senderName,\n \"Nr karty\": r.cardNumber,\n \"Data realizacji\": this.datepipe.transform(\n r.realTransportTime,\n \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss\"\n ),\n \"Kod odpadu\": r.wasteCode,\n \"Wystawiający \": r.senderFirstNameAndLastName,\n \"Status \": r.cardStatus,\n \"Przypisany kierowca\": r.assignedDriver\n ? `${r.assignedDriver?.firstName} ${r.assignedDriver?.lastName}`\n : \"(brak)\",\n \"Ilość akcji\": r.changesRegister.length + 1,\n };\n return val;\n });\n }\n\n generateDocumentFile(result) {\n const options = {\n fieldSeparator: \";\",\n quoteStrings: '\"',\n decimalSeparator: \".\",\n showLabels: true,\n showTitle: true,\n title: `Ilość kart: ${result.length}`,\n useTextFile: false,\n useBom: true,\n useKeysAsHeaders: true,\n };\n\n const csvExporter = new ExportToCsv(options);\n csvExporter.generateCsv(this.parseResults(result));\n this.isDocumentGenerating = false;\n }\n\n generateData(result, index = 1) {\n if (index === 1) {\n this.documentGeneratingStatus = index;\n }\n this.isDocumentGenerating = true;\n this.cardService\n .getRealisingNowCards(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery, index, 50)\n .subscribe(\n (cards) => {\n cards.items.forEach((element) => {\n result.push({\n ...element,\n changesRegister: cards.changesRegister[element.kpoId],\n assignedDriver: cards.userAttributions[element.kpoId],\n });\n });\n if (cards.totalItemsCount > result.length) {\n this.documentGeneratingStatus = index;\n this.documentGeneratingMaxStatus = Math.ceil(\n cards.totalItemsCount / 50\n );\n this.generateData(result, index + 1);\n } else {\n this.generateDocumentFile(\n result.filter(\n (r) => r.changesRegister?.length > 0 || r.assignedDriver\n )\n );\n }\n },\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas generowania listy\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n this.isDocumentGenerating = false;\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged\n .pipe(debounceTime(800))\n .subscribe((result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery = result;\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.subscribe(\n (result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery = result;\n this.load(observer);\n }\n )\n );\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n if (card.cardStatusCodeName === \"APPROVED\") {\n this.dialog.open(KpoDetailsDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: card },\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n } else {\n this.dialog.open(ViewDraftCardDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: card },\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this.requestSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n getLastModificationDate(kpo: any) {\n if (kpo.creationDateTime === undefined) {\n kpo.creationDateTime = kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt;\n }\n return kpo.creationDateTime === undefined\n ? kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt\n : kpo.creationDateTime;\n }\n}\n","\n \n Statystyka obsłużonych KPO\n Wykaz kart podlegających rozliczeniu w ramach umowy\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {{item.cardNumber}}\n \n \n {{item.wasteCode}}\n \n \n {{item.user.firstName}} {{item.user.lastName}}\n \n \n {{getLastModificationDate(item) | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'}}\n \n \n {{item.cardStatus}}\n \n \n {{item.plannedTransportTime | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'}}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Poprzedni kod statusu\n */\n previousStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Uwagi\n */\n remarks?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Data zatwierdzenia karty\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający kartę\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Użytkownik odrzucający kartę\n */\n rejectedByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data odrzucenia\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n generatingConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wygenerowania potwierdzenia\n */\n generatingConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Czy korygowana\n */\n isRevised?: boolean;\n /**\n * Data wprowadzenia korekty\n */\n revisedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko osoby korygującej kartę\n */\n revisedBy?: string;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowany kod i rodzaj odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface FilteredPaginatedRequest { \n readonly cardNumber?: string;\n readonly cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n readonly wasteCode?: string;\n readonly registrationNumber?: string;\n readonly senderName?: string;\n readonly additionalInfo?: string;\n readonly startTransportDate?: Date;\n readonly endTransportDate?: Date;\n readonly skip?: number;\n readonly take?: number;\n}","import { Component, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { SubjectAuthenticationService, UserService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-subject-selection\",\n templateUrl: \"./subject-selection.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./subject-selection.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class SubjectSelectionComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n private router: Router,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private userService: UserService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService\n ) {}\n\n subjects = [];\n loading = true;\n\n isAdmin = false;\n role = \"Transportujący\";\n filterValue = \"\";\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe((user) => {\n this.isAdmin = user.group.name === \"Administrator\";\n });\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.getSubjects().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.subjects = result.filter((s) => !s.isUserSubject);\n this.loading = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd sesji\", MessageType.Error);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n }\n );\n }\n\n filter() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.getSubjects().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n if (this.role === \"Użytkownik\") {\n this.subjects = result.filter((s) => s.isUserSubject);\n } else {\n this.subjects = result.filter((s) => !s.isUserSubject);\n }\n this.loading = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd sesji\", MessageType.Error);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n }\n );\n }\n\n selected() {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/subject-selection\");\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n \n Wybór podmiotu \n \n \n \n \n Rola\n \n Transportujący \n Użytkownik \n \n \n \n Wyszukaj\n \n \n
\n \n \n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface PasswordRecoveryRequestDto { \n token?: string;\n newPassword?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1GetWithdrawnKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1GetWithdrawnKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Poprzedni kod statusu\n */\n previousStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Uwagi\n */\n remarks?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Data zatwierdzenia karty\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający kartę\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Data wycofania karty\n */\n cardWithdrawalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WithdrawnByUser\n */\n withdrawnByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n generatingConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wygenerowania potwierdzenia\n */\n generatingConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}"," import { HttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '@angular/common/http';\n\n/**\n* CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec\n* Fix plus sign (+) not encoding, so sent as blank space\n* See: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/11058#issuecomment-247367318\n*/\nexport class CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec extends HttpUrlEncodingCodec {\n encodeKey(k: string): string {\n k = super.encodeKey(k);\n return k.replace(/\\+/gi, '%2B');\n }\n encodeValue(v: string): string {\n v = super.encodeValue(v);\n return v.replace(/\\+/gi, '%2B');\n }\n}\n\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface MarkForFillingRequest { \n readonly ids?: Array;\n readonly addToGenerated?: boolean;\n readonly isInInstalation?: boolean;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-headquarter-selection\",\n templateUrl: \"./headquarter-selection.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./headquarter-selection.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class HeadquarterSelectionComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(private router: Router, private alertService: AlertService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService) {}\n\n headquarters = [];\n loading = true;\n subjectName: string;\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.subjectName = this.storage.get(\"SubjectName\");\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyHeadquarters().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.headquarters = result.reverse();\n this.loading = false;\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Klucz API jest niepoprawny.\", MessageType.Error);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n }\n );\n }\n\n selected() {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/role-selection\");\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n


\n \n \n Wybór siedziby firmy\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n ","
\n \n Status\n \n {{ item.label }}\n \n \n \n Czas transportu\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
Filtr zaawansowany
\n \n \n Numer karty: {{ advancedQuery.cardNumber }} \n Kod odpadu: {{ advancedQuery.wasteCode }}\n Numer rejestracyjny: {{ advancedQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber }}\n Nazwa przekazującego: {{ advancedQuery.senderName }}\n Rok: {{ advancedQuery.year }}\n \n
\n \n Rola\n \n Transportujący\n Przekazujący\n \n \n \n Numer karty\n \n \n \n Kod odpadu\n \n \n \n Rok\n \n \n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n \n Nazwa przekazującego\n \n \n \n Informacje dodatkowe\n \n \n \n
\n","import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../services/role.service\";\n\nexport class AdvancedFilterQuery {\n wasteCode = \"\";\n cardNumber = \"\";\n vehicleRegistrationNumber = \"\";\n cardStatusCodeName = \"\";\n senderName = \"\";\n year = \"\";\n role: \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\" = \"CARRIER\";\n additionalInfo = null;\n transportDateRange = {\n from: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * -7),\n to: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7),\n };\n}\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-bdo-filter\",\n templateUrl: \"./bdo-filter.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./bdo-filter.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class BdoFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {\n public advancedQuery = new AdvancedFilterQuery();\n generalQuery = \"\";\n\n @Input() showRole = false;\n @Input() allowedCardStatuses: { label: string; value: string }[];\n @Input() showTransportDateRange = true;\n @Input() initialStatus = \"\";\n\n @Output()\n public advancedQueryTextChanged = new EventEmitter();\n @Output()\n public advancedQueryChanged = new EventEmitter();\n @Output() public generalQueryChanged = new EventEmitter();\n\n constructor(private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n if (this.initialStatus !== \"\") {\n this.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName = this.initialStatus;\n this.advancedQueryChanged.emit(this.advancedQuery);\n }\n this.advancedQuery.additionalInfo = null;\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.advancedQuery.role = r as \"SENDER\" | \"CARRIER\"));\n }\n\n ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {\n if (changes.initialStatus != undefined) {\n this.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName = changes.initialStatus.currentValue;\n this.advancedQueryChanged.emit(this.advancedQuery);\n }\n }\n\n queryChanged($event) {\n this.advancedQueryTextChanged.emit(this.advancedQuery);\n }\n\n selectChanged($event) {\n this.advancedQueryChanged.emit(this.advancedQuery);\n }\n\n applyFilter($event) {\n this.generalQueryChanged.emit(this.generalQuery);\n }\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-confirm-dialog',\n templateUrl: './confirm-dialog.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./confirm-dialog.component.css']\n})\nexport class ConfirmDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n\n ngOnInit() {}\n\n}\n","


\n \n \n
","import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { MatRadioChange } from \"@angular/material/radio\";\r\nimport { debounceTime } from \"rxjs-compat/operator/debounceTime\";\r\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto } from \"../../../../api\";\r\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\r\nimport { MatCheckboxChange } from \"@angular/material/checkbox\";\r\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-card-block\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./card-block.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./card-block.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class CardBlockComponent implements OnInit {\r\n @Input() public details: KpoCard | DraftCard;\r\n @Input() public header: string;\r\n @Input() public value: string;\r\n @Input() public text: any;\r\n @Input() public radio = false;\r\n @Input() public check = false;\r\n @Input() public checkboxChecked;\r\n @Output() public cardSelected = new EventEmitter();\r\n @Input() public expanded = true;\r\n @Output() public checked: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();\r\n\r\n public get kpoCard(): KpoCard {\r\n return this.details as KpoCard;\r\n }\r\n public get draftCard(): DraftCard {\r\n return this.details as DraftCard;\r\n }\r\n constructor() {}\r\n\r\n radioChanged($event: MatRadioChange) {\r\n if ($event.value) {\r\n this.cardSelected.emit(this.value);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n checkedChanged($event: MatCheckboxChange) {\r\n (this.details as any).checked = $event.checked;\r\n this.checked.emit($event.checked);\r\n }\r\n\r\n ngOnInit(): void {\r\n console.log(this.radio);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n Przekazujący:  {{ draftCard?.senderCompanyName }}\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Przekazujący:  {{ kpoCard?.senderName }}\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n {{ header }}  {{ text }}\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n {{ header }} \r\n \r\n
\r\n {{ header }}  {{ text }}\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface DiskUsageDto { \n readonly totalBytes?: number;\n readonly freeBytes?: number;\n readonly usedBytes?: number;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RejectedByUser\n */\n rejectedByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets CardRejectionTime\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n correctedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Uwagi\n */\n remarks?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Data zatwierdzenia karty\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający kartę\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n generatingConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wygenerowania potwierdzenia\n */\n generatingConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n receiveConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data otrzymania potwierdzenia\n */\n receiveConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Czy korygowana\n */\n isRevised?: boolean;\n /**\n * Data wprowadzenia korekty\n */\n revisedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko osoby korygującej kartę\n */\n revisedBy?: string;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowany kod i rodzaj odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n UsersService,\n GroupsService,\n UserDto,\n UserService\n} from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-registration\",\n templateUrl: \"./registration.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./registration.component.scss\"]\n})\nexport class RegistrationComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n private userService: UserService,\n private groupService: GroupsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private router: Router\n ) {}\n\n email: string;\n\n ngOnInit() {}\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n this.userService.requestPasswordChange(this.email)\n .subscribe(\n (result: any) => {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/password-recovery\");\n },\n error => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n error.error,\n MessageType.Error\n );\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n
Przywracanie hasła
\n \n
\n\n \n e-mail\n \n \n\n
\n \n
\n \n
","import { Component, HostBinding, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-value-field',\n templateUrl: './value-field.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./value-field.component.scss']\n})\nexport class ValueFieldComponent implements OnInit {\n @Input() optional = true;\n @Input() value = undefined;\n @HostBinding('class.hidden') public hidden = false;\n\n constructor() { }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.hidden = (this.value == undefined || this.value == null || this.value == '');\n }\n\n}\n","\n \n \n \n \n","var map = {\n\t\"./af\": \"K/tc\",\n\t\"./af.js\": \"K/tc\",\n\t\"./ar\": \"jnO4\",\n\t\"./ar-dz\": \"o1bE\",\n\t\"./ar-dz.js\": \"o1bE\",\n\t\"./ar-kw\": \"Qj4J\",\n\t\"./ar-kw.js\": \"Qj4J\",\n\t\"./ar-ly\": \"HP3h\",\n\t\"./ar-ly.js\": \"HP3h\",\n\t\"./ar-ma\": \"CoRJ\",\n\t\"./ar-ma.js\": \"CoRJ\",\n\t\"./ar-sa\": \"gjCT\",\n\t\"./ar-sa.js\": \"gjCT\",\n\t\"./ar-tn\": \"bYM6\",\n\t\"./ar-tn.js\": \"bYM6\",\n\t\"./ar.js\": \"jnO4\",\n\t\"./az\": \"SFxW\",\n\t\"./az.js\": \"SFxW\",\n\t\"./be\": \"H8ED\",\n\t\"./be.js\": \"H8ED\",\n\t\"./bg\": \"hKrs\",\n\t\"./bg.js\": \"hKrs\",\n\t\"./bm\": \"p/rL\",\n\t\"./bm.js\": \"p/rL\",\n\t\"./bn\": \"kEOa\",\n\t\"./bn.js\": \"kEOa\",\n\t\"./bo\": \"0mo+\",\n\t\"./bo.js\": \"0mo+\",\n\t\"./br\": \"aIdf\",\n\t\"./br.js\": \"aIdf\",\n\t\"./bs\": \"JVSJ\",\n\t\"./bs.js\": \"JVSJ\",\n\t\"./ca\": \"1xZ4\",\n\t\"./ca.js\": \"1xZ4\",\n\t\"./cs\": \"PA2r\",\n\t\"./cs.js\": \"PA2r\",\n\t\"./cv\": \"A+xa\",\n\t\"./cv.js\": \"A+xa\",\n\t\"./cy\": \"l5ep\",\n\t\"./cy.js\": \"l5ep\",\n\t\"./da\": \"DxQv\",\n\t\"./da.js\": \"DxQv\",\n\t\"./de\": \"tGlX\",\n\t\"./de-at\": \"s+uk\",\n\t\"./de-at.js\": \"s+uk\",\n\t\"./de-ch\": \"u3GI\",\n\t\"./de-ch.js\": \"u3GI\",\n\t\"./de.js\": \"tGlX\",\n\t\"./dv\": \"WYrj\",\n\t\"./dv.js\": \"WYrj\",\n\t\"./el\": \"jUeY\",\n\t\"./el.js\": \"jUeY\",\n\t\"./en-SG\": \"zavE\",\n\t\"./en-SG.js\": \"zavE\",\n\t\"./en-au\": \"Dmvi\",\n\t\"./en-au.js\": \"Dmvi\",\n\t\"./en-ca\": \"OIYi\",\n\t\"./en-ca.js\": \"OIYi\",\n\t\"./en-gb\": \"Oaa7\",\n\t\"./en-gb.js\": \"Oaa7\",\n\t\"./en-ie\": \"4dOw\",\n\t\"./en-ie.js\": \"4dOw\",\n\t\"./en-il\": \"czMo\",\n\t\"./en-il.js\": \"czMo\",\n\t\"./en-nz\": \"b1Dy\",\n\t\"./en-nz.js\": \"b1Dy\",\n\t\"./eo\": \"Zduo\",\n\t\"./eo.js\": \"Zduo\",\n\t\"./es\": \"iYuL\",\n\t\"./es-do\": \"CjzT\",\n\t\"./es-do.js\": \"CjzT\",\n\t\"./es-us\": \"Vclq\",\n\t\"./es-us.js\": \"Vclq\",\n\t\"./es.js\": \"iYuL\",\n\t\"./et\": \"7BjC\",\n\t\"./et.js\": \"7BjC\",\n\t\"./eu\": \"D/JM\",\n\t\"./eu.js\": \"D/JM\",\n\t\"./fa\": \"jfSC\",\n\t\"./fa.js\": \"jfSC\",\n\t\"./fi\": \"gekB\",\n\t\"./fi.js\": \"gekB\",\n\t\"./fo\": \"ByF4\",\n\t\"./fo.js\": \"ByF4\",\n\t\"./fr\": \"nyYc\",\n\t\"./fr-ca\": \"2fjn\",\n\t\"./fr-ca.js\": \"2fjn\",\n\t\"./fr-ch\": \"Dkky\",\n\t\"./fr-ch.js\": \"Dkky\",\n\t\"./fr.js\": \"nyYc\",\n\t\"./fy\": \"cRix\",\n\t\"./fy.js\": \"cRix\",\n\t\"./ga\": \"USCx\",\n\t\"./ga.js\": \"USCx\",\n\t\"./gd\": \"9rRi\",\n\t\"./gd.js\": \"9rRi\",\n\t\"./gl\": \"iEDd\",\n\t\"./gl.js\": \"iEDd\",\n\t\"./gom-latn\": \"DKr+\",\n\t\"./gom-latn.js\": \"DKr+\",\n\t\"./gu\": \"4MV3\",\n\t\"./gu.js\": \"4MV3\",\n\t\"./he\": \"x6pH\",\n\t\"./he.js\": \"x6pH\",\n\t\"./hi\": \"3E1r\",\n\t\"./hi.js\": \"3E1r\",\n\t\"./hr\": \"S6ln\",\n\t\"./hr.js\": \"S6ln\",\n\t\"./hu\": \"WxRl\",\n\t\"./hu.js\": \"WxRl\",\n\t\"./hy-am\": \"1rYy\",\n\t\"./hy-am.js\": \"1rYy\",\n\t\"./id\": \"UDhR\",\n\t\"./id.js\": \"UDhR\",\n\t\"./is\": \"BVg3\",\n\t\"./is.js\": \"BVg3\",\n\t\"./it\": \"bpih\",\n\t\"./it-ch\": \"bxKX\",\n\t\"./it-ch.js\": \"bxKX\",\n\t\"./it.js\": \"bpih\",\n\t\"./ja\": \"B55N\",\n\t\"./ja.js\": \"B55N\",\n\t\"./jv\": \"tUCv\",\n\t\"./jv.js\": \"tUCv\",\n\t\"./ka\": \"IBtZ\",\n\t\"./ka.js\": \"IBtZ\",\n\t\"./kk\": \"bXm7\",\n\t\"./kk.js\": \"bXm7\",\n\t\"./km\": \"6B0Y\",\n\t\"./km.js\": \"6B0Y\",\n\t\"./kn\": \"PpIw\",\n\t\"./kn.js\": \"PpIw\",\n\t\"./ko\": \"Ivi+\",\n\t\"./ko.js\": \"Ivi+\",\n\t\"./ku\": \"JCF/\",\n\t\"./ku.js\": \"JCF/\",\n\t\"./ky\": \"lgnt\",\n\t\"./ky.js\": \"lgnt\",\n\t\"./lb\": \"RAwQ\",\n\t\"./lb.js\": \"RAwQ\",\n\t\"./lo\": \"sp3z\",\n\t\"./lo.js\": \"sp3z\",\n\t\"./lt\": \"JvlW\",\n\t\"./lt.js\": \"JvlW\",\n\t\"./lv\": \"uXwI\",\n\t\"./lv.js\": \"uXwI\",\n\t\"./me\": \"KTz0\",\n\t\"./me.js\": \"KTz0\",\n\t\"./mi\": \"aIsn\",\n\t\"./mi.js\": \"aIsn\",\n\t\"./mk\": \"aQkU\",\n\t\"./mk.js\": \"aQkU\",\n\t\"./ml\": \"AvvY\",\n\t\"./ml.js\": \"AvvY\",\n\t\"./mn\": \"lYtQ\",\n\t\"./mn.js\": \"lYtQ\",\n\t\"./mr\": \"Ob0Z\",\n\t\"./mr.js\": \"Ob0Z\",\n\t\"./ms\": \"6+QB\",\n\t\"./ms-my\": \"ZAMP\",\n\t\"./ms-my.js\": \"ZAMP\",\n\t\"./ms.js\": \"6+QB\",\n\t\"./mt\": \"G0Uy\",\n\t\"./mt.js\": \"G0Uy\",\n\t\"./my\": \"honF\",\n\t\"./my.js\": \"honF\",\n\t\"./nb\": \"bOMt\",\n\t\"./nb.js\": \"bOMt\",\n\t\"./ne\": \"OjkT\",\n\t\"./ne.js\": \"OjkT\",\n\t\"./nl\": \"+s0g\",\n\t\"./nl-be\": \"2ykv\",\n\t\"./nl-be.js\": \"2ykv\",\n\t\"./nl.js\": \"+s0g\",\n\t\"./nn\": \"uEye\",\n\t\"./nn.js\": \"uEye\",\n\t\"./pa-in\": \"8/+R\",\n\t\"./pa-in.js\": \"8/+R\",\n\t\"./pl\": \"jVdC\",\n\t\"./pl.js\": \"jVdC\",\n\t\"./pt\": \"8mBD\",\n\t\"./pt-br\": \"0tRk\",\n\t\"./pt-br.js\": \"0tRk\",\n\t\"./pt.js\": \"8mBD\",\n\t\"./ro\": \"lyxo\",\n\t\"./ro.js\": \"lyxo\",\n\t\"./ru\": \"lXzo\",\n\t\"./ru.js\": \"lXzo\",\n\t\"./sd\": \"Z4QM\",\n\t\"./sd.js\": \"Z4QM\",\n\t\"./se\": \"//9w\",\n\t\"./se.js\": \"//9w\",\n\t\"./si\": \"7aV9\",\n\t\"./si.js\": \"7aV9\",\n\t\"./sk\": \"e+ae\",\n\t\"./sk.js\": \"e+ae\",\n\t\"./sl\": \"gVVK\",\n\t\"./sl.js\": \"gVVK\",\n\t\"./sq\": \"yPMs\",\n\t\"./sq.js\": \"yPMs\",\n\t\"./sr\": \"zx6S\",\n\t\"./sr-cyrl\": \"E+lV\",\n\t\"./sr-cyrl.js\": \"E+lV\",\n\t\"./sr.js\": \"zx6S\",\n\t\"./ss\": \"Ur1D\",\n\t\"./ss.js\": \"Ur1D\",\n\t\"./sv\": \"X709\",\n\t\"./sv.js\": \"X709\",\n\t\"./sw\": \"dNwA\",\n\t\"./sw.js\": \"dNwA\",\n\t\"./ta\": \"PeUW\",\n\t\"./ta.js\": \"PeUW\",\n\t\"./te\": \"XLvN\",\n\t\"./te.js\": \"XLvN\",\n\t\"./tet\": \"V2x9\",\n\t\"./tet.js\": \"V2x9\",\n\t\"./tg\": \"Oxv6\",\n\t\"./tg.js\": \"Oxv6\",\n\t\"./th\": \"EOgW\",\n\t\"./th.js\": \"EOgW\",\n\t\"./tl-ph\": \"Dzi0\",\n\t\"./tl-ph.js\": \"Dzi0\",\n\t\"./tlh\": \"z3Vd\",\n\t\"./tlh.js\": \"z3Vd\",\n\t\"./tr\": \"DoHr\",\n\t\"./tr.js\": \"DoHr\",\n\t\"./tzl\": \"z1FC\",\n\t\"./tzl.js\": \"z1FC\",\n\t\"./tzm\": \"wQk9\",\n\t\"./tzm-latn\": \"tT3J\",\n\t\"./tzm-latn.js\": \"tT3J\",\n\t\"./tzm.js\": \"wQk9\",\n\t\"./ug-cn\": \"YRex\",\n\t\"./ug-cn.js\": \"YRex\",\n\t\"./uk\": \"raLr\",\n\t\"./uk.js\": \"raLr\",\n\t\"./ur\": \"UpQW\",\n\t\"./ur.js\": \"UpQW\",\n\t\"./uz\": \"Loxo\",\n\t\"./uz-latn\": \"AQ68\",\n\t\"./uz-latn.js\": \"AQ68\",\n\t\"./uz.js\": \"Loxo\",\n\t\"./vi\": \"KSF8\",\n\t\"./vi.js\": \"KSF8\",\n\t\"./x-pseudo\": \"/X5v\",\n\t\"./x-pseudo.js\": \"/X5v\",\n\t\"./yo\": \"fzPg\",\n\t\"./yo.js\": \"fzPg\",\n\t\"./zh-cn\": \"XDpg\",\n\t\"./zh-cn.js\": \"XDpg\",\n\t\"./zh-hk\": \"SatO\",\n\t\"./zh-hk.js\": \"SatO\",\n\t\"./zh-tw\": \"kOpN\",\n\t\"./zh-tw.js\": \"kOpN\"\n};\n\n\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\tvar id = webpackContextResolve(req);\n\treturn __webpack_require__(id);\n}\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(map, req)) {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n\treturn map[req];\n}\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\nwebpackContext.id = \"RnhZ\";","\n
\n \n \n Raporty\n Generowanie zestawień z obsłużonych KPO\n \n \n \n \n\n
\n \n Podmiot przekazującego\n \n \n \n {{ option.label }}\n \n \n \n \n MPD Przekazującego\n \n \n \n Zakres dat\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Miejsce wytworzenia odpadu\n \n \n\n \n Kod odpadu\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n","import { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { Component, Inject, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { FormControl } from \"@angular/forms\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { Subject, Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { tap, map, debounceTime, startWith, switchMap, finalize } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, WasteTransferCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\nimport { BdoFilterComponent, AdvancedFilterQuery } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-report\",\n templateUrl: \"./report.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./report.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ReportComponent implements OnInit {\n public loading = false;\n public error = false;\n\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true }) bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n role: string;\n subjectName: any;\n dateRangeFrom: Date;\n dateRangeTo: Date;\n teryt: string;\n isWorking: boolean = false;\n headquarterAddress: string;\n wasteCode: string;\n additionalInfo: string;\n\n constructor(private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService, private wtcService: WasteTransferCardService) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n\n senderCompanyControl = new FormControl(\"\");\n options: string[] = [\"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\"];\n filteredOptions: Observable<{ label: string; value: string }[]>;\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.filteredOptions = this.senderCompanyControl.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(500),\n switchMap((query) => this.extendedKpoService.searchCompany(query)),\n tap(console.log),\n map((result: any) =>\n result.map((item) => {\n return { label: item.name, value: item.companyId };\n })\n )\n );\n this.subjectName = this.storage.get(\"SubjectName\");\n }\n\n generateReport() {\n this.isWorking = true;\n this.wtcService\n .getFilteredWasteTransferCardsReport(this.senderCompanyControl.value, this.dateRangeFrom, this.dateRangeTo, this.headquarterAddress, this.teryt, this.wasteCode)\n .pipe(finalize(() => (this.isWorking = false)))\n .subscribe(\n (file) => this.downloadFile(file),\n (err) => console.log(err)\n );\n }\n\n downloadFile(data: Blob) {\n console.log(data);\n const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);\n window.open(url);\n }\n\n private _filter(value: string): string[] {\n const filterValue = value.toLowerCase();\n\n return this.options.filter((option) => option.toLowerCase().includes(filterValue));\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs { \n /**\n * Id podmiotu\n */\n companyId?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestrowy podmiotu\n */\n registrationNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa podmiotu\n */\n name?: string;\n /**\n * NIP podmiotu\n */\n nip?: string;\n /**\n * Europejski NIP podmiotu\n */\n nipEu?: string;\n /**\n * PESEL, jeśli podmiot nie posiada NIP\n */\n pesel?: string;\n /**\n * Kraj\n */\n country?: string;\n /**\n * Adres\n */\n address?: string;\n /**\n * Numer budynku\n */\n buildingNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Numer lokalu\n */\n localNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod pocztowy\n */\n postalCode?: string;\n /**\n * Teryt\n */\n teryt?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { UserService, ExtendedKpoService, SubjectAuthenticationService, SubjectWhitelistCreationDto, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs } from '../../../../../../api';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { AddSubjectDialogComponent } from '../../login/subject-list/add-subject-dialog/add-subject-dialog.component';\nimport { MatPaginator } from '@angular/material/paginator';\nimport { MatSort } from '@angular/material/sort';\nimport { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';\nimport { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from '../../../../helpers/extended-management';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-add-whitelist-subject-dialog',\n templateUrl: './add-whitelist-subject-dialog.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./add-whitelist-subject-dialog.component.css']\n})\nexport class AddWhitelistSubjectDialogComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements AfterViewInit {\n constructor(\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private userService: UserService,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) { \n super();\n this.loading = false;\n }\n\n displayedColumns = [\"registrationNumber\", \"name\", \"address\", \"action\"];\n model: SubjectWhitelistCreationDto = {};\n query = '';\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(MatSort, { static: true }) sort: MatSort;\n @ViewChild(\"search\", { static: true }) searchInput: ElementRef;\n\n parseAddress(address: string) {\n if (address == undefined) return \"\";\n const elements = address.split(\", \");\n const town = elements\n .find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Miejscowość\")\n ?.split(\": \")[1];\n const street = elements\n .find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Ulica\")\n ?.split(\": \")[1];\n return town + (street == undefined ? \"\" : \" ul. \" + street);\n }\n\n setCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.model.name = company.name;\n this.model.address = company.address;\n this.model.nip = company.nip;\n this.model.registryNumber = company.registrationNumber;\n this.model.companyId = company.companyId;\n\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe(result => {\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.addWhitelistSubject(this.model, this.data?.user?.id).subscribe(result => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie dodano podmiot!', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close();\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error));\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error));\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n this.loading = false;\n fromEvent(this.searchInput.nativeElement, \"keyup\")\n .debounceTime(1000)\n .subscribe((res) => {\n this.extendedKpoService.searchCompany(this.query).subscribe((result) => {\n this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(result);\n this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator;\n this.dataSource.sort = this.sort;\n this.loading = false;\n });\n });\n }\n}\n","\n\n\n \n Wyszukaj\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Numer rejestrowy {{element.registrationNumber}} Nazwa {{element.name}} Adres {{parseAddress(element.address)}} \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n ","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class VersionService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public version(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public version(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public version(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public version(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Version`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n

\r\n {{ route.data?.title }}\r\n

\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n {{ childRoute.data.title }}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n","import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, OnInit, HostListener, NgZone, Inject, OnDestroy } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { routing } from \"./app.routing\";\r\nimport { ChooseLocationDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/choose-location-dialog/choose-location-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { Configuration, ExtendedKpoService, UserService } from \"../../api\";\r\nimport { MessagingService } from \"./services/messaging.service\";\r\nimport { AngularFireMessaging } from \"@angular/fire/messaging\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"./services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { WebStorageService, LOCAL_STORAGE } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\r\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\r\nimport { CanDeactivateGuard } from \"./guards/auth.guard\";\r\nimport { Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"./services/role.service\";\r\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\r\n\r\n@UntilDestroy()\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-root\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./app.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./app.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\r\n public static Instance: AppComponent;\r\n public hasAdminRights = false;\r\n userName: string;\r\n menuRoutes = routing;\r\n role: string;\r\n loading = false;\r\n navbarOpen = true;\r\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\r\n subscription = new Subscription();\r\n place = \"Wybierz siedzibę\";\r\n windowWidth: number = window.innerWidth;\r\n constructor(\r\n public router: Router,\r\n public dialog: MatDialog,\r\n @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService,\r\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\r\n private angularFireMessaging: AngularFireMessaging,\r\n private messagingService: MessagingService,\r\n private userService: UserService,\r\n private alertService: AlertService,\r\n private overlay: Overlay,\r\n private deactivateGuard: CanDeactivateGuard,\r\n private roleService: RoleService,\r\n private cookieService: CookieService,\r\n private configuration: Configuration\r\n ) {\r\n AppComponent.Instance = this;\r\n const bearer = this.cookieService.get(\"bearer\");\r\n if (bearer != undefined && bearer != \"\") this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"] = `Bearer ${bearer}`;\r\n console.log(bearer);\r\n }\r\n\r\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\r\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\r\n }\r\n ngOnInit(): void {\r\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\r\n\r\n this.dialog.afterOpened.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => {\r\n this.deactivateGuard.navigationAllowed = false;\r\n });\r\n\r\n this.angularFireMessaging.tokenChanges.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(\r\n (token) => {\r\n this.userService.addDeviceToken({ deviceToken: token }).subscribe(\r\n () => {},\r\n (error) => {}\r\n );\r\n },\r\n (error) => {}\r\n );\r\n\r\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((message) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(message.notification.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n public showAdminOptions(show: boolean) {\r\n this.hasAdminRights = show;\r\n }\r\n\r\n filterRoutes(routes) {\r\n return routes?.filter((r) => r.data?.hidden === undefined || r.data?.hidden === false);\r\n }\r\n\r\n isOutsideApp() {\r\n return this.router.url === \"/login\" || this.router.url === \"/register\" || this.router.url === \"/password-recovery\" || this.router.url === \"/subject-selection\" || this.router.url === \"/headquarter-selection\" || this.router.url === \"/role-selection\" || this.router.url.startsWith(\"/landing-page\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n isInsideApp() {\r\n return !this.isOutsideApp();\r\n }\r\n\r\n changePlaceDialog() {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ChooseLocationDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"850px\",\r\n data: {},\r\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\r\n if (result != null) {\r\n this.place = result.addressHtml;\r\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyToken(result.eupId).subscribe((nres) => {\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", nres, 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", nres, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n shouldRenderItem(route) {\r\n return route.data.showInRoles == undefined || route.data.showInRoles.indexOf(this.role) != -1;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoGeneratedListItem\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoGeneratedListItem { \n /**\n * Id wpisu Wytworzone odpady\n */\n keoGeneratedId?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa instalacji\n */\n installationName?: string;\n /**\n * Masa wytworzonych odpadów: w związku z eksploatacją instalacji [Mg]\n */\n wasteMassInstallation?: number;\n /**\n * Masa wytworzonych odpadów: poza instalacją\n */\n wasteMassExcludingInstallation?: number;\n /**\n * wytwarzanie odpadów - w wyniku świadczenia usług (w rozumieniu art. 3 ust. 1 pkt 32 ustawy o odpadach) i/lub działalności w zakresie obiektów liniowych (w rozumieniu art. 3 pkt 3a ustawy - Prawo budowlane)\n */\n wasteFromServices?: boolean;\n /**\n * Utworzone przez użytkownika\n */\n createdByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wytworzenia\n */\n manufactureDate?: Date;\n}","import {\n Component,\n OnInit,\n Input,\n Inject,\n Output,\n EventEmitter,\n} from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { AddSubjectDialogComponent } from \"./add-subject-dialog/add-subject-dialog.component\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport {\n SubjectAuthenticationService,\n SubjectDto,\n UserService,\n ExtendedKpoService,\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { tap } from \"rxjs/internal/operators/tap\";\nimport { AppComponent } from \"../../../../app.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"../../../dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-subject-list\",\n templateUrl: \"./subject-list.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./subject-list.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class SubjectListComponent implements OnInit {\n _subjects: SubjectDto[];\n get subjeects(): SubjectDto[] {\n return this._subjects;\n }\n\n @Input() set subjects(value: SubjectDto[]) {\n this._subjects = value;\n this.dataSource = this._subjects;\n }\n\n loading = false;\n displayedColumns: string[] = [\"name\", \"radio\"];\n dataSource = null;\n hasAdminRights = false;\n @Output() updated = new EventEmitter();\n\n constructor(\n public dialog: MatDialog,\n private router: Router,\n private userService: UserService,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService\n ) {}\n\n openDialog(): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(AddSubjectDialogComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: {},\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n this.loading = true;\n this.reload();\n });\n }\n\n select(subject: SubjectDto) {\n this.userService.setSelectedSubject(subject.id).subscribe((result) => {\n if (subject.clientId == null) {\n console.log(\"selecting\", subject);\n this.storage.set(\"SubjectId\", subject.clientId);\n this.storage.set(\"CompanyId\", subject.companyId);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/dashboard\");\n return;\n }\n\n this.storage.set(\"SubjectName\", subject.name);\n this.storage.set(\"SubjectId\", subject.clientId);\n this.storage.set(\"CompanyId\", subject.companyId);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/headquarter-selection\");\n });\n }\n\n skip() {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/admin/users\");\n }\n\n removeSubject(subject: SubjectDto) {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, {\n width: \"350px\",\n data: { message: \"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten podmiot?\" },\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n if (result) {\n this.subjectAuthenticationService\n .removeSubject(subject.id)\n .subscribe((r) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie usunięto klucz API podmiotu\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.reload();\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n reload() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.updated.emit();\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe(\n (user) => {\n this.hasAdminRights = user.group.hasAdminRights;\n AppComponent.Instance.showAdminOptions(this.hasAdminRights);\n },\n () =>\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Użytkownik nie jest zalogowany\",\n MessageType.Error\n )\n );\n }\n\n selected() {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/\");\n }\n}\n","\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Nazwa podmiotu\r\n
\r\n \r\n {{ element.name }}\r\n \r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * Defines BdoService.Models.Enumerations.CompanyType\n */\nexport type BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType = 1 | 2 | 3;\n\nexport const BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType = {\n NUMBER_1: 1 as BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType,\n NUMBER_2: 2 as BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType,\n NUMBER_3: 3 as BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType\n};","import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';\n\nexport const BASE_PATH = new InjectionToken('basePath');\nexport const COLLECTION_FORMATS = {\n 'csv': ',',\n 'tsv': ' ',\n 'ssv': ' ',\n 'pipes': '|'\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface SubjectWhitelistCreationDto { \n companyId?: string;\n name?: string;\n registryNumber?: string;\n nip?: string;\n address?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Input, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { AlertService } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../services/role.service\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-headquarter-list\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./headquarter-list.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./headquarter-list.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class HeadquarterListComponent implements OnInit {\r\n displayedColumns: string[] = [\"name\", \"radio\"];\r\n dataSource = null;\r\n locations = [];\r\n\r\n @Input() headquarters = [];\r\n\r\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private router: Router, private alertService: AlertService) {}\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n this.dataSource = this.headquarters;\r\n }\r\n\r\n select(element) {\r\n console.log(\"headquater selected\");\r\n if (element.disctict === undefined && element.street === undefined) {\r\n this.storage.set(\"place\", \"(Brak adresu)\");\r\n } else {\r\n this.storage.set(\"place\", element.district + \" ul. \" + element.street + \" \" + element.buildingNumber + (element.localNumber != null ? \"/\" + element.localNumber : \"\"));\r\n }\r\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyToken(element.eupId).subscribe((nres) => {\r\n const expiryTime = Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3;\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token-expiry\", expiryTime.toString(), 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token-expiry\", expiryTime.toString(), { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", nres, 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"token\", nres, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"eupId\", element.eupId, 1, \"/\");\r\n this.cookieService.set(\"eupId\", element.eupId, { expires: 1, sameSite: \"None\", secure: true });\r\n this.storage.set(\"eupId\", element.eupId);\r\n\r\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/role-selection\");\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n Nazwa siedziby\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n {{element.name}} \r\n \r\n
\r\n","import { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot, UrlTree, Router, CanActivate, CanDeactivate } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { Configuration } from \"../../../api/configuration\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"../services/role.service\";\r\n\r\n@Injectable({\r\n providedIn: \"root\",\r\n})\r\nexport class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {\r\n constructor(private router: Router, private configuration: Configuration, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {}\r\n\r\n canActivate(next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable | Promise | boolean {\r\n const bearer = this.cookieService.get(\"bearer\");\r\n\r\n if (!this.cookieService.check(\"bearer\")) {\r\n this.router.navigate([\"/login\"]);\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n const tokenExpiry = this.cookieService.get(\"token-expiry\");\r\n\r\n if (tokenExpiry == undefined || Date.now() >= parseInt(tokenExpiry)) {\r\n this.router.navigate([\"/subject-selection\"]);\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"] !== undefined && this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"] !== \"KEY\") {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.router.navigate([\"/landing-page\"], { queryParams: { redirect: next.pathFromRoot.map((r) => r.url).join(\"/\") } });\r\n\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@Injectable({\r\n providedIn: \"root\",\r\n})\r\nexport class CanDeactivateGuard implements CanDeactivate {\r\n public navigationAllowed = true;\r\n constructor(private readonly dialog: MatDialog) {}\r\n\r\n canDeactivate(component: any, currentRoute: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {\r\n if (this.navigationAllowed) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n this.navigationAllowed = true;\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest { \n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista godzina rozpoczęcia transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: string;\n /**\n * Godzina rozpoczęcia transportu\n */\n realTransportDate?: Date;\n}","export interface ConfigurationParameters {\n apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};\n username?: string;\n password?: string;\n accessToken?: string | (() => string);\n basePath?: string;\n withCredentials?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport class Configuration {\n apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};\n username?: string;\n password?: string;\n accessToken?: string | (() => string);\n basePath?: string;\n withCredentials?: boolean;\n\n constructor(configurationParameters: ConfigurationParameters = {}) {\n this.apiKeys = configurationParameters.apiKeys;\n this.username = configurationParameters.username;\n this.password = configurationParameters.password;\n this.accessToken = configurationParameters.accessToken;\n this.basePath = configurationParameters.basePath;\n this.withCredentials = configurationParameters.withCredentials;\n }\n\n /**\n * Select the correct content-type to use for a request.\n * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct content-type.\n * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty\n * @param contentTypes - the array of content types that are available for selection\n * @returns the selected content-type or undefined if no selection could be made.\n */\n public selectHeaderContentType (contentTypes: string[]): string | undefined {\n if (contentTypes.length == 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n let type = contentTypes.find(x => this.isJsonMime(x));\n if (type === undefined) {\n return contentTypes[0];\n }\n return type;\n }\n\n /**\n * Select the correct accept content-type to use for a request.\n * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct accept content-type.\n * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty\n * @param accepts - the array of content types that are available for selection.\n * @returns the selected content-type or undefined if no selection could be made.\n */\n public selectHeaderAccept(accepts: string[]): string | undefined {\n if (accepts.length == 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n let type = accepts.find(x => this.isJsonMime(x));\n if (type === undefined) {\n return accepts[0];\n }\n return type;\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if the given MIME is a JSON MIME.\n * JSON MIME examples:\n * application/json\n * application/json; charset=UTF8\n * APPLICATION/JSON\n * application/vnd.company+json\n * @param mime - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)\n * @return True if the given MIME is JSON, false otherwise.\n */\n public isJsonMime(mime: string): boolean {\n const jsonMime: RegExp = new RegExp('^(application\\/json|[^;/ \\t]+\\/[^;/ \\t]+[+]json)[ \\t]*(;.*)?$', 'i');\n return mime != null && (jsonMime.test(mime) || mime.toLowerCase() === 'application/json-patch+json');\n }\n}\n","

Wygeneruj potwierdzenie

\n \n Godzina rozpoczęcia transportu\n \n \n\n \n Data rozpoczęcia transportu\n \n \n \n \n\n \n Wybierz pojazd\n \n {{ car.name }} [{{ car.registrationNumber }}] \n \n \n \n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { UsersService, ExtendedKpoService, CarsService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { SelectDriverDialogComponent } from \"../select-driver-dialog/select-driver-dialog.component\";\nimport { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\nimport { MAT_DATE_LOCALE, DateAdapter } from \"@angular/material/core\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../services/role.service\";\n\n// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length\ntype ConfirmationRequest = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1UpdateApprovedKpoAndGenerateConfirmationAsCarrierRequest;\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-generate-confirmation-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./generate-confirmation-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./generate-confirmation-dialog.component.css\"],\n providers: [{ provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: \"pl-PL\" }],\n})\nexport class GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(public datepipe: DatePipe, private carsService: CarsService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private alertService: AlertService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any, private _adapter: DateAdapter, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n working = false;\n car: any;\n cars: any;\n role: string;\n model: ConfirmationRequest = {};\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this._adapter.setLocale(\"pl\");\n this.carsService.getAll().subscribe((result) => (this.cars = result));\n this.model.realTransportDate = new Date();\n this.model.realTransportTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString([], {\n hour: \"2-digit\",\n minute: \"2-digit\",\n });\n this.car = this.data.model.vehicleRegNumber;\n }\n\n save() {\n this.model.vehicleRegNumber = this.role == \"CARRIER\" ? this.car.registrationNumber : this.car;\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.generateConfirmation(this.data.model.kpoId, this.model, this.role == \"CARRIER\" ? BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_2 : BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie wygenerowano potwierdzenie.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error);\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface CarDto { \n id?: number;\n name?: string;\n registrationNumber?: string;\n companyId?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { UserDto } from '../model/userDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class UsersService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Deletes entity from the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling _delete.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/Users/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds entity to the database\n * \n * @param body JSON entity data\n * @param password Password to be set\n * @param sendMail \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public add(body?: UserDto, password?: string, sendMail?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public add(body?: UserDto, password?: string, sendMail?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: UserDto, password?: string, sendMail?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: UserDto, password?: string, sendMail?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (password !== undefined && password !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('password', password);\n }\n if (sendMail !== undefined && sendMail !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('sendMail', sendMail);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Users`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a single entity or empty value if entity does not exists\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling get.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Users/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param groupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAll(groupId?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAll(groupId?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(groupId?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(groupId?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (groupId !== undefined && groupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('groupId', groupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Users`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param groupId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAllAssigned(groupId?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAllAssigned(groupId?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAllAssigned(groupId?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAllAssigned(groupId?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (groupId !== undefined && groupId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('groupId', groupId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Users/Assigned`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates entity in the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param body JSON entity data\n * @param password Password to be set\n * @param shouldSendEmail If set, email will be sent\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public update(id: number, body?: UserDto, password?: string, shouldSendEmail?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public update(id: number, body?: UserDto, password?: string, shouldSendEmail?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: UserDto, password?: string, shouldSendEmail?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: UserDto, password?: string, shouldSendEmail?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling update.');\n }\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (password !== undefined && password !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('password', password);\n }\n if (shouldSendEmail !== undefined && shouldSendEmail !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('shouldSendEmail', shouldSendEmail);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/Users/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { UserService, GroupsService, UserDto } from '../../../../../api';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-password-recovery',\n templateUrl: './password-recovery.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./password-recovery.component.scss']\n})\nexport class PasswordRecoveryComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n private userService: UserService,\n private groupService: GroupsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private router: Router\n ) {}\n\n code: string;\n newPassword: string;\n\n ngOnInit() {}\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n this.userService\n .passwordRecovery({token: this.code, newPassword: this.newPassword})\n .subscribe(\n (result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Zmiana hasła przebiegła pomyślnie\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n },\n error => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n error.error,\n MessageType.Error\n );\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n
Przywracanie hasła
\n \n
\n\n \n kod zmiany hasła\n \n \n \n nowe hasło\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-edit-data-dialog',\n templateUrl: './edit-data-dialog.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./edit-data-dialog.component.css']\n})\nexport class EditDataDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor() { }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n }\n\n}\n","

edit-data-dialog works!

\n","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs } from '../../../../../api';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-company-details',\n templateUrl: './company-details.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./company-details.component.scss']\n})\nexport class CompanyDetailsComponent implements OnInit {\n loading = true;\n company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\n eups: any;\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService) { }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.extendedKpoService.getSelfCompany().subscribe(result => this.company = result, error => this.loading = false);\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyHeadquarters().subscribe(result => this.eups = result, error => this.loading = false);\n this.loading = false;\n\n }\n\n}\n","\n\n
\n \n \n Informacje o firmie\n Podgląd informacji o firmie\n \n \n \n
\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n \n Identyfikator (Guid)\n \n \n

Miejsca prowadzenia działalności

\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n \n Identyfikator (Guid)\n \n \n
\n \n \n Archiwum KPO\n Podgląd archiwalnych kart\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{ item.cardNumber }} \n \n {{ item.wasteCode }}\n \n {{ item.user.firstName }} {{ item.user.lastName }} \n \n {{ item.vehicleRegNumber }}\n \n \n \n {{ item.cardStatus }}\n \n \n {{ item.plannedTransportTime | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Inject, HostListener, OnDestroy } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { Observable, of, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"./archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { tap, map, debounceTime, take } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { AdvancedFilterQuery, BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\nimport { EventEmitter, until } from \"protractor\";\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-archive\",\n templateUrl: \"./archive.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./archive.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ArchiveComponent implements OnInit {\n public loading = true;\n public error = false;\n carrierName: string;\n role: string;\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n checkAllEvent = new Subject();\n\n filterCardStatuses: { label: string; value: string }[] = [\n { label: \"Potwierdzony transport\", value: \"TRANSPORT_CONFIRMATION\" },\n { label: \"Wycofane\", value: \"WITHDRAWN\" },\n ];\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n\n filteredResults$: Observable<(DraftCard | KpoCard)[]> = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.load(observer, false);\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load(observer, false));\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n this.handleRefresh(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => this.load(observer, false));\n this.checkAllEvent.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => this.load(observer, true));\n }).pipe(\n untilDestroyed(this),\n tap((r) => console.log(r)),\n map((r: (DraftCard | KpoCard)[]) => {\n const a: (DraftCard | KpoCard)[] = r;\n return a;\n })\n );\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n private isWorking: boolean = false;\n\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.carrierName = this.storage.get(\"SubjectName\");\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.additionalInfo = null;\n }\n\n load(observer, checkAll) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n this.cardService.getRealisingNowCards(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery, this.paginator.pageIndex, this.paginator.pageSize).subscribe(\n (cards) => {\n observer.next(\n cards.items.map((m) => {\n const kpoCard = m as KpoCard;\n return {\n ...m,\n user: kpoCard ? cards.userAttributions[kpoCard.kpoId] : undefined,\n checked: checkAll,\n };\n })\n );\n this.paginator.length = cards.totalItemsCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleRefresh(observer) {\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n this.load(observer, false);\n });\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged\n .pipe(debounceTime(800))\n .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))\n .subscribe((result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n console.log(\"querychanged\");\n this.load(observer, false);\n });\n\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((result: AdvancedFilterQuery) => {\n console.log(\"querychanged\");\n this.load(observer, false);\n });\n }\n\n // @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n // onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n // this.reloadRequest.next();\n // }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(KpoDetailsDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: card },\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n getLastModificationDate(kpo: any) {\n if (kpo.creationDateTime === undefined) {\n kpo.creationDateTime = kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt;\n }\n return kpo.creationDateTime === undefined ? kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt : kpo.creationDateTime;\n }\n}\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { DraftCardsService } from \"../../../../../../../api\";\nimport {\n AlertService,\n MessageType,\n} from \"../../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../../../services/card.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-reject-card-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./reject-card-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./reject-card-dialog.component.css\"],\n})\nexport class RejectCardDialogComponent {\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private cardService: CardService,\n private draftCardsService: DraftCardsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n rejectionMessage = \"\";\n\n reject() {\n const model = {\n ...this.data.model,\n cardStatus: this.cardService.rejectedStatus,\n rejectionCause: this.rejectionMessage,\n };\n this.draftCardsService\n .update(model.id, model, \"odrzucenie karty\")\n .subscribe(() => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie odrzucono kartę. Informacja o odmowie przyjęcia karty została przesłana do przekazującego.\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n });\n }\n}\n","

Opisz powód odrzucenia karty

\n \n Powód odrzucenia karty\n \n \n
\n \n \n
","import { BrowserModule } from \"@angular/platform-browser\";\r\nimport { NgModule } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from \"@angular/common/http\";\r\nimport { RouterModule } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { BrowserAnimationsModule } from \"@angular/platform-browser/animations\";\r\nimport { AppComponent } from \"./app.component\";\r\nimport { LoginComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/login.component\";\r\nimport { MaterialModule } from \"./modules/material/material.module\";\r\nimport { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from \"@angular/forms\";\r\nimport { AuthorizationButtonComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/authorization-button/authorization-button.component\";\r\nimport { InternalAuthenticationComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/internal-authentication/internal-authentication.component\";\r\nimport { UsersComponent } from \"./components/pages/users/users.component\";\r\nimport { GroupsComponent } from \"./components/pages/groups/groups.component\";\r\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/users/user-wizard/user-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { routing } from \"./app.routing\";\r\nimport { GroupWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/groups/group-wizard/group-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { ScrollingModule } from \"@angular/cdk/scrolling\";\r\nimport { Configuration, ConfigurationParameters } from \"./configuration\";\r\nimport { FlexLayoutModule } from \"@angular/flex-layout\";\r\nimport { DaysSelectorComponent } from \"./components/days-selector/days-selector.component\";\r\nimport { CKEditorModule } from \"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-angular\";\r\nimport { UsersViewComponent } from \"./components/pages/users/users-view/users-view.component\";\r\nimport { LoggerConsoleComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/logger-console/logger-console.component\";\r\nimport { DynamicFileReaderComponent } from \"./components/dynamic-file-reader/dynamic-file-reader.component\";\r\nimport { NgxMatSelectSearchModule } from \"ngx-mat-select-search\";\r\nimport { AngularFireMessagingModule } from \"@angular/fire/messaging\";\r\nimport { AngularFireModule } from \"@angular/fire\";\r\nimport { ChooseLocationDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/choose-location-dialog/choose-location-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ApiModule } from \"../../api\";\r\nimport { SubjectListComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/subject-list/subject-list.component\";\r\nimport { AddSubjectDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/subject-list/add-subject-dialog/add-subject-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { RegistrationComponent } from \"./components/pages/registration/registration.component\";\r\nimport { PersonSmallInfoComponent } from \"./components/person-small-info/person-small-info.component\";\r\nimport { CarsComponent } from \"./components/pages/cars/cars.component\";\r\nimport { RealisingNowComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/realising-now.component\";\r\nimport { DriversComponent } from \"./components/pages/drivers/drivers.component\";\r\nimport { CarWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/cars/car-wizard/car-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { DriverWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/drivers/driver-wizard/driver-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { EditDataDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/kpo/edit-data-dialog/edit-data-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { RejectCardDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/kpo/reject-card-dialog/reject-card-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { SelectDriverDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/select-driver-dialog/select-driver-dialog.component\";\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length\r\nimport { GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/generate-confirmation-dialog/generate-confirmation-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { SubjectSelectionComponent } from \"./components/pages/subject-selection/subject-selection.component\";\r\nimport { HeadquarterSelectionComponent } from \"./components/pages/headquarter-selection/headquarter-selection.component\";\r\nimport { HeadquarterListComponent } from \"./components/pages/headquarter-selection/headquarter-list/headquarter-list.component\";\r\nimport { CompanyDetailsComponent } from \"./components/pages/company-details/company-details.component\";\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length\r\nimport { ConfirmationDownloaderComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/confirmation-downloader/confirmation-downloader.component\";\r\nimport { APP_BASE_HREF, DatePipe, LocationStrategy, PathLocationStrategy, registerLocaleData } from \"@angular/common\";\r\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ArchiveComponent } from \"./components/pages/archive/archive.component\";\r\nimport { MatSortModule } from \"@angular/material/sort\";\r\nimport { UserWizardDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/user-wizard-dialog/user-wizard-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { environment } from \"../environments/environment\";\r\nimport { MessagingService } from \"./services/messaging.service\";\r\nimport { DispatcherWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/drivers/dispatcher-wizard/dispatcher-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { SubjectWizardComponent } from \"./components/pages/users/subject-wizard/subject-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { StatsComponent } from \"./components/pages/stats/stats.component\";\r\nimport { ConfirmReciveDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/confirm-recive-dialog/confirm-recive-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { StorageServiceModule } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\r\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\r\nimport { PasswordRecoveryComponent } from \"./components/pages/password-recovery/password-recovery.component\";\r\nimport { RejectReceiveDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/reject-receive-dialog/reject-receive-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { WhitelistComponent } from \"./components/pages/whitelist/whitelist.component\";\r\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { EulaAcceptanceDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/eula-acceptance-dialog/eula-acceptance-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { UserActionsLogComponent } from \"./components/pages/user-actions-log/user-actions-log.component\";\r\nimport { SubjectFilterPipe } from \"./components/pages/subject-selection/filter.pipe\";\r\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { MatTimepickerModule } from \"mat-timepicker\";\r\nimport { CardBlockComponent } from \"./components/card-block/card-block.component\";\r\nimport { CardBlockFieldComponent } from \"./components/card-block-field/card-block-field.component\";\r\nimport { DashboardComponent } from \"./components/pages/dashboard/dashboard.component\";\r\nimport { BdoFilterComponent } from \"./components/bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length\r\nimport { AddWhitelistSubjectDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/whitelist/add-whitelist-subject-dialog/add-whitelist-subject-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { MobileFooterComponent } from \"./components/mobile-footer/mobile-footer.component\";\r\nimport { CompanyPickerComponent } from \"./components/company-picker/company-picker.component\";\r\nimport { HeadquarterPickerComponent } from \"./components/headquarter-picker/headquarter-picker.component\";\r\nimport { MAT_DATE_LOCALE } from \"@angular/material/core\";\r\nimport { FilingComponent } from \"./components/pages/filing/filing.component\";\r\nimport { FilingConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/filing/filing-confirmation-dialog/filing-confirmation-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { FiledCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/filed-cards/filed-cards.component\";\r\nimport { WasteRecordCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/waste-record-cards/waste-record-cards.component\";\r\nimport { FiledCardDetailsComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/filed-card-details/filed-card-details.component\";\r\nimport { ValueFieldComponent } from \"./components/value-field/value-field.component\";\r\nimport { FiledGeneratedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards/filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\r\nimport { FiledCollectedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards/filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\r\nimport { FiledForwardedWasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards/filed-forwarded-waste-transfer-cards.component\";\r\nimport { RolePickerComponent } from \"./components/role-picker/role-picker.component\";\r\nimport { ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/confirm-withdrawal-dialog/confirm-withdrawal-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { ReviseCardDialogComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/revise-card-dialog/revise-card-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { RoleService } from \"./services/role.service\";\r\nimport { ChangeRoleDialogComponent } from \"./components/dialogs/change-role-dialog/change-role-dialog.component\";\r\nimport { LandingPageComponent } from \"./components/pages/landing-page/landing-page.component\";\r\nimport { Interceptor } from \"./interceptor\";\r\nimport { ReportComponent } from \"./components/pages/report/report.component\";\r\nimport { WasteCodeDirective } from \"./components/pages/report/waste-code.directive\";\r\nimport { WasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/waste-transfer-cards/waste-transfer-cards.component\";\nimport { PlannedCardApprovalDialogComponent } from './components/dialogs/planned-card-approval-dialog/planned-card-approval-dialog.component';\nimport { PlannedCardEditDialogComponent } from './components/dialogs/planned-card-edit-dialog/planned-card-edit-dialog.component';\nimport { PlannedCardRemovalDialogComponent } from './components/dialogs/planned-card-removal-dialog/planned-card-removal-dialog.component';\r\n\r\nexport function apiConfigFactory(): Configuration {\r\n const params: ConfigurationParameters = {\r\n apiKeys: { Authorization: undefined },\r\n basePath: window.location.protocol + \"//\" + window.location.host,\r\n };\r\n return new Configuration(params);\r\n}\r\n\r\n@NgModule({\r\n declarations: [\r\n AppComponent,\r\n LoginComponent,\r\n AuthorizationButtonComponent,\r\n InternalAuthenticationComponent,\r\n UsersComponent,\r\n GroupsComponent,\r\n UserWizardComponent,\r\n GroupWizardComponent,\r\n DaysSelectorComponent,\r\n UsersViewComponent,\r\n LoggerConsoleComponent,\r\n DynamicFileReaderComponent,\r\n ChooseLocationDialogComponent,\r\n SubjectListComponent,\r\n AddSubjectDialogComponent,\r\n RegistrationComponent,\r\n ArchiveComponent,\r\n KpoDetailsDialogComponent,\r\n PersonSmallInfoComponent,\r\n CarsComponent,\r\n RealisingNowComponent,\r\n DriversComponent,\r\n CarWizardComponent,\r\n DriverWizardComponent,\r\n EditDataDialogComponent,\r\n ViewDraftCardDialogComponent,\r\n SelectReceiverDialogComponent,\r\n RejectCardDialogComponent,\r\n SelectDriverDialogComponent,\r\n GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent,\r\n SubjectSelectionComponent,\r\n HeadquarterSelectionComponent,\r\n HeadquarterListComponent,\r\n CompanyDetailsComponent,\r\n ConfirmationDownloaderComponent,\r\n UserWizardDialogComponent,\r\n DispatcherWizardComponent,\r\n SubjectWizardComponent,\r\n StatsComponent,\r\n ConfirmReciveDialogComponent,\r\n PasswordRecoveryComponent,\r\n RejectReceiveDialogComponent,\r\n WhitelistComponent,\r\n AddWhitelistSubjectDialogComponent,\r\n ConfirmDialogComponent,\r\n EulaAcceptanceDialogComponent,\r\n UserActionsLogComponent,\r\n SubjectFilterPipe,\r\n NewKpoDialogComponent,\r\n CardBlockComponent,\r\n CardBlockFieldComponent,\r\n DashboardComponent,\r\n BdoFilterComponent,\r\n MobileFooterComponent,\r\n CompanyPickerComponent,\r\n HeadquarterPickerComponent,\r\n FilingComponent,\r\n FilingConfirmationDialogComponent,\r\n FiledCardsComponent,\r\n WasteRecordCardsComponent,\r\n FiledCardDetailsComponent,\r\n ValueFieldComponent,\r\n FiledGeneratedWasteTransferCardsComponent,\r\n FiledCollectedWasteTransferCardsComponent,\r\n FiledForwardedWasteTransferCardsComponent,\r\n RolePickerComponent,\r\n ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent,\r\n ReviseCardDialogComponent,\r\n ChangeRoleDialogComponent,\r\n LandingPageComponent,\r\n ReportComponent,\r\n WasteCodeDirective,\r\n WasteTransferCardsComponent,\r\n PlannedCardApprovalDialogComponent,\r\n PlannedCardEditDialogComponent,\r\n PlannedCardRemovalDialogComponent,\r\n ],\r\n imports: [\r\n BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: \"ng-cli-universal\" }),\r\n HttpClientModule,\r\n FormsModule,\r\n ReactiveFormsModule,\r\n RouterModule.forRoot(routing, { relativeLinkResolution: \"legacy\" }),\r\n MaterialModule,\r\n BrowserAnimationsModule,\r\n ScrollingModule,\r\n ApiModule.forRoot(apiConfigFactory),\r\n CKEditorModule,\r\n NgxMatSelectSearchModule,\r\n FlexLayoutModule,\r\n MatSortModule,\r\n StorageServiceModule,\r\n AngularFireMessagingModule,\r\n MatTimepickerModule,\r\n AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebase),\r\n ],\r\n providers: [DatePipe, CookieService, MessagingService, { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: \"pl-PL\" }, RoleService, { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: Interceptor, multi: true }],\r\n bootstrap: [AppComponent],\r\n})\r\nexport class AppModule {}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { BackupEntry } from '../model/backupEntry';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class BackupService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public doBackup(body?: BackupEntry, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public doBackup(body?: BackupEntry, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public doBackup(body?: BackupEntry, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public doBackup(body?: BackupEntry, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Backup`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getBackups(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getBackups(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getBackups(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getBackups(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Backup`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","export interface ConfigurationParameters {\n apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};\n username?: string;\n password?: string;\n accessToken?: string | (() => string);\n basePath?: string;\n withCredentials?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport class Configuration {\n apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};\n username?: string;\n password?: string;\n accessToken?: string | (() => string);\n basePath?: string;\n withCredentials?: boolean;\n\n constructor(configurationParameters: ConfigurationParameters = {}) {\n this.apiKeys = configurationParameters.apiKeys;\n this.username = configurationParameters.username;\n this.password = configurationParameters.password;\n this.accessToken = configurationParameters.accessToken;\n this.basePath = configurationParameters.basePath;\n this.withCredentials = configurationParameters.withCredentials;\n }\n\n /**\n * Select the correct content-type to use for a request.\n * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct content-type.\n * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty\n * @param contentTypes - the array of content types that are available for selection\n * @returns the selected content-type or undefined if no selection could be made.\n */\n public selectHeaderContentType (contentTypes: string[]): string | undefined {\n if (contentTypes.length == 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n let type = contentTypes.find(x => this.isJsonMime(x));\n if (type === undefined) {\n return contentTypes[0];\n }\n return type;\n }\n\n /**\n * Select the correct accept content-type to use for a request.\n * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct accept content-type.\n * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty\n * @param accepts - the array of content types that are available for selection.\n * @returns the selected content-type or undefined if no selection could be made.\n */\n public selectHeaderAccept(accepts: string[]): string | undefined {\n if (accepts.length == 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n let type = accepts.find(x => this.isJsonMime(x));\n if (type === undefined) {\n return accepts[0];\n }\n return type;\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if the given MIME is a JSON MIME.\n * JSON MIME examples:\n * application/json\n * application/json; charset=UTF8\n * APPLICATION/JSON\n * application/vnd.company+json\n * @param mime - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)\n * @return True if the given MIME is JSON, false otherwise.\n */\n public isJsonMime(mime: string): boolean {\n const jsonMime: RegExp = new RegExp('^(application\\/json|[^;/ \\t]+\\/[^;/ \\t]+[+]json)[ \\t]*(;.*)?$', 'i');\n return mime != null && (jsonMime.test(mime) || mime.toLowerCase() === 'application/json-patch+json');\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { BDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto } from '../model/bDOApiClientModelsCompanyEupDto';\nimport { KEOCardDetailsDto } from '../model/kEOCardDetailsDto';\nimport { KEOCardDtoPaginatedResult } from '../model/kEOCardDtoPaginatedResult';\nimport { KEOCollecteddDto } from '../model/kEOCollecteddDto';\nimport { KEOForwardedDto } from '../model/kEOForwardedDto';\nimport { KEOGeneratedDto } from '../model/kEOGeneratedDto';\nimport { KeoGeneratedListItemDto } from '../model/keoGeneratedListItemDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class RecordCardService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyHeadquarters(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/Headquarters`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eup \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyToken(eup?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (eup !== undefined && eup !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('eup', eup);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/Token`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param wasteCode \n * @param cardNumber \n * @param year \n * @param pageIndex \n * @param pageSize \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getFilteredKEOCards(wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, year?: number, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getFilteredKEOCards(wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, year?: number, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredKEOCards(wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, year?: number, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getFilteredKEOCards(wasteCode?: string, cardNumber?: string, year?: number, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (wasteCode !== undefined && wasteCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('wasteCode', wasteCode);\n }\n if (cardNumber !== undefined && cardNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('cardNumber', cardNumber);\n }\n if (year !== undefined && year !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('year', year);\n }\n if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageIndex', pageIndex);\n }\n if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageSize', pageSize);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/Cards`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param pageIndex \n * @param pageSize \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKEOCollectedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKEOCollectedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOCollectedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOCollectedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageIndex', pageIndex);\n }\n if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageSize', pageSize);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/CollectedDetails`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param pageIndex \n * @param pageSize \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKEOForwardedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKEOForwardedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOForwardedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOForwardedList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageIndex', pageIndex);\n }\n if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageSize', pageSize);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/ForwardedDetails`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param pageIndex \n * @param pageSize \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKEOGenerateList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKEOGenerateList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOGenerateList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOGenerateList(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageIndex', pageIndex);\n }\n if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageSize', pageSize);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/GeneratedDetails`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param pageIndex \n * @param pageSize \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKEOGenerateList_1(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKEOGenerateList_1(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOGenerateList_1(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKEOGenerateList_1(id?: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageIndex', pageIndex);\n }\n if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('pageSize', pageSize);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSingleKEOCard(id?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getSingleKEOCard(id?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSingleKEOCard(id?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSingleKEOCard(id?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/Card`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param index \n * @param size \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public kEOGeneratedCardsDsetails(id?: string, index?: number, size?: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public kEOGeneratedCardsDsetails(id?: string, index?: number, size?: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public kEOGeneratedCardsDsetails(id?: string, index?: number, size?: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public kEOGeneratedCardsDsetails(id?: string, index?: number, size?: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('id', id);\n }\n if (index !== undefined && index !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('index', index);\n }\n if (size !== undefined && size !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('size', size);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/RecordCard/AllGeneratedDetails`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ApprovedKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Data i godzina zatwierdzenia Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający Kartę Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Id rodzaju procesu przetwarzania\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Flaga ustawiana na true, jeśli kod odpadu ma status extended\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu extended\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Flaga ustawiana na true, jeśli zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu po zmianie statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface WithdrawRequest { \n remarks?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * Model used for authentication\n */\nexport interface UserCredentials { \n /**\n * User username\n */\n username?: string;\n /**\n * User password\n */\n password?: string;\n}","import { LoginComponent } from \"./components/pages/login/login.component\";\r\nimport { AuthGuard, CanDeactivateGuard } from \"./guards/auth.guard\";\r\nimport { UsersComponent } from \"./components/pages/users/users.component\";\r\nimport { GroupsComponent } from \"./components/pages/groups/groups.component\";\r\nimport { Route } from \"@angular/router\";\r\nimport { RegistrationComponent } from \"./components/pages/registration/registration.component\";\r\nimport { CarsComponent } from \"./components/pages/cars/cars.component\";\r\nimport { DriversComponent } from \"./components/pages/drivers/drivers.component\";\r\nimport { RealisingNowComponent } from \"./components/pages/realising-now/realising-now.component\";\r\nimport { SubjectSelectionComponent } from \"./components/pages/subject-selection/subject-selection.component\";\r\nimport { HeadquarterSelectionComponent } from \"./components/pages/headquarter-selection/headquarter-selection.component\";\r\nimport { CompanyDetailsComponent } from \"./components/pages/company-details/company-details.component\";\r\nimport { ArchiveComponent } from \"./components/pages/archive/archive.component\";\r\nimport { StatsComponent } from \"./components/pages/stats/stats.component\";\r\nimport { PasswordRecoveryComponent } from \"./components/pages/password-recovery/password-recovery.component\";\r\nimport { WhitelistComponent } from \"./components/pages/whitelist/whitelist.component\";\r\nimport { UserActionsLogComponent } from \"./components/pages/user-actions-log/user-actions-log.component\";\r\nimport { DashboardComponent } from \"./components/pages/dashboard/dashboard.component\";\r\nimport { FilingComponent } from \"./components/pages/filing/filing.component\";\r\nimport { FiledCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/filed-cards/filed-cards.component\";\r\nimport { WasteRecordCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/waste-record-cards/waste-record-cards.component\";\r\nimport { RolePickerComponent } from \"./components/role-picker/role-picker.component\";\r\nimport { LandingPageComponent } from \"./components/pages/landing-page/landing-page.component\";\r\nimport { ReportComponent } from \"./components/pages/report/report.component\";\r\nimport { WasteTransferCardsComponent } from \"./components/pages/waste-transfer-cards/waste-transfer-cards.component\";\r\n\r\nexport const routing: Route[] = [\r\n {\r\n path: \"\",\r\n redirectTo: \"/dashboard/carrier-kpo\",\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"dashboard\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Moje BDO\",\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"carrier-kpo\",\r\n component: DashboardComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Tablica zadań\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"realising-now\",\r\n component: RealisingNowComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Aktualnie realizowane zlecenia\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_aktuane-zlecenia.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_aktuane-zlecenia_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"archive\",\r\n component: ArchiveComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Archiwum KPO\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n // {\r\n // path: \"filed-cards\",\r\n // component: FiledCardsComponent,\r\n // pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n // canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n // data: {\r\n // title: \"Odpady zewidencjonowane\",\r\n // icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n // activeIcon:\r\n // \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n // },\r\n // },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"dashboard\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Moja ewidencja\",\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"filed-cards\",\r\n component: WasteRecordCardsComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Ewidencja odpadów\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"filing\",\r\n component: FilingComponent,\r\n pathMatch: \"full\",\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Dodaj odpady do ewidencji\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_tablica-zadan_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"download\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Pobierz\",\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"report\",\r\n component: ReportComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Dane z kpo (.xls)\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"waste-transfer-cards\",\r\n component: WasteTransferCardsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Wydruk kpo (.pdf)\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_archiwum-kpo_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n { path: \"login\", component: LoginComponent },\r\n { path: \"landing-page\", component: LandingPageComponent },\r\n { path: \"subject-selection\", component: SubjectSelectionComponent },\r\n { path: \"headquarter-selection\", component: HeadquarterSelectionComponent },\r\n { path: \"role-selection\", component: RolePickerComponent },\r\n { path: \"register\", component: RegistrationComponent },\r\n { path: \"password-recovery\", component: PasswordRecoveryComponent },\r\n {\r\n path: \"dashboard\",\r\n component: DashboardComponent,\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n\r\n {\r\n path: \"my-company\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Moja firma\",\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"details\",\r\n component: CompanyDetailsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Dane firmy\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"drivers\",\r\n component: DriversComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Wykaz użytkowników\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\", \"SENDER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"cars\",\r\n component: CarsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Wykaz pojazdów\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-pojazdow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-pojazdow_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"stats\",\r\n component: StatsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Statystyka\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy_aktywny.png\",\r\n showInRoles: [\"CARRIER\"],\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"admin\",\r\n data: {\r\n title: \"Administracja\",\r\n adminOnly: true,\r\n },\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n path: \"groups\",\r\n component: GroupsComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n adminOnly: true,\r\n title: \"Grupy\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_dane-firmy_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"users\",\r\n component: UsersComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n adminOnly: true,\r\n title: \"Zarządzanie użytkownikami\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"whitelist\",\r\n component: WhitelistComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n adminOnly: true,\r\n title: \"Lista powiązanych podmiotów\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n {\r\n path: \"registry\",\r\n component: UserActionsLogComponent,\r\n data: {\r\n adminOnly: true,\r\n title: \"Rejestr akcji\",\r\n icon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow.png\",\r\n activeIcon: \"/assets/icons/BDO-web_ikonki_wykaz-kierowcow_aktywny.png\",\r\n },\r\n canActivate: [AuthGuard],\r\n canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard],\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n },\r\n];\r\n","import { Injectable, NgZone } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { AngularFireMessaging } from \"@angular/fire/messaging\";\r\nimport { BehaviorSubject, Observable, of } from \"rxjs\";\r\nimport { catchError } from \"rxjs/operators\";\r\n@Injectable()\r\nexport class MessagingService {\r\n currentMessage = new BehaviorSubject(null);\r\n public messageReceived$: Observable;\r\n\r\n constructor(private angularFireMessaging: AngularFireMessaging, private ngZone: NgZone) {\r\n this.messageReceived$ = new Observable((observer) => {\r\n this.angularFireMessaging.onMessage((msg) => {\r\n this.ngZone.run(() => observer.next(msg));\r\n });\r\n }).pipe(catchError((err) => of(err)));\r\n\r\n //this.angularFireMessaging.on\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","\n \n Odpady zewidencjonowane \n Wykaz zewidencjonowanych odpadów \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{item.wasteTransferCard.wasteCode}}\n \n \n {{item.wasteTransferCard.senderName}}\n \n \n {{item.wasteTransferCardDetails.transportConfirmationTime}}\n \n \n {{item.wasteTransferCard.receiverName}}\n \n \n {{item.errorStatusCode}}\n \n \n \n \n \n {{item.wasteTransferCard.wasteMass}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
","import { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { AfterViewInit, Component, HostListener, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { Subject, Subscription, Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { debounceTime } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { WasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDto, WasteTransferCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { FiledCardDetailsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-card-details/filed-card-details.component\";\nimport { FilingConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filing/filing-confirmation-dialog/filing-confirmation-dialog.component\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filed-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./filed-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filed-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FiledCardsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {\n loading = true;\n error = false;\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n currentPageSize = 0;\n\n filteredResults: WasteTransferCardRepositoryEntityDto[] = [];\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.paginator.page.subscribe((p) => {\n this.load(observer);\n });\n this.load(observer);\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n this.handleRefresh(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.subscribe(() => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private wasteTransferCardService: WasteTransferCardService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService) {}\n ngOnInit(): void {\n let currentDate = new Date();\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n this.currentPageSize = this.paginator.pageSize;\n this.filteredResults$.subscribe((filteredResults) => (this.filteredResults = filteredResults));\n }\n\n load(observer) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n\n observer.next([]);\n\n let skip = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;\n let take = this.paginator.pageSize;\n\n this.wasteTransferCardService\n .getFilteredWasteTransferCards(\n {\n cardNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardNumber,\n cardStatusCodeName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName,\n startTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from,\n endTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to,\n registrationNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber,\n senderName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.senderName,\n wasteCode: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.wasteCode,\n skip: skip,\n take: take,\n },\n true,\n true\n )\n .subscribe(\n (result) => {\n observer.next(result.items);\n this.paginator.length = result.totalItemCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleRefresh(observer) {\n this.refreshSubscription.add(\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(debounceTime(300)).subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this.requestSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n this.reloadRequest.next();\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledCardDetailsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.id },\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoForwardedListItem\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoForwardedListItem { \n /**\n * Id wpisu Przekazane odpady\n */\n keoForwardedId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteCollectionDate\n */\n wasteCollectionDate?: Date;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Numer karty kpo\n */\n cardNumberKpo?: string;\n /**\n * Numer karty kpok\n */\n cardNumberKpok?: string;\n /**\n * Możliwe wartości: 'BASED_ON_KPO_CARD', 'BASED_ON_KPOK_CARD', 'EXPORT', 'TO_PHISICAL_PERSONS', 'NOT_OBLIGATED_WASTE_HOLDER'\n */\n transferWay?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets TransportDate\n */\n transportDate?: Date;\n /**\n * Utworzone przez użytkownika\n */\n createdByUser?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { DiskUsageDto } from '../model/diskUsageDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class ServerManagementService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Gets disk usage info\n * \n * @param letter \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getDiskUsage(letter: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getDiskUsage(letter: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getDiskUsage(letter: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getDiskUsage(letter: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (letter === null || letter === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter letter was null or undefined when calling getDiskUsage.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/DiskUsage/${encodeURIComponent(String(letter))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto { \n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Data utworzenia wpisu\n */\n dateCreated?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod odpadu\n */\n code?: string;\n /**\n * Opis kodu odpadu\n */\n description?: string;\n /**\n * Flaga ustawiana na true, jeśli odpad należy do kategorii niebezpiecznych, false w przeciwnym wypadku\n */\n isDangerous?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Deleted\n */\n deleted?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Level\n */\n level?: number;\n /**\n * Id odpadu nadrzędnego\n */\n parentId?: number;\n}","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from '../../../../helpers/extended-management';\nimport * as momentjs from 'moment';\nimport { ConsoleService } from '../../../../../../api/api/console.service';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-logger-console',\n templateUrl: './logger-console.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./logger-console.component.scss']\n})\nexport class LoggerConsoleComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\n\n displayedColumns = ['date', 'type', 'message'];\n loading = true;\n\n public moment = momentjs;\n\n constructor(\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private consoleService: ConsoleService,\n private dialog: MatDialog\n ) {\n super();\n }\n\n reloadData() {\n this.consoleService.getAll().subscribe(result => {\n this.moment.locale('pl');\n this.updateTableData(result.reverse());\n this.loading = false;\n }, error => {});\n }\n\n clear() {\n this.consoleService.deleteAll().subscribe(res => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie wyczyszczono dziennik zdarzeń', MessageType.Info);\n }, error => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Błąd podczas wykonywania operacji', MessageType.Info);\n });\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n}\n","\n\n \n \n Dziennik zdarzeń\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Data {{moment(element.date).format('LLLL')}} Typ \n Informacja \n Wyjątek \n Błąd \n Wiadomość {{element.message}} \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n
","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Directive } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { MatPaginator } from '@angular/material/paginator';\nimport { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';\nimport { SelectionModel } from '@angular/cdk/collections';\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\n\n@Directive()\nexport class ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\n public dataSource = new MatTableDataSource();\n public selection = new SelectionModel(true, []);\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, {static: true}) paginator: MatPaginator;\n\n loading = true;\n\n constructor() {\n\n this.loading = true;\n }\n\n applyFilter(filterValue: string) {\n this.dataSource.filter = filterValue.toLowerCase();\n }\n\n masterToggle() {\n this.isAllSelected()\n ? this.selection.clear()\n : this.dataSource.data.forEach(row => this.selection.select(row));\n }\n\n isAllSelected() {\n const numSelected =\n this.selection == null ? 0 : this.selection.selected.length;\n const numRows = this.dataSource.data.length;\n\n return numSelected === numRows;\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator;\n }\n\n updateTableData(val: any) {\n this.dataSource.data = val;\n this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator;\n this.loading = false;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface WasteCodeDto { \n id?: number;\n code?: string;\n description?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\n\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport {\n UserDto,\n UsersService,\n GroupsService,\n ExtendedKpoService,\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-select-driver-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./select-driver-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./select-driver-dialog.component.css\"],\n})\nexport class SelectDriverDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n groupId: number;\n drivers: UserDto[];\n driverId = 0;\n working = false;\n constructor(\n private driversService: UsersService,\n private groupsService: GroupsService,\n @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.groupsService.getAll().subscribe((result) => {\n this.groupId = result.find((g) => g.name === \"Kierowca\").id;\n\n this.driversService\n .getAllAssigned(this.groupId)\n .subscribe((drivers) => (this.drivers = drivers));\n });\n this.extendedKpoService.getAssignedDriver(this.data.model.kpoId).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.driverId = result.id;\n },\n (error) => {}\n );\n }\n\n selectDriver(driverId) {\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.getSelfCompany().subscribe((currentCompany) => {\n this.extendedKpoService\n .assignDriver(\n this.data.model.kpoId,\n driverId,\n this.data.model.cardStatusCodeName,\n currentCompany.companyId,\n this.storage.get(\"eupId\"),\n true\n )\n .subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie przypisano kierowcę. Karta trafiła do wykazu aktualnie realizowanych zleceń. \",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas przypisywania kierowcy\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n });\n }\n}\n","

Wybierz kierowcę

\n \n Kierowca\n \n \n {{ driver.lastName }} {{ driver.firstName }}\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface WasteTransferCardDto { \n id?: number;\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n cardNumber?: string;\n senderFirstAndLastName?: string;\n receiverFirstAndLastName?: string;\n wasteMass?: number;\n senderName?: string;\n receiverName?: string;\n wasteCode?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { GroupDto } from '../model/groupDto';\nimport { PermissionDto } from '../model/permissionDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class GroupsService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Deletes entity from the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling _delete.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds entity to the database\n * \n * @param body JSON entity data\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public add(body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public add(body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: GroupDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a single entity or empty value if entity does not exists\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling get.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAll(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public permissionList(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public permissionList(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public permissionList(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public permissionList(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups/PermissionList`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates entity in the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param body JSON entity data\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public update(id: number, body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public update(id: number, body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: GroupDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: GroupDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling update.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/Groups/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","

Odpady wytworzone

\n\n \n \n \n \n

\n Łączna masa wytworzonych odpadów w tonach [Mg]:\n {{ details?.wasteMassSum }}\n


W tym w wyniku świadczenia usług i/lub działalności w zakresie obiektów liniowych: {{ details?.wasteMassServicesSum }}

\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.wasteMassInstallation }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.wasteMassExcludingInstallation }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.installationName }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.manufactureDate | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.wasteFromServices == true ? \"Tak\" : \"Nie\" }}\n \n\n \n {{ item.createdByUser }}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { KEOGeneratedDto, RecordCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filed-generated-waste-transfer-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FiledGeneratedWasteTransferCardsComponent implements OnInit {\n public details: KEOGeneratedDto;\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n loading = false;\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private service: RecordCardService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { cardId: string }, private alertService: AlertService) {}\n\n load() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.service.getKEOGenerateList(this.data.cardId, this.paginator.pageIndex + 1, this.paginator.pageSize).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.details = result;\n this.paginator.length = result.generatedKeos.totalResultNumber;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(error, MessageType.Error),\n () => (this.loading = false)\n );\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.load();\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load());\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface SearchResultItemDto { \n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod odpadu\n */\n wasteCode?: string;\n /**\n * Opis kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Status Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przekazującego\n */\n senderName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przejmującego\n */\n receiverName?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets KpoLastModifiedAt\n */\n kpoLastModifiedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przekazującego\n */\n senderFirstNameAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przejmującego\n */\n receiverFirstAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Numer korekty\n */\n revisionNumber?: number;\n /**\n * Data odrzucenia\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","

Odpady przyjęte

\n\n \n \n \n \n

\n Łączna masa odpadów przejętych przez posiadacza odpadów w tonach [Mg]:\n {{ details?.collectedSum }}\n

\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.collectedDate | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n \n {{ item.collectedMass }}\n \n \n {{ item.kpoCardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.kpokCardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.installationName }}\n \n \n {{ item.collectionWay == \"BASED_ON_KPO_CARD\" ? \"na podstawie kpo\" : item.collectionWay }}\n \n \n {{ item.createdByUser }}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Component, Inject, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { KEOCardDetailsDto, KEOCollecteddDto, KEOGeneratedDto, RecordCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards\",\n templateUrl: \"./filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filed-collected-waste-transfer-cards.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FiledCollectedWasteTransferCardsComponent implements OnInit {\n public details: KEOCollecteddDto;\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n loading = false;\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private service: RecordCardService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { cardId: string }, private alertService: AlertService) {}\n\n load() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.service.getKEOCollectedList(this.data.cardId, this.paginator.pageIndex + 1, this.paginator.pageSize).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.details = result;\n this.paginator.length = result.collectedKeos.totalResultNumber;\n console.log(result);\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(error, MessageType.Error),\n () => (this.loading = false)\n );\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.load();\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load());\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface PermissionDto { \n controllerName?: string;\n methodName?: string;\n friendlyControllerName?: string;\n friendlyMethodName?: string;\n granted?: boolean;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface KEOCardDetailsDto { \n cardNumber?: string;\n wasteCode?: string;\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n year?: number;\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n isWasteCollecting?: boolean;\n isSalvage?: boolean;\n isNeutralization?: boolean;\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n wasteMass?: number;\n}","import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';\nimport { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport { Subject } from 'rxjs';\nimport { CarsService, CarDto, UserService, ChangesRegisterEntityDto, SubjectDto, SubjectAuthenticationService, DraftCardsService, DraftCardDto, ExtendedKpoService } from '../../../../../api';\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from '../../../helpers/extended-management';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../services/alert.service';\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from '../../dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component';\nimport { CarWizardComponent } from '../cars/car-wizard/car-wizard.component';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-user-actions-log',\n templateUrl: './user-actions-log.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./user-actions-log.component.css']\n})\nexport class UserActionsLogComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\n displayedColumns = [\"select\", \"dateTime\", \"user\", \"subject\", \"kpoId\", \"details\"];\n\n public subject: SubjectDto;\n public subjects: SubjectDto[];\n public currentDraftCards: DraftCardDto[];\n\n constructor(\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private userService: UserService,\n private draftCardsService: DraftCardsService,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\n private dialog: MatDialog\n ) {\n super();\n }\n\n // openDialog(mode: string, car: CarDto = {}) {\n // const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(CarWizardComponent, {\n // data: { mode: mode, car: { ...car } },\n // width: \"500px\",\n // });\n\n // dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\n // if (result) {\n // this.reloadData();\n // }\n // });\n // }\n\n // deleteSelected() {\n // const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, {\n // width: \"350px\",\n // data: { message: \"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten podmiot?\" },\n // });\n\n // dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n // if (result) {\n // this.selection.selected.forEach((val, index, array) => {\n // this.carService._delete(val.id).subscribe(\n // (next) => {\n // this.alertService.showMessage(\n // \"Pomyślnie usunięto pojazd\",\n // MessageType.Info\n // );\n // this.selection.clear();\n // this.reloadData();\n // },\n // (error) => {\n // this.alertService.showMessage(\n // \"Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania pojazdu: \" + error.error,\n // MessageType.Error\n // );\n // }\n // );\n // });\n // }\n // });\n // }\n \n\n reloadData() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.getSubjects().subscribe(result => {\n this.subjects = result;\n this.userService.getChangesRegister().subscribe((result: ChangesRegisterEntityDto[]) => {\n let o = result.map(r => \n Object.assign({subject: this.subjects.find(s => s.userId == r.user?.id)}, r));\n\n let arr = [];\n o.forEach(element => {\n if(arr.find(x => \n element.kpoId == x.kpoId && \n element.user?.firstName == x.user?.firstName && \n element.user?.lastName == x.user?.lastName) == null) {\n arr.push(element);\n }\n });\n this.updateTableData(arr);\n });\n });\n\n //this.draftCardsService.getAll(this.subject.companyId).subscribe(result => this.currentDraftCards = result);\n //this.extendedKpoService.getKpoAsCarrier()\n\n \n }\n\n \n\n exportData() {\n const data = JSON.stringify(this.dataSource.data, null, 2);\n const blob: Blob = new Blob([data], { type: \"text/json\" });\n const fileName = \"export.json\";\n const objectUrl: string = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\n const a: HTMLAnchorElement = document.createElement(\n \"a\"\n ) as HTMLAnchorElement;\n\n a.href = objectUrl;\n a.download = fileName;\n document.body.appendChild(a);\n a.click();\n\n document.body.removeChild(a);\n URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl);\n }\n ngOnInit() {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n}\n","\n\n
\n\n \n \n Wykaz rejestru zmian\n Rejestr zmian wszystkich kart w systemie\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n  \n \n \n \n \n Akcja {{element.change}} Data {{this.datepipe.transform(element.dateTime, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm')}} Użytkownik {{element.user.firstName}} {{element.user.lastName}} Podmiot {{element.subject?.name}} ID KPO {{element.kpoId}} \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../services/alert.service';\r\nimport { UserWizardComponent } from '../../users/user-wizard/user-wizard.component';\r\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\r\nimport { FlatTreeControl } from '@angular/cdk/tree';\r\nimport {\r\n MatTreeFlatDataSource,\r\n MatTreeFlattener\r\n} from '@angular/material/tree';\r\nimport { MatSelectionListChange } from '@angular/material/list';\r\nimport { GroupsService, GroupDto } from '../../../../../../api';\r\nimport { PermissionNode } from '../../../../models/permissionNode';\r\n\r\n/** Flat node with expandable and level information */\r\ninterface ExampleFlatNode {\r\n expandable: boolean;\r\n name: string;\r\n level: number;\r\n}\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: 'app-group-wizard',\r\n templateUrl: './group-wizard.component.html',\r\n styleUrls: ['./group-wizard.component.scss']\r\n})\r\nexport class GroupWizardComponent implements OnInit {\r\n constructor(\r\n private groupService: GroupsService,\r\n private alertService: AlertService,\r\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\r\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\r\n ) {}\r\n\r\n treeControl = new FlatTreeControl(\r\n node => node.level,\r\n node => node.expandable\r\n );\r\n private _transformer = (node: PermissionNode, level: number) => {\r\n return {\r\n expandable: !!node.children && node.children.length > 0,\r\n name: node.name,\r\n source: node.source,\r\n level: level\r\n };\r\n };\r\n treeFlattener = new MatTreeFlattener(\r\n this._transformer,\r\n node => node.level,\r\n node => node.expandable,\r\n node => node.children\r\n );\r\n\r\n dataSource = new MatTreeFlatDataSource(this.treeControl, this.treeFlattener);\r\n group: GroupDto;\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n if (this.data.mode == 'edit' || this.data.mode === 'view') {\r\n this.groupService.get(this.data.group.id).subscribe(result => {\r\n this.group = result;\r\n const dataSource: PermissionNode[] = [];\r\n this.group.permissions.forEach(element => {\r\n let el: PermissionNode;\r\n if (\r\n (el = dataSource.find(\r\n n => n.name === element.friendlyControllerName\r\n )) === undefined\r\n ) {\r\n dataSource.push({\r\n source: null,\r\n name: element.friendlyControllerName,\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n source: element,\r\n name: element.friendlyMethodName,\r\n children: []\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n el.children.push({\r\n source: element,\r\n name: element.friendlyMethodName,\r\n children: []\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n this.dataSource.data = dataSource;\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n this.groupService.permissionList(this.data.group.id).subscribe(result => {\r\n this.group = {};\r\n this.group.permissions = result;\r\n const dataSource: PermissionNode[] = [];\r\n this.group.permissions.forEach(element => {\r\n let el: PermissionNode;\r\n if (\r\n (el = dataSource.find(\r\n n => n.name === element.friendlyControllerName\r\n )) === undefined\r\n ) {\r\n dataSource.push({\r\n source: null,\r\n name: element.friendlyControllerName,\r\n children: [\r\n {\r\n source: element,\r\n name: element.friendlyMethodName,\r\n children: []\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n el.children.push({\r\n source: element,\r\n name: element.friendlyMethodName,\r\n children: []\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n this.dataSource.data = dataSource;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n hasChild = (_: number, node: ExampleFlatNode) => node.expandable;\r\n\r\n onSubmit(form): void {\r\n switch (this.data.mode) {\r\n case 'create':\r\n this.groupService.add(this.group).subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n 'Pomyślnie dodano grupę',\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n this.dialog.close(true);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n case 'edit':\r\n this.groupService\r\n .update(this.data.group.id, this.group)\r\n .subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n 'Pomyślnie zaktualizowano grupę',\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n this.dialog.close(true);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n selectAllPermissions() {\r\n const t = this.group.permissions.map(p => (p.granted = true));\r\n }\r\n\r\n selectionChange($event: MatSelectionListChange) {\r\n if ($event.option.value == null) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const t = this.group.permissions.find(\r\n o =>\r\n o.methodName === $event.option.value.source.methodName &&\r\n o.controllerName === $event.option.value.source.controllerName\r\n );\r\n t.granted = $event.option.selected;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","

Tworzenie grupy





\n \n Nazwa\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {{node.name}}\n \n \n \n \n\n \n {{node.name}}\n \n \n\n \n\n\n
\n \n \n \n \n\n\n\n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface PasswordChangeRequestDto { \n password?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsPage\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsCollectionsPage { \n /**\n * Indeks strony\n */\n index?: number;\n /**\n * Ilość wyników na stronie (min 1, max 50)\n */\n size?: number;\n}","\n \n \n Przekazujący\n


\n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n

Miejsce prowadzenia działalności

\n\n \n Numer miejsca\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n
\n Wytwarzanie odpadów - w wyniku świadczenia usług (w rozumieniu art. 3 ust. 1 pkt 32 ustawy o odpadach) i/lub działalności w zakresie obiektów liniowych (w rozumieniu art. 3 pkt 3a ustawy - Prawo budowlane) \n
\n \n Miejsce wytwarzania odpadów (gmina)\n \n\n \n\n Niewłaściwe miejsce wytwarzania odpadu\n \n \n {{ option.fulltext }}\n \n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje o miejscu wytwarzania odpadów\n \n \n \n
\n \n\n Zmień siedzibę\n
\n\n \n Transportujący\n


\n \n

Informacje o podmiocie

\n \n \n \n {{ company.name }}\n \n \n \n \n Numer rejestrowy\n \n \n \n Nazwa\n \n \n \n NIP\n \n \n \n {{ item.split(\": \")[0] }}\n \n \n\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n Transportujący\n


\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Przejmujący\n


\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Siedziba przejmującego\n

Siedziba przejmującego

\n\n \n \n \n
\n \n Dane szczegółowe\n

Dane szczegółowe

\n \n Kod odpadów\n \n Niewłaściwy kod odpadu\n \n {{ option.code }} - {{ option.description }} \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n Rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n Niewłaściwy rodzaj procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n {{ option.codeName + \" - \" + option.name }}\n \n \n \n\n \n Opis procesu przetwarzania\n \n \n\n \n Masa odpadów [Tony]\n \n \n\n \n Planowana data transportu\n \n \n \n \n \n Planowana godzina transportu\n\n \n\n access_time\n\n niepoprawna godzina\n \n\n \n Kierowca\n \n {{ driver.lastName }} {{ driver.firstName }} \n \n \n\n \n Numer rejestracyjny\n \n \n\n \n Numer certyfikatu oraz numer pojemników\n \n \n\n
\n Kod EX\n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n \n \n\n
\n Inne niż niebezp. \n
\n\n \n Rodzaj odpadu\n \n \n\n \n Dodatkowe informacje\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n","import { DatePipe } from \"@angular/common\";\nimport { Component, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { FormControl } from \"@angular/forms\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { fromEvent, Observable, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { switchMap, tap, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, finalize, startWith } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport {\n ExtendedKpoService,\n DraftCardDto,\n BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs,\n GroupsService,\n UsersService,\n UserDto,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs,\n} from \"../../../../../../../api\";\nimport { CanDeactivateGuard } from \"../../../../../guards/auth.guard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../../services/role.service\";\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-new-kpo-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./new-kpo-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./new-kpo-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class NewKpoDialogComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public datepipe: DatePipe,\n private driversService: UsersService,\n private groupsService: GroupsService,\n private cookieService: CookieService,\n private roleService: RoleService,\n private router: Router,\n private guard: CanDeactivateGuard,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => (this.role = r));\n }\n\n role: string;\n\n details: DraftCardDto = {\n additionalInfo: \"\",\n cardStatus: \"\",\n carrierCompanyId: \"\",\n carrierCompanyName: \"\",\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers: \"\",\n creationDateTime: null,\n hazardousWasteReclassification: false,\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription: \"\",\n isWasteGenerating: false,\n plannedTransportTime: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),\n rejectionCause: \"\",\n wasteCode: \"\",\n wasteCodeDescription: \"\",\n wasteCodeExtended: false,\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription: \"\",\n wasteGeneratedTeryt: \"\",\n wasteMass: null,\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk: \"\",\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo: \"\",\n vehicleRegNumber: undefined,\n };\n\n senderCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n senderCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n carrierCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n carrierAdditionalCompanies: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs[] = [];\n carrierCompanyEx: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs = undefined;\n\n carrierCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs = undefined;\n receiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\n receiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs;\n wasteCodeDescription = \"\";\n wasteProcessDescription = \"\";\n wasteCodeModel: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto;\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs;\n wasteProcessModel: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto;\n query = \"\";\n kpoQueryText = \"\";\n regNumber = \"\";\n loading = false;\n addingCard = false;\n plannedTime = new Date();\n wasteMassValue = \"\";\n plannedDate = new Date();\n subscription = new Subscription();\n drivers: UserDto[];\n driver: UserDto;\n wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions: { [key: string]: string };\n\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs[];\n filteredWasteGeneratedTerytPks: Observable;\n\n wasteCode = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteCodes: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto[];\n filteredWasteCodes: Observable;\n\n wasteProcess = new FormControl();\n copyOfWasteProcesses: BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto[];\n filteredWasteProcesses: Observable;\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n carrierCompanyExChanged() {\n this.carrierCompany = this.carrierCompanyEx;\n console.log(\"changing\");\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodeExtendedDescriptions().subscribe((result) => {\n console.log(result);\n this.wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions = result;\n });\n\n this.groupsService.getAll().subscribe((result) => {\n const groupId = result.find((g) => g.name === \"Kierowca\").id;\n\n this.driversService.getAllAssigned(groupId).subscribe((drivers) => (this.drivers = drivers));\n });\n\n this.filteredWasteGeneratedTerytPks = this.wasteGeneratedTerytPk.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getTeryts(value)),\n tap((w) => console.log((this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks = w)))\n );\n\n this.filteredWasteCodes = this.wasteCode.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getWasteCodes(value)),\n tap((w) => (this.copyOfWasteCodes = w))\n );\n\n this.filteredWasteProcesses = this.wasteProcess.valueChanges.pipe(\n debounceTime(400),\n startWith(\"\"),\n distinctUntilChanged(),\n switchMap((value) => this.extendedKpoService.getWasteProcess(value)),\n tap((w) => (this.copyOfWasteProcesses = w))\n );\n\n this.extendedKpoService.getSelfCompany().subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.senderCompany = result;\n this.carrierCompany = result;\n if (result.companyId == \"e78c3fb2-8889-419e-8c5a-912c192fdd3c\") {\n this.carrierAdditionalCompanies.push(result);\n this.carrierCompanyEx = result;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(\"9157806c-f314-4858-bea8-2bfbd66c2392\").subscribe((c1) => {\n this.carrierAdditionalCompanies.push(c1);\n });\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(\"55a6db2d-c2bd-4476-864c-92b9279ed3d7\").subscribe((c1) => {\n this.carrierAdditionalCompanies.push(c1);\n });\n }\n\n if (result.companyId == \"6a682474-0595-4e9c-8177-823c08e8c5bf\") {\n this.carrierAdditionalCompanies.push(result);\n this.carrierCompanyEx = result;\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompany(\"b0cccd3a-6b41-4139-bc18-db977701ba42\").subscribe((c1) => {\n this.carrierAdditionalCompanies.push(c1);\n });\n }\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas pobierania danych podmiotu\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n this.extendedKpoService.getCompanyEup(this.storage.get(\"eupId\")).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.senderCompanyEup = result;\n this.carrierCompanyEup = result;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas pobierania danych podmiotu\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n\n parseAddress(address: string) {\n if (address === undefined) {\n return \"\";\n }\n const elements = address.split(\", \");\n const town = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Miejscowość\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n const street = elements.find((el) => el.split(\": \")[0] === \"Ulica\")?.split(\": \")[1];\n return town + (street === undefined ? \"\" : \" ul. \" + street);\n }\n\n setCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.receiverCompany = company;\n console.log(this.receiverCompany);\n }\n\n setCarrierCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.carrierCompany = company;\n console.log(this.receiverCompany);\n }\n\n setEup(eup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs) {\n this.receiverCompanyEup = eup;\n }\n\n formatTime($event) {}\n\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkFocusout($event) {\n if ($event?.option?.value == undefined) return;\n this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel = this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks.find((x) => x.fulltext === $event.option.value);\n }\n wasteGeneratedTerytPkActivated($event) {\n if ($event?.option?.value == undefined) return;\n this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel = this.copyOfWasteGeneratedTerytPks.find((x) => x.fulltext === $event.option.value);\n }\n wasteCodeActivated($event) {\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === $event.option.value);\n this.fillWasteCodeExtended(this.wasteCodeModel?.code);\n }\n\n wasteCodeFocusout($event) {\n if (this.copyOfWasteCodes === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.wasteCodeModel = this.copyOfWasteCodes.find((x) => x.code === $event.option.value);\n\n if (this.wasteCodeModel === undefined) {\n this.wasteCode.setErrors({ notUnique: true });\n }\n\n this.fillWasteCodeExtended(this.wasteCodeModel.code);\n }\n\n fillWasteCodeExtended(wasteCode) {\n const desc = this.wasteCodeExtendedDescriptions[wasteCode];\n if (desc) {\n this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = desc;\n this.details.wasteCodeExtended = true;\n } else {\n this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = \"\";\n this.details.wasteCodeExtended = false;\n }\n }\n\n wasteProcessActivated($event) {\n this.wasteProcessModel = this.copyOfWasteProcesses.find((x) => x.codeName === $event.option.value);\n this.wasteProcessDescription = this.wasteProcessModel?.name;\n }\n\n wasteProcessFocusout($event) {\n this.wasteProcessModel = this.copyOfWasteProcesses.find((x) => x.codeName === $event.option.value);\n this.wasteProcessDescription = this.wasteProcessModel?.name;\n }\n\n parseWasteMass($event) {\n if (this.wasteMassValue.indexOf(\",\") !== -1) {\n this.wasteMassValue = this.wasteMassValue.replace(\",\", \".\");\n }\n const parsedMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n if (Number.isNaN(parsedMass)) {\n this.wasteMassValue = \"\";\n this.details.wasteMass = undefined;\n return;\n }\n this.details.wasteMass = parseFloat(this.wasteMassValue);\n this.wasteMassValue = parsedMass.toFixed(4).replace(\".\", \",\");\n }\n\n timeChangeHandler($event) {\n console.log($event);\n }\n\n showHeadquarterSelection() {\n this.guard.navigationAllowed = true;\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/headquarter-selection\");\n this.dialogRef.close(false);\n }\n\n addCard(form) {\n if (!form.form.valid) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.addingCard = true;\n this.details.cardStatus = \"Planowana\";\n this.details.wasteCode = this.wasteCodeModel.code;\n this.details.wasteCodeDescription = this.wasteCodeModel.description;\n this.details.wasteCodeId = this.wasteCodeModel.wasteCodeId;\n this.details.wasteProcessId = this.wasteProcessModel?.wasteProcessId;\n this.details.senderCompanyId = this.senderCompany.companyId;\n this.details.senderCompanyName = this.senderCompany.name;\n this.details.senderEupId = this.senderCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyId = this.carrierCompany.companyId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyName = this.carrierCompany.name;\n this.details.receiverCompanyId = this.receiverCompany.companyId;\n this.details.receiverEupId = this.receiverCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.receiverCompanyAddress = this.receiverCompany.address;\n this.details.receiverCompanyName = this.receiverCompany.name;\n this.details.creationDateTime = new Date();\n\n this.details.wasteGeneratedTerytPk = this.details.isWasteGenerating ? this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel.pk : \"\";\n if (!this.details.isWasteGenerating) {\n this.details.wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo = \"\";\n }\n if (this.details.hazardousWasteReclassification == false) this.details.hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription = undefined;\n if (this.details.wasteCodeExtended == false) this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = undefined;\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime = this.plannedDate;\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime.setHours(this.plannedTime.getHours(), this.plannedTime.getMinutes());\n const driverKey = this.driver ? `[nr. kier. ${this.driver.key}]` : this.details.vehicleRegNumber == \"\" ? undefined : this.details.vehicleRegNumber;\n\n console.log(this.details);\n this.extendedKpoService.addAsApproved(this.details, driverKey).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n if (this.driver && this.role == \"CARRIER\") {\n const eup = this.cookieService.get(\"eupId\");\n this.extendedKpoService.assignDriver(result.kpoId, this.driver.id, result.cardStatusCodeName, result.carrierCompanyId, eup, false).subscribe(\n (r) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie dodano kartę jako zatwierdzoną oraz przypisano kierowcę!\", MessageType.Info);\n this.addingCard = false;\n this.dialogRef.close(\"APPROVED\");\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas przypisywania kierowcy\", MessageType.Error);\n this.addingCard = false;\n console.error(error);\n }\n );\n } else {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie dodano kartę jako zatwierdzoną!\", MessageType.Info);\n this.addingCard = false;\n this.dialogRef.close(\"APPROVED\");\n }\n },\n (e) => {\n // Error calling PlanKpo: {\\\"WasteMass\\\":[\\\"'Waste Mass' must not be empty.\\\"]}\n const error: string = e.error;\n console.log(error);\n const matches = /\\{.*?\\}/g.exec(error);\n let errorMessage = \"\";\n if (matches.length === 1) {\n const json = matches[0].replace(\"\\\\\", \"\");\n const parsed = JSON.parse(json);\n for (const element in parsed) {\n if (parsed[element]) {\n parsed[element].forEach((line) => {\n errorMessage += `\"${line}\", `;\n });\n }\n }\n errorMessage = errorMessage.substr(0, errorMessage.length - 2);\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania karty: \\n\" + errorMessage, MessageType.Error);\n } else {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił niespodziewany podczas dodawania karty\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n this.addingCard = false;\n console.error(error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n addPlannedCard(form) {\n if (!form.form.valid) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.addingCard = true;\n this.details.cardStatus = \"Planowana\";\n this.details.wasteCode = this.wasteCodeModel.code;\n this.details.wasteCodeDescription = this.wasteCodeModel.description;\n this.details.wasteCodeId = this.wasteCodeModel.wasteCodeId;\n this.details.wasteProcessId = this.wasteProcessModel?.wasteProcessId;\n this.details.senderCompanyId = this.senderCompany.companyId;\n this.details.senderCompanyName = this.senderCompany.name;\n this.details.senderEupId = this.senderCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyId = this.carrierCompany.companyId;\n this.details.carrierCompanyName = this.carrierCompany.name;\n this.details.receiverCompanyId = this.receiverCompany.companyId;\n this.details.receiverEupId = this.receiverCompanyEup.eupId;\n this.details.receiverCompanyAddress = this.receiverCompany.address;\n this.details.receiverCompanyName = this.receiverCompany.name;\n this.details.creationDateTime = new Date();\n\n this.details.wasteGeneratedTerytPk = this.details.isWasteGenerating ? this.wasteGeneratedTerytPkModel.pk : \"\";\n if (!this.details.isWasteGenerating) {\n this.details.wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo = \"\";\n }\n\n if (this.details.hazardousWasteReclassification == false) this.details.hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription = undefined;\n if (this.details.wasteCodeExtended == false) this.details.wasteCodeExtendedDescription = undefined;\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime = this.plannedDate;\n\n this.details.plannedTransportTime.setHours(this.plannedTime.getHours(), this.plannedTime.getMinutes());\n\n const driverKey = this.driver ? `[nr. kier. ${this.driver.key}]` : this.details.vehicleRegNumber == \"\" ? undefined : this.details.vehicleRegNumber;\n\n this.extendedKpoService.addAsPlanned(this.details, driverKey).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie dodano kartę jako planowaną!\", MessageType.Info);\n this.addingCard = false;\n this.dialogRef.close(\"PLANNED\");\n },\n (e) => {\n const error: string = e.error;\n console.log(error);\n const matches = /\\{.*?\\}/g.exec(error);\n let errorMessage = \"\";\n if (matches.length === 1) {\n const json = matches[0].replace(\"\\\\\", \"\");\n const parsed = JSON.parse(json);\n for (const element in parsed) {\n if (parsed[element]) {\n parsed[element].forEach((line) => {\n errorMessage += `\"${line}\", `;\n });\n }\n }\n errorMessage = errorMessage.substr(0, errorMessage.length - 2);\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania karty: \\n\" + errorMessage, MessageType.Error);\n } else {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił niespodziewany podczas dodawania karty\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n this.addingCard = false;\n console.error(error);\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface ApproveAndGeneratePlannedCardRequest { \n realTransportDate?: Date;\n realTransportTime?: string;\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n}","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../../services/role.service\";\nimport { ConfirmReciveDialogComponent } from \"../confirm-recive-dialog/confirm-recive-dialog.component\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-confirm-withdrawal-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./confirm-withdrawal-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./confirm-withdrawal-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n remarks = \"\";\n working = false;\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private alertService: AlertService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n confirm() {\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService.withdraw(this.data.model.kpoId, { remarks: this.remarks }).subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie wycofano kartę.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas wycofania karty\", MessageType.Info);\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","

Powód wycofania karty

\n \n Uwagi\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n","import { Component, OnInit, Input, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n SubjectDto,\n UserService,\n SubjectAuthenticationService,\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport {\n MatDialog,\n MatDialogRef,\n MAT_DIALOG_DATA,\n} from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { AddSubjectDialogComponent } from \"../../login/subject-list/add-subject-dialog/add-subject-dialog.component\";\nimport { tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-subject-wizard\",\n templateUrl: \"./subject-wizard.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./subject-wizard.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class SubjectWizardComponent implements OnInit {\n subjects: SubjectDto[];\n loading = true;\n displayedColumns: string[] = [\"name\", \"radio\"];\n dataSource = null;\n hasAdminRights = false;\n \n\n constructor(\n public matDialog: MatDialog,\n private router: Router,\n private userService: UserService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\n ) {}\n\n openDialog(): void {\n const dialogRef = this.matDialog.open(AddSubjectDialogComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: { user: this.data.user },\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n this.loading = true;\n this.reload();\n });\n }\n\n removeSubject(subject: SubjectDto) {\n this.subjectAuthenticationService\n .removeSubject(subject.id)\n .subscribe((result) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie usunięto klucz API podmiotu\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.reload();\n });\n }\n\n reload() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.getSubjects(this.data.user.id).subscribe(\n (result) => {\n this.subjects = result;\n this.dataSource = this.subjects;\n this.loading = false;\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Błąd podczas ładowania listy podmiotów\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/login\");\n }\n );\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.getSubjects(this.data.user.id).subscribe(\n (subjects) => {\n this.subjects = subjects;\n this.dataSource = this.subjects;\n },\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n\n selected() {\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/\");\n }\n}\n","\n\n

Brak przypisanych podmiotów

\n\n 0\">\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n Nazwa podmiotu\n\n \n \n {{element.name}} \n \n
\n \n \n \n\n\n","\n \n Dodaj odpady do ewidencji \n \n Wykaz odpadów do zewidencjonowania*

\n ( * ) KPO doładowywane są cyklicznie z urzędowej bazy. Karta, której\n szukasz może pojawić się w wykazie z kilkuminutowym opóźnieniem.\n
\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCard.wasteCode }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCard.receiverName }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteTransferCardDetails.wasteMass }}\n \n \n {{\n item.keoCardNumber\n ? item.keoCardNumber\n : \"Brak odpowiedniej karty ewidencji w systemie\"\n }}\n \n \n {{\n item.wasteTransferCardDetails.transportConfirmationTime\n | date: \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\"\n }}\n \n \n {{ item.errorStatusCode }}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n Zaznacz wszystkie\n \n \n Zatwierdź\n \n \n
\n","import { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { AfterViewInit, Component, HostListener, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { debounceTime, map, take, tap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { DraftCardDto, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto, WasteTransferCardDto, WasteTransferCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\nimport { RejectCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/reject-card-dialog/reject-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { SelectDriverDialogComponent } from \"../realising-now/select-driver-dialog/select-driver-dialog.component\";\nimport { FilingConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filing/filing-confirmation-dialog/filing-confirmation-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { FiledCardDetailsComponent } from \"../../dialogs/filed-card-details/filed-card-details.component\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\n\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filing\",\n templateUrl: \"./filing.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filing.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FilingComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {\n loading = true;\n error = false;\n\n reloadRequest: Subject = new Subject();\n refreshSubscription = new Subscription();\n requestSubscription = new Subscription();\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n currentPageSize = 0;\n\n filteredResults = [];\n filteredResults$: Observable = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => {\n this.load(observer);\n });\n this.load(observer);\n this.handleQueryChanged(observer);\n this.handleRefresh(observer);\n this.reloadRequest.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n\n constructor(public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private wasteTransferCardService: WasteTransferCardService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService) {}\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n this.currentPageSize = this.paginator.pageSize;\n this.filteredResults$.subscribe((filteredResults) => (this.filteredResults = filteredResults));\n }\n ngOnInit(): void {\n let currentDate = new Date();\n let startDate = new Date(currentDate.valueOf() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14);\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from = startDate;\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to = currentDate;\n }\n\n load(observer) {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n\n observer.next([]);\n\n let skip = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;\n let take = this.paginator.pageSize;\n\n this.wasteTransferCardService\n .getFilteredWasteTransferCards(\n {\n cardNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardNumber,\n cardStatusCodeName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName,\n startTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.from,\n endTransportDate: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.transportDateRange.to,\n registrationNumber: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber,\n senderName: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.senderName,\n wasteCode: this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.wasteCode,\n skip: skip,\n take: take,\n },\n undefined,\n false,\n this.storage.get(\"eupId\")\n )\n .subscribe(\n (result) => {\n observer.next(result.items);\n this.paginator.length = result.totalItemCount;\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n },\n () => {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n handleRefresh(observer) {\n this.refreshSubscription.add(\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n }\n\n handleQueryChanged(observer) {\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(debounceTime(300)).subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n this.requestSubscription.add(\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.subscribe(() => {\n this.load(observer);\n })\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {\n this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this.requestSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n this.reloadRequest.next();\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(FiledCardDetailsComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { cardId: card.id },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openFilingConfirmationDialog(): void {\n //let companyId = this.storage.get(\"CompanyId\");\n let isSender = false;\n let selectedCards = this.filteredResults.filter((r) => r.checked == true);\n console.log(selectedCards);\n\n selectedCards.forEach((card) => {\n if (card.senderEupId != undefined) isSender = true;\n });\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(FilingConfirmationDialogComponent, {\n width: \"750px\",\n data: {\n selectedCards: selectedCards.map((s) => s.id),\n isSender: isSender,\n },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => {\n this.reloadRequest.next();\n });\n }\n\n selectAll() {\n this.filteredResults.forEach((element) => {\n element.checked = true;\n });\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsSenderSearchResultDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsSenderSearchResultDto { \n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i godzina transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod odpadu\n */\n wasteCode?: string;\n /**\n * Opis kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Status Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przekazującego\n */\n senderName?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa przejmującego\n */\n receiverName?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets KpoLastModifiedAt\n */\n kpoLastModifiedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przekazującego\n */\n senderFirstNameAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko przejmującego\n */\n receiverFirstAndLastName?: string;\n /**\n * Numer korekty\n */\n revisionNumber?: number;\n /**\n * Data odrzucenia\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-reject-receive-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./reject-receive-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./reject-receive-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class RejectReceiveDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n remarks = \"\";\n working = false;\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n rejectionMessage = \"\";\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n reject() {\n this.working = true;\n this.extendedKpoService\n .rejectTransport(this.data.model.kpoId, this.remarks)\n .subscribe(\n (res) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie odrzucono odpad.\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas odrzucania odpadu\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.working = false;\n }\n );\n }\n}\n","

Opisz powód odrzucenia transportu

\n \n Powód odrzucenia transportu\n \n \n
\n \n \n
","import {\n Component,\n ViewChild,\n ElementRef,\n AfterViewInit,\n OnDestroy,\n Inject,\n} from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n ExtendedKpoService,\n DraftCardsService,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs,\n WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs,\n} from \"../../../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatTableDataSource } from \"@angular/material/table\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { MatSort } from \"@angular/material/sort\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { fromEvent, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport \"rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../../../services/card.service\";\nimport {\n AlertService,\n MessageType,\n} from \"../../../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-select-receiver-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./select-receiver-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./select-receiver-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class SelectReceiverDialogComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {\n working = false;\n receiverCompany: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs;\n receiverCompanyEup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs;\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private cardService: CardService,\n private draftCardsService: DraftCardsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {}\n\n setCompany(company: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchCompanyEs) {\n this.receiverCompany = company;\n }\n\n setEup(eup: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs) {\n this.receiverCompanyEup = eup;\n }\n\n changeReceiver() {\n const model = {\n ...this.data.model,\n receiverCompanyId: this.receiverCompany.companyId,\n receiverEupId: this.receiverCompanyEup.eupId,\n receiverCompanyName: this.receiverCompany.name,\n receiverCompanyAddress: this.receiverCompany.address,\n cardStatus: this.cardService.awaitingUserApproval,\n };\n this.draftCardsService\n .update(model.id, model, \"akceptacja karty\")\n .subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Karta została przyjęta i oczekuje na zatwierdzenie przez przekazującego.\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania zapytania\",\n MessageType.Error\n );\n console.error(error);\n }\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(): void {}\n}\n","\n \n Wybierz przejmującego \n\n

Wybierz przejmującego

\n \n \n\n
\n \n\n Wybierz siedzibę\n\n

Wybierz siedzibę

\n \n \n\n \n\n \n
","\n \n Wykaz pojazdów\n Zarządzanie pojazdami firmy\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{item.registrationNumber}}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from \"../../../helpers/extended-management\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { CarsService, CarDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { CarWizardComponent } from \"../cars/car-wizard/car-wizard.component\";\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\nimport { Observable } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-cars\",\n templateUrl: \"./cars.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./cars.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class CarsComponent implements OnInit {\n isLoading = false;\n results: CarDto[];\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n constructor(private alertService: AlertService, private carService: CarsService, private dialog: MatDialog) {}\n\n filteredResults$ = new Observable((observer) => {\n this.load(observer);\n this.paginator.page.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((p) => this.load(observer));\n });\n\n load(observer) {\n const startIndex = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;\n const filteredResults = this.results.slice(startIndex, Math.min(startIndex + this.paginator.pageSize, this.paginator.length));\n observer.next(filteredResults);\n }\n\n openDialog(mode: string, car: CarDto = {}) {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(CarWizardComponent, {\n data: { mode: mode, car: { ...car } },\n width: \"500px\",\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\n if (result) {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n });\n }\n\n reloadData() {\n this.isLoading = true;\n this.carService.getAll().subscribe((result: CarDto[]) => {\n this.results = result;\n this.paginator.length = this.results.length;\n this.paginator.pageIndex = 0;\n this.isLoading = false;\n });\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.reloadData();\n }\n}\n","export * from './api/api';\nexport * from './model/models';\nexport * from './variables';\nexport * from './configuration';\nexport * from './api.module';","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface CompanySearchResultDto { \n whitelisted?: boolean;\n companyId?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestrowy podmiotu\n */\n registrationNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Nazwa podmiotu\n */\n name?: string;\n /**\n * NIP podmiotu\n */\n nip?: string;\n /**\n * Europejski NIP podmiotu\n */\n nipEu?: string;\n /**\n * PESEL, jeśli podmiot nie posiada NIP\n */\n pesel?: string;\n /**\n * Kraj\n */\n country?: string;\n /**\n * Adres\n */\n address?: string;\n /**\n * Numer budynku\n */\n buildingNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Numer lokalu\n */\n localNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Kod pocztowy\n */\n postalCode?: string;\n /**\n * Teryt\n */\n teryt?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { DraftCardDto } from '../model/draftCardDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class DraftCardsService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling _delete.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param sendNotification \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public add(body?: DraftCardDto, sendNotification?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public add(body?: DraftCardDto, sendNotification?: boolean, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: DraftCardDto, sendNotification?: boolean, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: DraftCardDto, sendNotification?: boolean, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (sendNotification !== undefined && sendNotification !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('sendNotification', sendNotification);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling get.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAll(companyId?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAll(companyId?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(companyId?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(companyId?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (companyId !== undefined && companyId !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('companyId', companyId);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards/Carrier`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAllAsSender(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAllAsSender(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAllAsSender(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAllAsSender(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards/Sender`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param body \n * @param change \n * @param sender \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public update(id: number, body?: DraftCardDto, change?: string, sender?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public update(id: number, body?: DraftCardDto, change?: string, sender?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: DraftCardDto, change?: string, sender?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: DraftCardDto, change?: string, sender?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling update.');\n }\n\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (change !== undefined && change !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('change', change);\n }\n if (sender !== undefined && sender !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('sender', sender);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/DraftCards/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface KeoGeneratedListItemDto { \n manufactureDate?: string;\n wasteMassSum?: number;\n wasteFromServices?: boolean;\n wasteMassInstallation?: number;\n wasteMassExcludingInstallation?: number;\n installationName?: string;\n createdByUser?: string;\n}","import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders, SkipSelf, Optional } from '@angular/core';\r\nimport { Configuration } from './configuration';\r\nimport { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';\r\n\r\n\r\nimport { AuthenticationService } from './api/authentication.service';\r\nimport { BackupService } from './api/backup.service';\r\nimport { CarsService } from './api/cars.service';\r\nimport { ConsoleService } from './api/console.service';\r\nimport { DraftCardsService } from './api/draftCards.service';\r\nimport { DriverAppService } from './api/driverApp.service';\r\nimport { ExtendedKpoService } from './api/extendedKpo.service';\r\nimport { GroupsService } from './api/groups.service';\r\nimport { MobileAppService } from './api/mobileApp.service';\r\nimport { RecordCardService } from './api/recordCard.service';\r\nimport { ServerManagementService } from './api/serverManagement.service';\r\nimport { SubjectAuthenticationService } from './api/subjectAuthentication.service';\r\nimport { UserService } from './api/user.service';\r\nimport { UsersService } from './api/users.service';\r\nimport { VersionService } from './api/version.service';\r\nimport { WasteTransferCardService } from './api/wasteTransferCard.service';\r\n\r\n@NgModule({\r\n imports: [],\r\n declarations: [],\r\n exports: [],\r\n providers: [\r\n AuthenticationService,\r\n BackupService,\r\n CarsService,\r\n ConsoleService,\r\n DraftCardsService,\r\n DriverAppService,\r\n ExtendedKpoService,\r\n GroupsService,\r\n MobileAppService,\r\n RecordCardService,\r\n ServerManagementService,\r\n SubjectAuthenticationService,\r\n UserService,\r\n UsersService,\r\n VersionService,\r\n WasteTransferCardService ]\r\n})\r\nexport class ApiModule {\r\n public static forRoot(configurationFactory: () => Configuration): ModuleWithProviders {\r\n return {\r\n ngModule: ApiModule,\r\n providers: [ { provide: Configuration, useFactory: configurationFactory } ]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n\r\n constructor( @Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: ApiModule,\r\n @Optional() http: HttpClient) {\r\n if (parentModule) {\r\n throw new Error('ApiModule is already loaded. Import in your base AppModule only.');\r\n }\r\n if (!http) {\r\n throw new Error('You need to import the HttpClientModule in your AppModule! \\n' +\r\n 'See also https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { SubjectDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\r\n\r\n@Pipe({ name: \"subjectFilter\" })\r\nexport class SubjectFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {\r\n transform(value: SubjectDto[], text?: string): SubjectDto[] {\r\n if (text === \"\") {\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n return value.filter((s) =>\r\n s.name.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(text.toLocaleLowerCase())\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto\n */\nexport interface BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteProcessId\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Name\n */\n name?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets CodeName\n */\n codeName?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets DateCreated\n */\n dateCreated?: Date;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets ParentId\n */\n parentId?: number;\n}","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport {\n GroupDto,\n UserDto,\n UsersService,\n GroupsService,\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { group } from \"@angular/animations\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-driver-wizard\",\n templateUrl: \"./driver-wizard.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./driver-wizard.component.css\"],\n})\nexport class DriverWizardComponent implements OnInit {\n password: string;\n hidePassword = true;\n sendMail = false;\n randomPrefix = 0;\n\n userGroups: GroupDto[];\n user: UserDto = { firstName: \"\", lastName: \"\", username: \"\" };\n\n constructor(\n private userService: UsersService,\n private groupService: GroupsService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\n ) {}\n\n getRandomInt(min, max) {\n min = Math.ceil(min);\n max = Math.floor(max);\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.groupService.getAll().subscribe((value) => {\n this.userGroups = value;\n });\n this.user = this.data.user === undefined ? null : this.data.user;\n switch (this.data.mode) {\n case \"create\":\n this.randomPrefix = this.getRandomInt(100, 999);\n break;\n case \"edit\":\n this.randomPrefix = Number.parseInt(\n this.user.username.split(\"_\")[0],\n 10\n );\n this.user.username = this.user.username.substring(\n this.user.username.indexOf(\"_\") + 1\n );\n break;\n }\n }\n\n valueChange($event) {\n this.sendMail = $event.checked;\n }\n\n passwordModelChanged($event: any) {\n const i = Number.parseInt(this.password, 10);\n this.password = i !== i ? \"\" : i.toString();\n }\n\n passwordChanged($event: any) {\n if (!($event.key[0] >= \"0\" && $event.key[0] <= \"9\")) {\n $event.preventDefault();\n }\n const i = Number.parseInt(this.password, 10);\n this.password = i !== i ? \"\" : i.toString();\n }\n\n nameChange($event: KeyboardEvent) {\n if (this.data.mode === \"edit\") {\n return;\n }\n if (this.user.firstName != null && this.user.lastName != null) {\n this.user.username =\n this.user.firstName.toLowerCase() +\n \".\" +\n this.user.lastName.toLowerCase();\n this.user.username = this.user.username\n .normalize(\"NFD\")\n .replace(/[\\u0300-\\u036f]/g, \"\")\n .replace(/\\u0142/g, \"l\");\n }\n }\n\n onSubmit(form): void {\n this.user.group = this.userGroups.find((g) => g.name === \"Kierowca\");\n const i = Number.parseInt(this.password, 10);\n this.password = i != i ? \"\" : i.toString();\n switch (this.data.mode) {\n case \"create\":\n let userCopyC = { ...this.user };\n userCopyC.username = this.randomPrefix + \"_\" + this.user.username;\n this.userService\n .add(\n userCopyC,\n this.password === \"\" ? null : this.password,\n this.sendMail\n )\n .subscribe(\n (result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie dodano użytkownika\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialog.close(true);\n },\n (error) =>\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error)\n );\n break;\n case \"edit\":\n let userCopyE = { ...this.user };\n userCopyE.username = this.randomPrefix + \"_\" + this.user.username;\n this.userService\n .update(\n this.data.user.id,\n userCopyE,\n this.password === \"\" ? null : this.password,\n this.sendMail\n )\n .subscribe(\n (result: any) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie zaktualizowano dane użytkownika\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialog.close(true);\n },\n (error) =>\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error)\n );\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n","

Tworzenie konta





\n \n Imię\n \n \n\n \n Nazwisko\n \n \n \n Nazwa użytkownika\n \n {{randomPrefix}}_\n \n\n \n Pin\n \n \n {{hidePassword ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'}}\n \n \n\n \n


\n \n \n \n
","import { Component, OnInit, Input, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: 'app-authorization-button',\r\n templateUrl: './authorization-button.component.html',\r\n styleUrls: ['./authorization-button.component.scss']\r\n})\r\nexport class AuthorizationButtonComponent implements OnInit {\r\n\r\n @Input() title;\r\n @Input() subtitle;\r\n\r\n constructor() { }\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n }\r\n\r\n authorize(){\r\n //this.authService.authenticateActiveDirectory();\r\n }\r\n\r\n}\r\n","
\r\n \r\n {{title}}\r\n {{subtitle}}\r\n input\r\n \r\n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface CardDetailsResponse { \n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n remarks?: string;\n}","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { element } from \"protractor\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../services/role.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-role-picker\",\n templateUrl: \"./role-picker.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./role-picker.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class RolePickerComponent implements OnInit {\n displayedColumns: string[] = [\"name\", \"radio\"];\n dataSource = [\n { name: \"przekazujący\", value: \"SENDER\" },\n { name: \"transportujący / łączący role\", value: \"CARRIER\" },\n ];\n constructor(private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private router: Router) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n select(element) {\n this.roleService.setRole(element.value);\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/\");\n }\n}\n","
\n \n \n \n \n Wybór roli \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n Nazwa roli\n \n {{ element.name }}\n \n
\n","import { Injectable } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { Observable, zip } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { map, switchMap } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { ChangesRegisterEntityDto, DraftCardsService, ExtendedKpoService, SearchResultItemDto, UserDto } from \"../../../api\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { AdvancedFilterQuery } from \"../components/bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"./role.service\";\n\nexport interface DashboardCardsResult {\n items: (DraftCard | SearchResultItemDto)[];\n totalItemsCount: number;\n userAttributions: {\n [key: string]: UserDto;\n };\n changesRegister: {\n [key: string]: ChangesRegisterEntityDto[];\n };\n}\n\nexport interface RealisingNowResult {\n items: SearchResultItemDto[];\n totalItemsCount: number;\n userAttributions: {\n [key: string]: UserDto;\n };\n changesRegister: {\n [key: string]: ChangesRegisterEntityDto[];\n };\n}\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Injectable({\n providedIn: \"root\",\n})\nexport class CardService {\n constructor(private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, private draftCardsService: DraftCardsService, public dialog: MatDialog, private roleService: RoleService) {}\n\n public awaitingDriverStatus = \"Oczekuje na nadanie kierowcy\";\n public awaitingAcceptStatus = \"Oczekuje na zaakceptowanie\";\n public awaitingUserApproval = \"Oczekuje na zatwierdzenie przez użytkownika\";\n public rejectedStatus = \"Odrzucona\";\n public plannedStatus = \"Planowana\";\n public editedStatus = \"Edytowana\";\n public readdedStatus = \"Do weryfikacji\";\n\n public getDashboardCards(filterQuery: AdvancedFilterQuery, index = 0, itemsPerPage = 50): Observable {\n const wasteCode = filterQuery.wasteCode === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.wasteCode;\n const cardNumber = filterQuery.cardNumber === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.cardNumber;\n const senderName = filterQuery.senderName === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.senderName;\n const vehicleRegistrationNumber = filterQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber;\n\n const draftCards$ = this.draftCardsService.getAll();\n const kpoCards$ = this.roleService.role$.pipe(\n untilDestroyed(this),\n switchMap((role) =>\n this.extendedKpoService.searchKpo(\n {\n cardNumber: cardNumber,\n cardStatusCodeNames: filterQuery.cardStatusCodeName,\n wasteCodeAndDescription: wasteCode,\n vehicleRegNumber: vehicleRegistrationNumber,\n transportDateRange: true,\n transportDateFrom: filterQuery.transportDateRange.from,\n transportDateTo: filterQuery.transportDateRange.to,\n receiveConfirmationDateRange: false,\n paginationParameters: {\n order: { isAscending: false },\n page: {\n index: index + 1,\n size: itemsPerPage,\n },\n },\n searchInReceivers: false,\n searchInSenders: true,\n name: senderName,\n },\n role\n )\n )\n );\n return zip(draftCards$, kpoCards$).pipe(\n map((array) => {\n const draftCards = array[0].filter((d, i, ar) => {\n const statusFilter = d.cardStatus === this.awaitingAcceptStatus || d.cardStatus === this.plannedStatus || d.cardStatus === this.readdedStatus || d.cardStatus === this.editedStatus;\n const wasteCodeFilter = wasteCode === undefined || wasteCode === \"\" ? true : d.wasteCode.includes(wasteCode);\n const cardNumberFilter = cardNumber === undefined || cardNumber === \"\";\n console.log(statusFilter, wasteCodeFilter, cardNumberFilter);\n return statusFilter && wasteCodeFilter && cardNumberFilter;\n });\n console.log(array[0], draftCards);\n const kpoCards = array[1];\n const items = kpoCards.items !== undefined ? draftCards.concat(kpoCards.items) : draftCards;\n return {\n items: items,\n totalItemsCount: draftCards.length + kpoCards.totalResultNumber,\n userAttributions: kpoCards.associatedUsers,\n changesRegister: kpoCards.changesRegister,\n };\n })\n );\n }\n public getRealisingNowCards(filterQuery: AdvancedFilterQuery, index = 1, itemsPerPage = 50): Observable {\n const wasteCode = filterQuery.wasteCode === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.wasteCode;\n const cardNumber = filterQuery.cardNumber === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.cardNumber;\n const senderName = filterQuery.senderName === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.senderName;\n const vehicleRegistrationNumber = filterQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber === \"\" ? undefined : filterQuery.vehicleRegistrationNumber;\n\n const kpoCards$ = this.roleService.role$.pipe(\n untilDestroyed(this),\n switchMap((role) =>\n this.extendedKpoService.searchKpo(\n {\n cardNumber: cardNumber,\n cardStatusCodeNames: filterQuery.cardStatusCodeName,\n wasteCodeAndDescription: wasteCode,\n vehicleRegNumber: vehicleRegistrationNumber,\n transportDateRange: true,\n transportDateFrom: filterQuery.transportDateRange.from,\n transportDateTo: filterQuery.transportDateRange.to,\n receiveConfirmationDateRange: false,\n paginationParameters: {\n order: { isAscending: false },\n page: {\n index: index,\n size: itemsPerPage,\n },\n },\n searchInReceivers: false,\n searchInSenders: true,\n searchInCarriers: false,\n name: senderName,\n },\n role\n )\n )\n );\n return kpoCards$.pipe(\n map((kpoCards) => {\n const items = kpoCards.items;\n return {\n items: items.map((r) => r),\n totalItemsCount: kpoCards.totalResultNumber,\n userAttributions: kpoCards.associatedUsers,\n changesRegister: kpoCards.changesRegister,\n };\n })\n );\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { CarDto } from '../model/carDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class CarsService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Deletes entity from the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public _delete(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling _delete.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/Cars/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds entity to the database\n * \n * @param body JSON entity data\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public add(body?: CarDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public add(body?: CarDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: CarDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public add(body?: CarDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Cars`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a single entity or empty value if entity does not exists\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public get(id: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling get.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Cars/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets all entities from the database\n * \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getAll(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getAll(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/Cars`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates entity in the database\n * \n * @param id ID\n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public update(id: number, body?: CarDto, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public update(id: number, body?: CarDto, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: CarDto, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public update(id: number, body?: CarDto, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling update.');\n }\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('put',`${this.basePath}/api/Cars/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\nexport interface CorrectRequest { \n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n wasteMass?: number;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoCollectedListItem\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteRecordCardV1KeoCollectedListItem { \n /**\n * Id wpisu Przyjęte odpady\n */\n keoCollectedId?: string;\n /**\n * Utworzone przez użytkownika\n */\n createdByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data przejęcia odpadów\n */\n collectedDate?: Date;\n /**\n * Gets or sets possible values include: 'NOT_SELECTED', 'BASED_ON_KPO_CARD', 'BASED_ON_KPOK_CARD', 'IMPORT', 'NOT_OBLIGATED_WASTE_HOLDER'\n */\n collectionWay?: string;\n /**\n * Numer karty KPO\n */\n kpoCardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Numer karty KPOK\n */\n kpokCardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Masa przejętych odpadów [Mg]\n */\n collectedMass?: number;\n /**\n * Nazwa instalacji\n */\n installationName?: string;\n}","import { Component, Inject, Input, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { KEOCardDetailsDto, RecordCardService } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filed-card-details\",\n templateUrl: \"./filed-card-details.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filed-card-details.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FiledCardDetailsComponent implements OnInit {\n public details: KEOCardDetailsDto;\n\n constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private service: RecordCardService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { cardId: string }, private alertService: AlertService) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.service.getSingleKEOCard(this.data.cardId).subscribe(\n (result) => (this.details = result),\n (error) => this.alertService.showMessage(error, MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n}\n","

Szczegóły karty ewidencji odpadów

\n\n \n \n
\n Kod i rodzaj odpadu \n Numer karty \n Rok kalendarzowy \n\n
\n Kod ex\n
\n Rodzaj odpadu ex \n\n\n
\n Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych \n
\n Rodzaj odpadu \n\n\n
\n Zakres działalności dla kodu odpadu: Un – unieszkodliwione\n
\n Zakres działalności dla kodu odpadu: Od – odzysk \n
\n Zakres działalności dla kodu odpadu: Zb – zbieranie odpadów \n
\n Zakres działalności dla kodu odpadu: W – wytwarzanie odpadów \n
\n\n\n \n
\n \n \n \n
","import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatDialogRef } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { WasteTransferCardService } from \"../../../../../../api\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-filing-confirmation-dialog\",\n templateUrl: \"./filing-confirmation-dialog.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./filing-confirmation-dialog.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class FilingConfirmationDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n public isInInstallation: boolean;\n public isSender: boolean;\n\n constructor(\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n private wasteTransferCardService: WasteTransferCardService,\n private alertService: AlertService,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {\n this.isSender = data.isSender;\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n markForFiling(addToGenerated: boolean) {\n this.wasteTransferCardService\n .markForFiling({\n addToGenerated: addToGenerated,\n ids: this.data.selectedCards,\n isInInstalation: this.isInInstallation,\n })\n .subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n \"Pomyślnie oznaczono karty do ewidencji\",\n MessageType.Info\n );\n this.dialogRef.close(true);\n },\n (error) =>\n this.alertService.showMessage(\n error.error ? error.error : error,\n MessageType.Error\n )\n );\n }\n}\n","

\n Jeśli na podstawie wskazanych kart chcesz również dodać wpisy do ewidencji\n odpadów wytworzonych wybierz, gdzie dany odpad został wytworzony\n


\n Czy na pewno chcesz dodać wybrane karty do ewidencji?\n

\n \n w związku z eksploatacją instalacji\n poza instalacją\n \n
\n \n \n Pomiń\n \n \n Zapisz\n \n
\n","\n \n Aktualnie realizowane zlecenia\n Zarządzanie zadaniami w trakcie realizacji\n \n \n \n\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{ item.cardNumber }}\n \n \n {{ item.wasteCode }}\n \n {{ item.user.firstName }} {{ item.user.lastName }} \n \n {{ item.vehicleRegNumber }}\n \n \n \n {{ item.cardStatus }}\n \n \n {{ item.plannedTransportTime | date : \"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\" }}\n \n \n \n {{ item.eup }}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n","import { Component, ViewChild, OnDestroy, HostListener, Inject, OnInit, AfterViewInit } from \"@angular/core\";\nimport { MatPaginator } from \"@angular/material/paginator\";\nimport { catchError, startWith, switchMap, take } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { ExtendedKpoService, DraftCardDto, WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto, BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType } from \"../../../../../api\";\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\nimport { ViewDraftCardDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/view-draft-card-dialog/view-draft-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\nimport { SelectDriverDialogComponent } from \"./select-driver-dialog/select-driver-dialog.component\";\nimport { GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent } from \"./generate-confirmation-dialog/generate-confirmation-dialog.component\";\nimport { ConfirmationDownloaderComponent } from \"./confirmation-downloader/confirmation-downloader.component\";\nimport { KpoDetailsDialogComponent } from \"../archive/archive-details-dialog/kpo-details-dialog.component\";\nimport { ConfirmReciveDialogComponent } from \"./confirm-recive-dialog/confirm-recive-dialog.component\";\nimport { RejectReceiveDialogComponent } from \"./reject-receive-dialog/reject-receive-dialog.component\";\nimport { combineLatest, Observable, of, Subject, Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\nimport { tap, map, debounceTime } from \"rxjs/operators\";\nimport { DraftCard } from \"../../../../../api/model/draftCard\";\nimport { CardService } from \"../../../services/card.service\";\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\nimport { AdvancedFilterQuery, BdoFilterComponent } from \"../../bdo-filter/bdo-filter.component\";\nimport { NewKpoDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/new-kpo-dialog/new-kpo-dialog.component\";\nimport { SelectReceiverDialogComponent } from \"../home/kpo/select-receiver-dialog/select-receiver-dialog.component\";\nimport { LOCAL_STORAGE, WebStorageService } from \"ngx-webstorage-service\";\nimport { Overlay } from \"@angular/cdk/overlay\";\nimport { CookieService } from \"ngx-cookie-service\";\nimport { ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent } from \"./confirm-withdrawal-dialog/confirm-withdrawal-dialog.component\";\nimport { UntilDestroy, untilDestroyed } from \"@ngneat/until-destroy\";\nimport { RoleService } from \"../../../services/role.service\";\nimport { ReviseCardDialogComponent } from \"./revise-card-dialog/revise-card-dialog.component\";\nimport { ActivatedRoute } from \"@angular/router\";\n\ntype KpoCard = WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsCarrierSearchResultDto;\n\n@UntilDestroy()\n@Component({\n selector: \"app-realising-now\",\n templateUrl: \"./realising-now.component.html\",\n styleUrls: [\"./realising-now.component.scss\"],\n})\nexport class RealisingNowComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {\n public loading = false;\n public error = false;\n carrierName: string;\n role: string;\n scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.block();\n\n filterCardStatuses: { label: string; value: string }[];\n\n reloadRequest$: Subject = new Subject();\n\n filteredResult$: Observable<(DraftCard | KpoCard)[]>;\n\n @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;\n @ViewChild(BdoFilterComponent, { static: true })\n bdoFilter: BdoFilterComponent;\n initialStatus: string;\n constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, public cardService: CardService, private alertService: AlertService, private messagingService: MessagingService, @Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private storage: WebStorageService, private extendedKpoService: ExtendedKpoService, public dialog: MatDialog, private overlay: Overlay, private cookieService: CookieService, private roleService: RoleService) {\n this.activatedRoute.queryParams.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((params) => {\n if (params.status !== undefined) this.initialStatus = params.status;\n });\n\n this.roleService.role$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((r) => {\n this.role = r;\n if (this.initialStatus != \"REJECTED\") this.initialStatus = r == \"CARRIER\" ? \"APPROVED\" : \"CONFIRMATION_GENERATED\";\n this.filterCardStatuses =\n r == \"CARRIER\"\n ? [\n { label: \"Przydzielone\", value: \"APPROVED\" },\n { label: \"Potwierdzenie wygenerowane\", value: \"CONFIRMATION_GENERATED\" },\n { label: \"Zrealizowane przejęcie\", value: \"RECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\" },\n { label: \"Odrzucone\", value: \"REJECTED\" },\n ]\n : [\n { label: \"Potwierdzenie wygenerowane\", value: \"CONFIRMATION_GENERATED\" },\n { label: \"Zrealizowane przejęcie\", value: \"RECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\" },\n { label: \"Odrzucone\", value: \"REJECTED\" },\n ];\n });\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.carrierName = this.storage.get(\"SubjectName\");\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n this.filteredResult$ = combineLatest([this.reloadRequest$.pipe(startWith(0)), this.paginator.page.pipe(startWith(0)), this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryTextChanged.pipe(startWith(0), debounceTime(800)), this.bdoFilter.advancedQueryChanged.pipe(startWith(0)), this.roleService.role$.pipe(startWith(0)), this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(startWith(0))]).pipe(\n debounceTime(500),\n untilDestroyed(this),\n tap(() => {\n this.error = false;\n this.loading = true;\n }),\n switchMap((s) => {\n return this.cardService.getRealisingNowCards(this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery, this.paginator.pageIndex, this.paginator.pageSize).pipe(\n tap((cards) => {\n this.paginator.length = cards.totalItemsCount;\n }),\n catchError((error) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania listy\", MessageType.Error);\n console.error(error);\n return of(error);\n }),\n map((cards) =>\n cards.items.map((m) => {\n const kpoCard = m as KpoCard;\n return {\n ...m,\n user: kpoCard ? cards.userAttributions[kpoCard.kpoId] : undefined,\n };\n })\n ),\n tap(() => {\n this.loading = false;\n this.error = false;\n })\n );\n })\n );\n this.handleRefresh();\n }\n\n handleRefresh() {\n this.messagingService.messageReceived$.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe((payload) => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(payload.data.body.replace(\"\\r\\n\", \" | \"), MessageType.Notification);\n });\n }\n\n // @HostListener(\"window:focus\", [\"$event\"])\n // onFocus(event: FocusEvent): void {\n // this.reloadRequest.next();\n // }\n\n getLastModificationDate(kpo: any) {\n if (kpo.creationDateTime === undefined) {\n kpo.creationDateTime = kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt;\n }\n return kpo.creationDateTime === undefined ? kpo.kpoLastModifiedAt : kpo.creationDateTime;\n }\n\n openCardCreationDialog() {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(NewKpoDialogComponent, {\n width: \"1100px\",\n data: {},\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\n this.bdoFilter.advancedQuery.cardStatusCodeName == result;\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\n });\n }\n\n openDetailsDialog(card): void {\n this.dialog.open(KpoDetailsDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: card },\n panelClass: \"dialog\",\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openDriverSelectionDialog(card): void {\n const model = { ...card };\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SelectDriverDialogComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: { model: { ...model } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n openReceiverSelectionDialog(card: DraftCardDto): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(SelectReceiverDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: { ...card } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n openCardConfirmationDialog(model): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmReciveDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: { ...model } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n openCardRejectionDialog(model): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(RejectReceiveDialogComponent, {\n width: \"950px\",\n data: { model: { ...model } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n confirmTransport(element) {\n this.extendedKpoService.confirmTransport(element.kpoId).subscribe(() => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie potwierdzono transport. Obieg karty został zakończony. Karta trafiła do archiwum KPO.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\n });\n }\n\n rejectTransport(element) {\n this.extendedKpoService.rejectTransport(element.kpoId).subscribe(() => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie odrzucono transport.\", MessageType.Info);\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\n });\n }\n\n downloadConfirmation(element) {\n this.dialog.open(ConfirmationDownloaderComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: { model: element },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n }\n\n openConfirmationGenerationDialog(element): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(GenerateConfirmationDialogComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: { model: { ...element } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n openCardWithdrawalDialog(element): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmWithdrawalDialogComponent, {\n width: \"550px\",\n data: { model: { ...element } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n openCardRevisionDialog(element): void {\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ReviseCardDialogComponent, {\n width: \"850px\",\n data: { model: { ...element } },\n scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,\n closeOnNavigation: true,\n });\n\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => (result ? this.reloadRequest$.next() : null));\n }\n\n confirmAllTransports() {\n this.extendedKpoService.confirmTransports().subscribe(\n () => {\n this.alertService.showMessage(\"Pomyślnie potwierdzono wszystkie transporty z ostatniego tygodnia\", MessageType.Info);\n this.reloadRequest$.next();\n },\n () => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błąd podczas potwierdzania transportów\", MessageType.Error)\n );\n }\n\n loadEupInfo(item: KpoCard) {\n this.extendedKpoService\n .getKpoDetails(item.kpoId, item.cardStatusCodeName, this.role == \"CARRIER\" ? BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_2 : BdoServiceModelsEnumerationsCompanyType.NUMBER_1)\n .pipe(switchMap((details) => this.extendedKpoService.getEupDetails(details.senderEupId)))\n .subscribe((r) => (item.eup = r.registrationNumber + \" \" + r.name));\n }\n}\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { UserCredentials } from '../model/userCredentials';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class AuthenticationService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Authenticates internal API key\n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public authenticateApiKey(body?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public authenticateApiKey(body?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public authenticateApiKey(body?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public authenticateApiKey(body?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Authentication/Internal/API`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Authenticates internal user\n * \n * @param body \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public authenticateInternalUser(body?: UserCredentials, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public authenticateInternalUser(body?: UserCredentials, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public authenticateInternalUser(body?: UserCredentials, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public authenticateInternalUser(body?: UserCredentials, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/Authentication/Internal/User`,\n {\n body: body,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';\nimport {\n SubjectAuthenticationService,\n SubjectCreationDto,\n UserService\n} from '../../../../../../../api';\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from '../../../../../services/alert.service';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-add-subject-dialog',\n templateUrl: './add-subject-dialog.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./add-subject-dialog.component.scss']\n})\nexport class AddSubjectDialogComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n private alertService: AlertService,\n private userService: UserService,\n private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService,\n public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any\n ) {}\n\n model: SubjectCreationDto = {};\n\n ngOnInit() {}\n\n addSubject() {\n this.userService.getCurrentUser().subscribe(result => {\n this.model.userId = result.id;\n this.model.clientId = this.model.clientId.trim();\n this.model.clientSecret = this.model.clientSecret.trim();\n this.subjectAuthenticationService.addSubject(this.model, this.data?.user?.id).subscribe(result => {\n this.alertService.showMessage('Pomyślnie dodano podmiot!', MessageType.Info);\n this.dialogRef.close();\n }, error => this.alertService.showMessage(\"Błędny klucz API. Spróbuj ponownie. \", MessageType.Error));\n });\n }\n}\n","

Dodawanie podmiotu

\n\n Client ID\n \n Client Secret\n \n\n
\n \n Jak dodać\n \n
","import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { ErrorStateMatcher } from \"@angular/material/core\";\r\nimport { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\nimport { FormControl, Validators } from \"@angular/forms\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport {\r\n UsersService,\r\n GroupsService,\r\n GroupDto,\r\n UserDto,\r\n} from \"../../../../../../api\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-user-wizard\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./user-wizard.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./user-wizard.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class UserWizardComponent implements OnInit {\r\n password: string;\r\n hidePassword = true;\r\n sendMail = false;\r\n\r\n userGroups: GroupDto[];\r\n user: UserDto = { firstName: \"\", lastName: \"\", username: \"\" };\r\n\r\n constructor(\r\n private userService: UsersService,\r\n private groupService: GroupsService,\r\n private alertService: AlertService,\r\n public dialog: MatDialogRef,\r\n @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data\r\n ) {}\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n this.groupService.getAll().subscribe((value) => {\r\n this.userGroups = value;\r\n });\r\n this.user = this.data.user === undefined ? null : this.data.user;\r\n }\r\n\r\n valueChange($event) {\r\n this.sendMail = $event.checked;\r\n }\r\n\r\n onSubmit(form): void {\r\n switch (this.data.mode) {\r\n case \"create\":\r\n this.userService\r\n .add(\r\n this.user,\r\n this.password === \"\" ? null : this.password,\r\n this.sendMail\r\n )\r\n .subscribe(\r\n (result: any) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Pomyślnie dodano użytkownika\",\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n this.dialog.close(true);\r\n },\r\n (error) =>\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error)\r\n );\r\n break;\r\n case \"edit\":\r\n this.userService\r\n .update(\r\n this.user.id,\r\n this.user,\r\n this.password === \"\" ? null : this.password,\r\n this.sendMail\r\n )\r\n .subscribe(\r\n (result: any) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Pomyślnie zaktualizowano dane użytkownika\",\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n this.dialog.close(true);\r\n },\r\n (error) =>\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(error.error, MessageType.Error)\r\n );\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","

Tworzenie konta





\n\n \n Imię\n \n \n\n \n Nazwisko\n \n \n\n \n E-Mail\n \n \n\n \n Hasło\n Hasło\n \n \n {{hidePassword ? 'visibility' : 'visibility_off'}}\n \n \n\n \n Numer telefonu\n +48  \n \n \n\n \n Grupa\n \n {{group.name}}\n\n \n\n \n \n


\n \n \n \n\n\n\n
","import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { Router, ActivatedRoute } from \"@angular/router\";\r\n\r\nimport { FormControl, Validators } from \"@angular/forms\";\r\nimport { SubjectAuthenticationService } from \"../../../../../api/api/subjectAuthentication.service\";\r\nimport { MatStepper } from \"@angular/material/stepper\";\r\nimport { MessagingService } from \"../../../services/messaging.service\";\r\nimport { AngularFireMessaging } from \"@angular/fire/messaging\";\r\nimport { UserService } from \"../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { Subscription } from \"rxjs\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-login\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./login.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./login.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class LoginComponent implements OnInit {\r\n static tokenGrantedSubscription: Subscription;\r\n static permissionGrantedSubscription: Subscription;\r\n\r\n constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private subjectAuthenticationService: SubjectAuthenticationService, private userService: UserService, private angularFireMessaging: AngularFireMessaging) {}\r\n\r\n loading = true;\r\n message: any;\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {}\r\n\r\n authorized() {\r\n LoginComponent.permissionGrantedSubscription = this.angularFireMessaging.requestPermission.subscribe(\r\n (result) => {\r\n LoginComponent.tokenGrantedSubscription = this.angularFireMessaging.requestToken.subscribe(\r\n (token) => {\r\n this.userService.addDeviceToken({ deviceToken: token }).subscribe(\r\n () => {},\r\n (error) => console.error(error.error)\r\n );\r\n },\r\n (error) => console.error(\"error while requesting token\")\r\n );\r\n },\r\n (error) => console.error(\"error while requesting permissions\")\r\n );\r\n\r\n this.router.navigateByUrl(\"/subject-selection\");\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n","import { Component, OnInit } from \"@angular/core\";\r\nimport { ExtendedTableComponent } from \"../../../helpers/extended-management\";\r\nimport { AlertService, MessageType } from \"../../../services/alert.service\";\r\nimport { MatDialog } from \"@angular/material/dialog\";\r\n\r\nimport { GroupWizardComponent } from \"./group-wizard/group-wizard.component\";\r\nimport { GroupsService, GroupDto } from \"../../../../../api\";\r\nimport { ConfirmDialogComponent } from \"../../dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component\";\r\n\r\n@Component({\r\n selector: \"app-groups\",\r\n templateUrl: \"./groups.component.html\",\r\n styleUrls: [\"./groups.component.scss\"],\r\n})\r\nexport class GroupsComponent extends ExtendedTableComponent implements OnInit {\r\n displayedColumns = [\"select\", \"name\", \"operations\"];\r\n constructor(\r\n private alertService: AlertService,\r\n private groupService: GroupsService,\r\n private dialog: MatDialog\r\n ) {\r\n super();\r\n }\r\n\r\n openDialog(mode: string, group: GroupDto = {}) {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(GroupWizardComponent, {\r\n data: { mode: mode, group: group },\r\n width: \"500px\",\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n deleteSelected() {\r\n const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, {\r\n width: \"350px\",\r\n data: { message: \"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten podmiot?\" },\r\n closeOnNavigation: true,\r\n });\r\n\r\n dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {\r\n if (result) {\r\n this.selection.selected.forEach((element) => {\r\n this.groupService._delete(element.id).subscribe(\r\n (next) => {\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Pomyślnie usunięto grupę\",\r\n MessageType.Info\r\n );\r\n\r\n this.selection.clear();\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n },\r\n (error) =>\r\n this.alertService.showMessage(\r\n \"Błąd podczas usuwania grupy\",\r\n MessageType.Error\r\n )\r\n );\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n exportData() {\r\n const data = JSON.stringify(this.dataSource.data, null, 2);\r\n const blob: Blob = new Blob([data], { type: \"text/json\" });\r\n const fileName = \"export.json\";\r\n const objectUrl: string = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n const a: HTMLAnchorElement = document.createElement(\r\n \"a\"\r\n ) as HTMLAnchorElement;\r\n\r\n a.href = objectUrl;\r\n a.download = fileName;\r\n document.body.appendChild(a);\r\n a.click();\r\n\r\n document.body.removeChild(a);\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl);\r\n }\r\n\r\n reloadData() {\r\n this.loading = true;\r\n this.groupService.getAll().subscribe((result) => {\r\n this.updateTableData(result);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n ngOnInit() {\r\n this.reloadData();\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","\n\n\n
\n\n \n \n Grupy i uprawnienia\n Zarządzanie grupami użytkowników i uprawnieniami\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n  \n \n \n \n \n Nazwa {{element.name}}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n\n
\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n
","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets PK\n */\n pk?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Fulltext\n */\n fulltext?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets FormattedFulltext\n */\n formattedFulltext?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets HtmlFulltext\n */\n htmlFulltext?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Wojewodztwo\n */\n wojewodztwo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Powiat\n */\n powiat?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Gmina\n */\n gmina?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RodzajGminy\n */\n rodzajGminy?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Miejscowosc\n */\n miejscowosc?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets MiejscowoscPodstawowa\n */\n miejscowoscPodstawowa?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RodzajMiejscowosci\n */\n rodzajMiejscowosci?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets Ulica\n */\n ulica?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RodzajUlicy\n */\n rodzajUlicy?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets BrakUlicy\n */\n brakUlicy?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets ExactGmMie\n */\n exactGmMie?: string;\n}","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n */\n\n/**\n * WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto\n */\nexport interface WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto { \n /**\n * Gets or Sets IsWasteGenerating\n */\n isWasteGenerating?: boolean;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTeryt\n */\n wasteGeneratedTeryt?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo\n */\n wasteGeneratingAdditionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets WasteGeneratedTerytPk\n */\n wasteGeneratedTerytPk?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets RejectedByUser\n */\n rejectedByUser?: string;\n /**\n * Gets or Sets CardRejectionTime\n */\n cardRejectionTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id karty przekazania odpadów\n */\n kpoId?: string;\n /**\n * Rok kalendarzowy\n */\n year?: number;\n /**\n * Numer Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Id statusu Karty Przekazania Odpadów\n */\n cardStatusId?: number;\n /**\n * Status karty\n */\n cardStatus?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przekazującego odpady\n */\n senderEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu transportującego odpady\n */\n carrierCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id podmiotu przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverCompanyId?: string;\n /**\n * Id miejsca prowadzenia działalności przejmującego odpady\n */\n receiverEupId?: string;\n /**\n * Id kodu odpadu\n */\n wasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n correctedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Uwagi\n */\n remarks?: string;\n /**\n * Numer rejestracyjny środka transportu\n */\n vehicleRegNumber?: string;\n /**\n * Planowana data i godzina transportu\n */\n plannedTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Masa odpadów\n */\n wasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Data zatwierdzenia karty\n */\n cardApprovalTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik zatwierdzający kartę\n */\n approvalUser?: string;\n /**\n * Rzeczywista data i czas transportu\n */\n realTransportTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Id procesu przetwarzania odpadów\n */\n wasteProcessId?: number;\n /**\n * Numer certyfikatu oraz numery pojemników\n */\n certificateNumberAndBoxNumbers?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n generatingConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data wygenerowania potwierdzenia\n */\n generatingConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Użytkownik generujący potwierdzenie\n */\n receiveConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data otrzymania potwierdzenia\n */\n receiveConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Oznaczenie kodowe statusu karty\n */\n cardStatusCodeName?: string;\n /**\n * Użytkownik potwierdzający transport\n */\n transportConfirmationUser?: string;\n /**\n * Data potwierdzenia transportu\n */\n transportConfirmationTime?: Date;\n /**\n * Czy korygowana\n */\n isRevised?: boolean;\n /**\n * Data wprowadzenia korekty\n */\n revisedAt?: Date;\n /**\n * Imię i Nazwisko osoby korygującej kartę\n */\n revisedBy?: string;\n /**\n * Skorygowana masa odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteMass?: number;\n /**\n * Skorygowany kod i rodzaj odpadów\n */\n revisedWasteCodeId?: number;\n /**\n * Informacje dodatkowe\n */\n additionalInfo?: string;\n /**\n * Kod ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtended?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu ex\n */\n wasteCodeExtendedDescription?: string;\n /**\n * Zmiana statusu odpadów niebezpiecznych na odpady inne niż niebezpieczne\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassification?: boolean;\n /**\n * Rodzaj odpadu\n */\n hazardousWasteReclassificationDescription?: string;\n}","import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';\r\nimport { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';\r\n\r\nimport { AppModule } from './app/app.module';\r\nimport { environment } from './environments/environment';\r\n\r\nexport function getBaseUrl() {\r\n return document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst providers = [\r\n { provide: 'BASE_URL', useFactory: getBaseUrl, deps: [] }\r\n];\r\n\r\nif (environment.production) {\r\n enableProdMode();\r\n}\r\n\r\nplatformBrowserDynamic(providers).bootstrapModule(AppModule)\r\n .catch(err => console.log(err));\r\n","/**\n * BDOEX API\n * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)\n *\n * OpenAPI spec version: v1\n * Contact: mateusz.surma@mae.pl\n *\n * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.\n * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git\n * Do not edit the class manually.\n *//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */\n\nimport { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,\n HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder';\n\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { BdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto } from '../model/bdoServiceModelsDtoWasteRegisterWasteProcessWasteProcessDto';\nimport { ChangesRegisterEntityDto } from '../model/changesRegisterEntityDto';\nimport { CompanySearchResultDto } from '../model/companySearchResultDto';\nimport { DraftCardDto } from '../model/draftCardDto';\nimport { ElevatedSenderKpoCardDto } from '../model/elevatedSenderKpoCardDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchEupEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsElasticsearchTerytEs';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteCodeV1WasteCodeDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1GetWithdrawnKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1GetWithdrawnKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsSenderSearchResultDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1KpoAsSenderSearchResultDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1PlannedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReceiveConfirmedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1RejectedKpoDto';\nimport { WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto } from '../model/wasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsResponsesWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1TransportConfirmationKpoDto';\n\nimport { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';\nimport { Configuration } from '../configuration';\n\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class MobileAppService {\n\n protected basePath = '/';\n public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();\n public configuration = new Configuration();\n\n constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {\n if (basePath) {\n this.basePath = basePath;\n }\n if (configuration) {\n this.configuration = configuration;\n this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param consumes string[] mime-types\n * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise\n */\n private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {\n const form = 'multipart/form-data';\n for (const consume of consumes) {\n if (form === consume) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public addAsApproved(body?: DraftCardDto, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/ApprovedCard`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public downloadConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling downloadConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/DownloadConfirmation`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param registrationNumber \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public generateConfirmation(kpoId: string, token?: string, registrationNumber?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling generateConfirmation.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (registrationNumber !== undefined && registrationNumber !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('registrationNumber', registrationNumber);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/GenerateConfirmation`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getChangeRegistryEntities(kpoId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getChangeRegistryEntities(kpoId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangeRegistryEntities(kpoId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getChangeRegistryEntities(kpoId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getChangeRegistryEntities.');\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/RegistryEntities`,\n {\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompany(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompany(companyId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompany.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param eupId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEup(eupId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (eupId === null || eupId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter eupId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEup.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Company/Eup/${encodeURIComponent(String(eupId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param companyId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getCompanyEups(companyId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (companyId === null || companyId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter companyId was null or undefined when calling getCompanyEups.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Company/${encodeURIComponent(String(companyId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param token \n * @param statusCode \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoAsSender(token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoAsSender(token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsSender(token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getKpoAsSender(token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param statusCode \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, statusCode?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (statusCode !== undefined && statusCode !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('statusCode', statusCode);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getRejectedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getRejectedKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsRejected`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getSelfCompany(token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getSelfCompany(token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getSelfCompany(token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Company`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getTeryts(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getTeryts(query: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (query === null || query === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter query was null or undefined when calling getTeryts.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Teryt/${encodeURIComponent(String(query))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteCodes(query: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (query === null || query === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter query was null or undefined when calling getWasteCodes.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/WasteCode/${encodeURIComponent(String(query))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param query \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public getWasteProcess(query?: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/WasteProcess`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param id \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWasteProcessById(id: number, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (id === null || id === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter id was null or undefined when calling getWasteProcessById.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/WasteProcess/${encodeURIComponent(String(id))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public getWithdrawnKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public getWithdrawnKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWithdrawnKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public getWithdrawnKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling getWithdrawnKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsWithdrawn`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public receiveConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public receiveConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public receiveConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public receiveConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling receiveConfirmedKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsReceiveConfirmed`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param remarks \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public rejectCard(kpoId: string, token?: string, remarks?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public rejectCard(kpoId: string, token?: string, remarks?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public rejectCard(kpoId: string, token?: string, remarks?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public rejectCard(kpoId: string, token?: string, remarks?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling rejectCard.');\n }\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (remarks !== undefined && remarks !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('remarks', remarks);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('delete',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public reviseRejected(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardV1ReviseKpoRequest, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request('post',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/ReviceRejected`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param token \n * @param query \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchCompany(token?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchCompany(token?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchCompany(token?: string, query?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchCompany(token?: string, query?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n if (query !== undefined && query !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('query', query);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Company`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param body \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>>;\n public searchKpo(body?: WasteRegisterPublicApiApiModelsRequestsWasteRegisterWasteTransferCardSearchCardsV1SearchKpoAsSenderRequest, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n 'application/json-patch+json',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json',\n 'application/_*+json'\n ];\n const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);\n if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);\n }\n\n return this.httpClient.request>('post',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo`,\n {\n body: body,\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * \n * \n * @param kpoId \n * @param token \n * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.\n * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.\n */\n public transportConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable;\n public transportConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public transportConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable>;\n public transportConfirmedKpoDetails(kpoId: string, token?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable {\n\n if (kpoId === null || kpoId === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Required parameter kpoId was null or undefined when calling transportConfirmedKpoDetails.');\n }\n\n\n let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()});\n if (token !== undefined && token !== null) {\n queryParameters = queryParameters.set('token', token);\n }\n\n let headers = this.defaultHeaders;\n\n // authentication (Bearer) required\n if (this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]) {\n headers = headers.set('Authorization', this.configuration.apiKeys[\"Authorization\"]);\n }\n\n // to determine the Accept header\n let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [\n 'text/plain',\n 'application/json',\n 'text/json'\n ];\n const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);\n if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) {\n headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);\n }\n\n // to determine the Content-Type header\n const consumes: string[] = [\n ];\n\n return this.httpClient.request('get',`${this.basePath}/api/MobileApp/Sender/Kpo/${encodeURIComponent(String(kpoId))}/AsTransportConfirmed`,\n {\n params: queryParameters,\n withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,\n headers: headers,\n observe: observe,\n reportProgress: reportProgress\n }\n );\n }\n\n}\n","function webpackEmptyAsyncContext(req) {\n\t// Here Promise.resolve().then() is used instead of new Promise() to prevent\n\t// uncaught exception popping up in devtools\n\treturn Promise.resolve().then(function() {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t});\n}\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.keys = function() { return []; };\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.resolve = webpackEmptyAsyncContext;\nmodule.exports = webpackEmptyAsyncContext;\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.id = \"zn8P\";"]}